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Review of Agricultural Economics

1988 - 2009

Continued by Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.

From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
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Volume 31, issue 4, 2009

A Welfare Analysis of the U.S. Ethanol Subsidy pp. 669-676
Xiaodong Du, Dermot Hayes and Mindy Mallory
A Welfare Analysis of the U.S. Ethanol Subsidy pp. 669-676 Downloads
Xiaodong Du, Dermot Hayes and Mindy Mallory
Determinants of Citations to the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Journals pp. 677-694
Christiana E. Hilmer and Jayson Lusk
Determinants of Citations to the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Journals pp. 677-694 Downloads
Christiana E. Hilmer and Jayson Lusk
Submission Patterns, Submission Policies, and Revealed Preferences for Agricultural Economics Journals pp. 695-711
Jayson Lusk and Darren Hudson
Submission Patterns, Submission Policies, and Revealed Preferences for Agricultural Economics Journals pp. 695-711 Downloads
Jayson Lusk and Darren Hudson
The Productivity Effects of Extension Appointments in Land-Grant Colleges pp. 712-733
Jeremy Foltz and Bradford L. Barham
The Productivity Effects of Extension Appointments in Land-Grant Colleges pp. 712-733 Downloads
Jeremy Foltz and Bradford L. Barham
Consumer Response to a Food Safety Shock: The 2006 Food-Borne Illness Outbreak of E. coli O157: H7 Linked to Spinach pp. 734-750
Carlos Arnade, Linda Calvin and Fred Kuchler
Consumer Response to a Food Safety Shock: The 2006 Food-Borne Illness Outbreak of E. coli O157: H7 Linked to Spinach pp. 734-750 Downloads
Carlos Arnade, Linda Calvin and Fred Kuchler
Does One Size Fit All? A Reexamination of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Using the Dynamic Panel Data Approach pp. 751-778
Chien-Chiang Lee, Yi-Bin Chiu and Chia-Hung Sun
Does One Size Fit All? A Reexamination of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Using the Dynamic Panel Data Approach pp. 751-778 Downloads
Chien-Chiang Lee, Yi-Bin Chiu and Chia-Hung Sun
Economic Impact Analysis of Marker-Assisted Breeding for Tolerance to Salinity and Phosphorous Deficiency in Rice pp. 779-792
Vida-Lina Esperanza B. Alpuerto, George Norton, Jeffrey Alwang and Abdelbagi M. Ismail
Economic Impact Analysis of Marker-Assisted Breeding for Tolerance to Salinity and Phosphorous Deficiency in Rice pp. 779-792 Downloads
Vida-Lina Esperanza B. Alpuerto, George Norton, Jeffrey Alwang and Abdelbagi M. Ismail
Costs of Organic Milk Production on U.S. Dairy Farms pp. 793-813
William McBride and Catherine Greene
Costs of Organic Milk Production on U.S. Dairy Farms pp. 793-813 Downloads
William McBride and Catherine Greene
The Impact of Integrated Pest Management Information Dissemination Methods on Insecticide Use and Efficiency: Evidence from Rice Producers in South Vietnam pp. 814-833
Roderick Rejesus, Florencia G. Palis, Aileen V. Lapitan, Truong Thi Ngoc Chi and Mahabub Hossain
The Impact of Integrated Pest Management Information Dissemination Methods on Insecticide Use and Efficiency: Evidence from Rice Producers in South Vietnam pp. 814-833 Downloads
Roderick Rejesus, Florencia G. Palis, Aileen V. Lapitan, Truong Thi Ngoc Chi and Mahabub Hossain
Do Income Support Programs Impact Producer Hedging Decisions? Evidence from a Cross-Country Comparative pp. 834-852
Andrea Woolverton and Michael Sykuta
Do Income Support Programs Impact Producer Hedging Decisions? Evidence from a Cross-Country Comparative pp. 834-852 Downloads
Andrea E. Woolverton and Michael Sykuta
The Economics of Agricultural Information: Factors Affecting Commercial Farmers' Information Strategies in Ohio pp. 853-872
Florian Diekmann, Cäzilia Loibl and Marvin Batte
The Economics of Agricultural Information: Factors Affecting Commercial Farmers’ Information Strategies in Ohio pp. 853-872 Downloads
Florian Diekmann, Cäzilia Loibl and Marvin Batte
An Analysis of Food Demand in China: A Case Study of Urban Households in Jiangsu Province pp. 873-893
Zhihao Zheng and Shida Rastegari Henneberry
An Analysis of Food Demand in China: A Case Study of Urban Households in Jiangsu Province pp. 873-893 Downloads
Zhihao Zheng and Shida Rastegari Henneberry
Estimating Annualized Riparian Buffer Costs for the Harpeth River Watershed pp. 894-913
David Roberts, Christopher Clark, Burton English, William M. Park and Roland Roberts
Estimating Annualized Riparian Buffer Costs for the Harpeth River Watershed pp. 894-913 Downloads
David Roberts, Christopher Clark, Burton English, William M. Park and Roland K. Roberts
Do Government Economists Value AAEA Conferences? pp. 914-930
Joseph Cooper and Daniel Hellerstein
Do Government Economists Value AAEA Conferences? pp. 914-930 Downloads
Joseph Cooper and Daniel Hellerstein
Economics Analysis of Mitigation Strategies for FMD Introduction in Highly Concentrated Animal Feeding Regions pp. 931-950
Levan Elbakidze, Linda Highfield, Michael Ward, Bruce McCarl and Bo Norby
Economics Analysis of Mitigation Strategies for FMD Introduction in Highly Concentrated Animal Feeding Regions pp. 931-950 Downloads
Levan Elbakidze, Linda Highfield, Michael Ward, Bruce McCarl and Bo Norby
Managing a Border Threat: BSE and COOL Effects on the Canadian Beef Industry pp. 952-962
Jared G. Carlberg, Derek G. Brewin and James Rude
Managing a Border Threat: BSE and COOL Effects on the Canadian Beef Industry pp. 952-962 Downloads
Jared G. Carlberg, Derek G. Brewin and James Rude
A Technology-Enhanced Teaching Tool: Tracking Student Adoption and Performance pp. 963-983
Neal H. Hooker, Christopher J. Shanahan, Valerie Rake, Eboni Francis, Charles Popovich and Joanne Dehoney
A Technology-Enhanced Teaching Tool: Tracking Student Adoption and Performance pp. 963-983 Downloads
Neal H. Hooker, Christopher J. Shanahan, Valerie Rake, Eboni Francis, Charles Popovich and Joanne Dehoney
Growing a Niche Market: A Targeted Marketing Plan for Colorado Homestead Ranches pp. 984-998
Dawn Thilmany, Wendy Umberger and Joshua Wilson
Growing a Niche Market: A Targeted Marketing Plan for Colorado Homestead Ranches pp. 984-998 Downloads
Dawn Thilmany, Wendy Umberger and Joshua Wilson
U.S. Dairy Industry Supply Control: Managing the Cooperatives Working Together Program pp. 999-1013
John Siebert and Conrad Lyford
U.S. Dairy Industry Supply Control: Managing the Cooperatives Working Together Program pp. 999-1013 Downloads
John Siebert and Conrad Lyford

Volume 31, issue 3, 2009

The Economics of Dairy Anaerobic Digestion with Coproduct Marketing pp. 394-410
Clark P. Bishop and C. Richard Shumway
The Economics of Dairy Anaerobic Digestion with Coproduct Marketing pp. 394-410 Downloads
Clark P. Bishop and C. Richard Shumway
Estimation of Treatment Effects of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin Using Matching Samples pp. 411-423
Loren W. Tauer
Estimation of Treatment Effects of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin Using Matching Samples pp. 411-423 Downloads
Loren W. Tauer
Agricultural Trade among NAFTA Countries: A Case Study of U.S. Meat Exports pp. 424-445
Shida Rastegari Henneberry and Joao E. Mutondo
Agricultural Trade among NAFTA Countries: A Case Study of U.S. Meat Exports pp. 424-445 Downloads
Shida Rastegari Henneberry and Joao E. Mutondo
Performance Measurement of the Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives: The Gap between Theory and Practice pp. 446-469
Rafat A. M. E. Soboh, Alfons Oude Lansink, Gerard Giesen and Gert van Dijk
Performance Measurement of the Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives: The Gap between Theory and Practice pp. 446-469 Downloads
Rafat A. M. E. Soboh, Alfons Oude Lansink, Gerard Giesen and Gert van Dijk
Understanding Differences in Self-Reported Expenditures between Household Scanner Data and Diary Survey Data: A Comparison of Homescan and Consumer Expenditure Survey pp. 470-492
Chen Zhen, Justin L. Taylor, Mary K. Muth and Ephraim Leibtag
Understanding Differences in Self-Reported Expenditures between Household Scanner Data and Diary Survey Data: A Comparison of Homescan and Consumer Expenditure Survey pp. 470-492 Downloads
Chen Zhen, Justin L. Taylor, Mary K. Muth and Ephraim Leibtag
Production Efficiency of Specialized Swine Producers pp. 493-510
Glynn Tonsor and Allen Featherstone
Production Efficiency of Specialized Swine Producers pp. 493-510 Downloads
Glynn Tonsor and Allen Featherstone
Value-Added Agricultural Enterprises and Local Economic Performance pp. 511-534
Anil Rupasingha
Value-Added Agricultural Enterprises and Local Economic Performance pp. 511-534 Downloads
Anil Rupasingha
The Economics of Soil Fertility Management in Malawi pp. 535-560
Johannes Sauer and Hardwick Tchale
The Economics of Soil Fertility Management in Malawi pp. 535-560 Downloads
Johannes Sauer and Hardwick Tchale
Transaction Costs of Environmental Policies and Returns to Scale: The Case of Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans pp. 561-573
Laura M.J. McCann
Transaction Costs of Environmental Policies and Returns to Scale: The Case of Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans pp. 561-573 Downloads
Laura M.J. McCann
Costs of Adopting a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System: Case Study of a Chinese Poultry Processing Firm pp. 574-588
Zhigang Wang, Huina Yuan and Fred Gale
Costs of Adopting a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System: Case Study of a Chinese Poultry Processing Firm pp. 574-588 Downloads
Zhigang Wang, Huina Yuan and Fred Gale
In Search of a Theory of Shopping Value: The Case of Rural Consumers pp. 589-603
Vincent Amanor-Boadu
In Search of a Theory of Shopping Value: The Case of Rural Consumers pp. 589-603 Downloads
Vincent Amanor-Boadu
Farm Business and Household Expenditure Patterns and Local Communities: Evidence from a National Farm Survey pp. 604-626
Dayton Lambert, Timothy Wojan and Patrick Sullivan
Farm Business and Household Expenditure Patterns and Local Communities: Evidence from a National Farm Survey pp. 604-626 Downloads
Dayton Lambert, Timothy Wojan and Patrick Sullivan
Sunkist Growers: Refreshing the Brand pp. 628-639
Michael Boland, Veronica Pozo and Daniel Sumner
Sunkist Growers: Refreshing the Brand pp. 628-639 Downloads
Michael Boland, Veronica Pozo and Daniel Sumner
Final Exam Scores in Introductory Economics Courses: Effect of Course Delivery Method and Proctoring pp. 640-652
Cheryl Wachenheim
Final Exam Scores in Introductory Economics Courses: Effect of Course Delivery Method and Proctoring pp. 640-652 Downloads
Cheryl Wachenheim
Strategy-Structure Alignment in the World Coffee Industry: The Case of Cooxupé pp. 653-665
Fabio R. Chaddad and Michael Boland
Strategy-Structure Alignment in the World Coffee Industry: The Case of Cooxupé pp. 653-665 Downloads
Fabio R. Chaddad and Michael Boland

Volume 31, issue 2, 2009

The Empirical Distribution of the Costs of Revenue-Based Commodity Support Programs-Estimates and Policy Implications pp. 206-221
Joseph Cooper
The Empirical Distribution of the Costs of Revenue-Based Commodity Support Programs—Estimates and Policy Implications pp. 206-221 Downloads
Joseph Cooper
Are Production Decisions Decoupled under a Bond Scheme? Experimental Evidence pp. 222-230
Amy M. Nagler, Dale J. Menkhaus, Christopher T. Bastian, Nicole S. Ballenger, Erik O'Donoghue and C. Edwin Young
Are Production Decisions Decoupled under a Bond Scheme? Experimental Evidence pp. 222-230 Downloads
Amy M. Nagler, Dale J. Menkhaus, Christopher T. Bastian, Nicole S. Ballenger, Erik O’Donoghue and C. Edwin Young
Environmental Regulation and Innovation Offsets in the Bluegrass Seed Industry pp. 231-246
Aaron Benson and C. Richard Shumway
Environmental Regulation and Innovation Offsets in the Bluegrass Seed Industry pp. 231-246 Downloads
Aaron Benson and C. Richard Shumway
The Direct and Indirect Costs of Food-Safety Regulation pp. 247-265
Michael Ollinger and Danna Moore
The Direct and Indirect Costs of Food-Safety Regulation pp. 247-265 Downloads
Michael Ollinger and Danna Moore
Consumer Valuation of Food Quality and Food Safety Attributes in Vietnam pp. 266-283
Marcus Mergenthaler, Katinka Weinberger and Matin Qaim
Consumer Valuation of Food Quality and Food Safety Attributes in Vietnam pp. 266-283 Downloads
Marcus Mergenthaler, Katinka Weinberger and Matin Qaim
Do the Largest Firms Grow and Diversify the Fastest? The Case of U.S. Dairies pp. 284-302
Almuhanad Melhim, Erik O'Donoghue and C. Richard Shumway
Do the Largest Firms Grow and Diversify the Fastest? The Case of U.S. Dairies pp. 284-302 Downloads
Almuhanad Melhim, Erik J. O’Donoghue and C. Richard Shumway
Estimating the Value of an Early-Warning System pp. 303-329
Michael Roberts, David Schimmelpfennig, Michael Livingston and Elizabeth Ashley
Estimating the Value of an Early-Warning System pp. 303-329 Downloads
Michael Roberts, David Schimmelpfennig, Michael Livingston and Elizabeth Ashley
A Laboratory Science Approach to Teaching in the Agricultural Economics Curriculum pp. 331-343
Norbert Wilson and Robert G. Nelson
A Laboratory Science Approach to Teaching in the Agricultural Economics Curriculum pp. 331-343 Downloads
Norbert L.W. Wilson and Robert G. Nelson
Assessing the Effect of Bilateral Collaborations on Learning Outcomes pp. 344-358
Joshua Duke and Titus Awokuse
Assessing the Effect of Bilateral Collaborations on Learning Outcomes pp. 344-358 Downloads
Joshua Duke and Titus Awokuse
Marketing Organic Pasta from Big Sandy to Rome: It's a Long Kamut-super-® pp. 359-369
Gary W. Brester, Brenna Grant and Michael Boland
Marketing Organic Pasta from Big Sandy to Rome: It’s a Long Kamut® pp. 359-369 Downloads
Gary W. Brester, Brenna Grant and Michael Boland
Expansion Opportunity at Triple F Farms: A Case Study pp. 370-382
Karl N. Jodock, Cheryl S. DeVuyst and Eric DeVuyst
Expansion Opportunity at Triple F Farms: A Case Study pp. 370-382 Downloads
Karl N. Jodock, Cheryl S. DeVuyst and Eric DeVuyst
American Crystal Sugar Company: Making Ethanol from Sugar Beets? pp. 383-392
Gregory McKee, Michael Boland and Alex Offerdahl
American Crystal Sugar Company: Making Ethanol from Sugar Beets? pp. 383-392 Downloads
Gregory McKee, Michael Boland and Alex Offerdahl

Volume 31, issue 1, 2009

Does Health Information Matter for Modifying Consumption? A Field Experiment Measuring the Impact of Risk Information on Fish Consumption pp. 2-20 Downloads
Jutta Roosen, Stéphan Marette, Sandrine Blanchemanche and Philippe Verger
Does Health Information Matter for Modifying Consumption? A Field Experiment Measuring the Impact of Risk Information on Fish Consumption pp. 2-20 Downloads
Jutta Roosen, Stéphan Marette, Sandrine Blanchemanche and Philippe Verger
What Have We Learned from Over 20 Years of Farmland Amenity Valuation Research in North America? pp. 21-49 Downloads
John Bergstrom and Richard Ready
What Have We Learned from Over 20 Years of Farmland Amenity Valuation Research in North America? pp. 21-49 Downloads
John Bergstrom and Richard Ready
A Place for Water Markets: Performance and Challenges pp. 50-67 Downloads
Ereney Hadjigeorgalis
A Place for Water Markets: Performance and Challenges pp. 50-67 Downloads
Ereney Hadjigeorgalis
Getting Something from Nothing: An Investigation of Beef Demand Expansion and Substitution pp. 68-87 Downloads
Michael Gunderson, Jayson Lusk and Bailey Norwood
Getting Something from Nothing: An Investigation of Beef Demand Expansion and Substitution pp. 68-87 Downloads
Michael Gunderson, Jayson Lusk and Bailey Norwood
Investing in Perennial Pasture Improvement: A Real Options Analysis pp. 88-102 Downloads
Peter Tozer and Jeffrey Stokes
Investing in Perennial Pasture Improvement: A Real Options Analysis pp. 88-102 Downloads
Peter Tozer and Jeffrey Stokes
Choice of Coordination Mechanism in the Kenyan Fresh Milk Supply Chain pp. 103-121 Downloads
Awudu Abdulai and Eliud A. Birachi
Choice of Coordination Mechanism in the Kenyan Fresh Milk Supply Chain pp. 103-121 Downloads
Awudu Abdulai and Eliud A. Birachi
Biases in Calculating Dumping Margins: The Case of Cyclical Products pp. 122-142 Downloads
James Rude and Jean-Philippe Gervais
Biases in Calculating Dumping Margins: The Case of Cyclical Products pp. 122-142 Downloads
James Rude and Jean-Philippe Gervais
Purchase of Catastrophe Insurance by Dutch Dairy and Arable Farmers pp. 143-162 Downloads
Victor A. Ogurtsov, Marcel A.P.M. van Asseldonk and Ruud B.M. Huirne
Purchase of Catastrophe Insurance by Dutch Dairy and Arable Farmers pp. 143-162 Downloads
Victor A. Ogurtsov, Marcel A.P.M. van Asseldonk and Ruud B.M. Huirne
Crop Yield Distributions: A Reconciliation of Previous Research and Statistical Tests for Normality pp. 163-182 Downloads
Ardian Harri, Cumhur Erdem, Keith Coble and Thomas O. Knight
Crop Yield Distributions: A Reconciliation of Previous Research and Statistical Tests for Normality pp. 163-182 Downloads
Ardian Harri, Cumhur Erdem, Keith Coble and Thomas O. Knight
The Allocation of Nutrient Load Reduction across a Watershed: Assessing Delivery Coefficients as an Implementation Tool pp. 183-204 Downloads
Hongli Feng, Manoj Jha and Phil Gassman
The Allocation of Nutrient Load Reduction across a Watershed: Assessing Delivery Coefficients as an Implementation Tool pp. 183-204 Downloads
Hongli Feng, Manoj Jha and Phil Gassman
Page updated 2025-03-28