Social Science Japan Journal
2010 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kenneth Mori McElwain From University of Tokyo and Oxford University Press Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 2, 2024
- Scars of the job market “ice-age” pp. 133-148

- Ayako Kondo
- Conspiracy theories and the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: the rise, radicalization, and fall (?) of YamatoQ-kai pp. 149-168

- Yoko Demelius and Kamila Szczepanska
- Public opinion and expert critique: reconsidering the role of constitutional scholars in Japan’s security policy pp. 169-182

- Tatsuya Iseki and Sou Shinomoto
- Having a granddaughter and voting for female candidates pp. 183-198

- Eiji Yamamura
- Barking up the wrong tree? Voter bias and female underrepresentation in Japanese politics pp. 199-219

- Sijeong Lim and Seiki Tanaka
- Self-restraint behavior and partisanship during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a list experiment in Japan pp. 221-229

- Masaki Hata
- Partisanship and attribution of responsibility during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan pp. 231-239

- Kakeru Okamoto and Masahiro Zenkyo
- The power of preferences: productivity and stress in new teleworkers during COVID-19 pp. 241-259

- Georg D Blind, Stefania Lottanti von Mandach, Masahiro Kotosaka and David Chiavacci
- Eleven Winters of Discontent: The Siberian Internment and the Making of a New Japan pp. 261-264

- Eiji Oguma
- 47 Todōfuken no Chihō Jichi: ‘Shichōson e no Kengen Ijō’ ni miru Seido Unyō no Hikaku Kenkyū (Local Governance in the 47 Prefectures: Comparative Analysis of Institutional Operations in the Transfer of Authority to Municipalities) pp. 265-268

- Satoshi Machidori
- Sengo Nihon no Anzen Hoshō: Nichibei Dōmei, Kenpō 9 jō kara NSC made (Japan’s Postwar National Security: From the US-Japan Alliance and Article 9 to the NSC) pp. 269-272

- Marco Zappa
- Japan, the Sustainable Society: The Artisanal Ethos, Ordinary Virtues, and Everyday Life in the Age of Limits pp. 273-276

- Liliana Morais
- Coed Revolution: The Female Student in the Japanese New Left pp. 277-280

- Till Knaudt
- Korona Kiki no Seiji: Abe Seiken vs. Chiji (The Politics of the COVID-19 Crisis: The Abe Administration vs. the Governors) pp. 281-283

- Izuru Makihara
- Education and Social Justice in Japan pp. 285-287

- Roger Goodman
- Inglorious, Illegal Bastards: Japan’s Self-Defense Force during the Cold War pp. 289-292

- Garren Mulloy
- Nihon Kyōsantō – “Kakumei” o Yume mita 100-nen (The Japanese Communist Party: 100 Years of Dreaming of “Revolution”) pp. 293-295

- Kuniaki Nemoto
Volume 27, issue 1, 2024
- The Winner of the 2023 ISS-OUP Prize pp. 1-2

- Kenneth Mori McElwain
- In Remembrance of Ehud Hararia pp. 3-4

- Kenneth Mori McElwain
- The unlikely successful advancement of Japan’s e-government under Suga pp. 5-20

- Raymond Yamamoto and Karen Ejersbo Iversen
- Low-Skilled Migrant Labor Schemes in Japan’s Agriculture: Voices From the Field pp. 21-40

- Glenda S Roberts and Noriko Fujita
- Why Not Mahan? Path Dependence in Modern Japanese Geostrategic Thinking of the Pacific pp. 41-56

- Nobuo Haruna
- The US–Japan alliance and the role of the US Marines on Okinawa in extended deterrence pp. 57-76

- Paul O’Shea
- Does cooperation with multiple actors diffuse the government’s responsibility in the implementation of COVID-19 measures? pp. 77-90

- Tatsuya Iseki, Sohei Shigemura, Shun Ikeda and Hideo Ishima
- Ideating University Reform in Japan pp. 91-100

- Jeremy Breaden
- Fukushima and Civil Society: The Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement from a Socio-Political Perspective pp. 101-102

- Daniel P Aldrich
- Arbiters of Patriotism: Right-Wing Scholars in Imperial Japan pp. 103-106

- Orion Klautau
- Housing in Post-Growth Society: Japan on the Edge of Social Transition pp. 107-110

- Yoshimichi Yui
- Toshi Kyojū no Shakaigaku: Shakai Chōsa kara yomitoku Nihon no Jūtaku Seisaku (Sociology of Urban Settlements: Japanese Housing Policy as Interpreted from Social Surveys) pp. 111-112

- Yosuke Sunahara
- Harvesting State Support: Institutional Change and Local Agency in Japanese Agriculture (Rieki-dantai nai no dotai to seiken kōtai: Nōgyō hyō no yukai) pp. 113-114

- Kazunori Kawamura
- Rethinking Locality in Japan pp. 115-118

- Stephanie Assmann
- Kyoto Revisited: Heritage Tourism in Contemporary Japan (Maasai on the Lawn: Tourist Realism in East Africa) pp. 119-120

- Christoph Brumann
- Ryokan: Mobilizing Hospitality in Rural Japan (Hearing Voices, Joining the Chorus: Appropriating Someone Else’s Fieldnotes) pp. 121-124

- Millie Creighton
- Reworking Japan: Changing Men at Work and Play under Neoliberalism (Hegemonic, Nonhegemonic, and “New” Masculinities) pp. 125-128

- Christopher Tso
Volume 26, issue 2, 2023
- Disability Prestige and Perceived Disability Disadvantage: Intersubjective Structure of Disability as a Social Disadvantage in the Japanese Metropolitan Area pp. 157-174

- Kenjiro Sakakibara
- Detecting Air Pollution Clusters in Japan: A Spatial Analysis Approach pp. 175-200

- Alvaro Dominguez
- Setting Down the Skewer: Japan’s Brazilian Food Businesses During the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 201-214

- Rumika Suzuki Hillyer
- Flexibly Maintained Inequality in Workplace Flexibility: Absolute and Relative Shifts in Telework Under Covid-19 pp. 215-234

- Satoshi Araki
- Policy, Society, and Immigrants in Japan pp. 235-242

- Deborah J Milly
- Yasukuni Fundamentalism: Japanese Religions and the Politics of Restoration pp. 243-246

- Sven Saaler
- Women and Political Inequality in Japan: Gender Imbalanced Democracy pp. 247-250

- Alisa Gaunder
- Japan in the Heisei Era (1989–2019): Multidisciplinary Perspectives pp. 251-254

- Annette Schad-Seifert
- Sengo nihon no kankei shūfuku gaikō: Kokusai seiji riron ni yoru rekishi bunseki (Postwar Japanese Relations Restoration Diplomacy: Historical Analysis Through International Political Theory) pp. 255-258

- Mayumi Itayama
- Sengo nihon no ‘kakushin’ seiryoku—teikō to suibō no seijishi (Reformists in Postwar Japan: A Postwar History of Opposition and Decline) pp. 259-262

- Romeo Marcantuoni
- Health Insurance Politics in Japan: Policy Development, Government, and the Japan Medical Association pp. 263-266

- Susanne Brucksch
- Kyōkaisen no gakkōshi: Sengo nihon no gakkōka shakai no shūen to shūhen (Boundaries of Japanese Public Education: A History of Schooling Society and Its Borders) pp. 267-269

- Peter Cave
Volume 26, issue 1, 2023
- The Winner of the 2022 ISS-OUP Prize pp. 1-2

- Kenneth Mori McELWAIN
- Doing Intimacy in Pandemic Times: Findings of a Large-Scale Survey Among Singles in Japan pp. 3-26

- Nora Kottmann and Laura Dales
- Hate on the Bookshelves: Explaining the Phenomenon of Anti-Korean Hate Books in Japan pp. 27-46

- Ulv Hanssen and Eun Hee Woo
- Social Identification and Redistribution Preference: A Survey Experiment in Japan pp. 47-60

- Katsunori Seki
- The Gender Gap in the Returns From College Education in Japan: The Impact of Attending a High-Ranking College pp. 61-76

- Wen Li, Kunio Urakawa and Fumihiko Suga
- Workers, Neighbours, or Something Else? Local Policies and Policy Narratives of Technical Intern Training Program Participants pp. 77-92

- Yunchen Tian
- Ties of Possibility: Selecting Future Founders in Tokyo’s Start-up Ecosystem pp. 93-112

- Bjol R Frenkenberger
- China and Japan: Facing History pp. 113-116

- Nancy Snow
- Japan’s New Regional Reality: Geoeconomic Strategy in the Asia-Pacific pp. 117-120

- Kei Koga
- Higashi ajia no naka no mantetsu (The South Manchuria Railway in East Asia) pp. 121-124

- Naofumi Nakamura
- Prisoners of the Empire: Inside Japanese POW Camps pp. 125-128

- Jeremy A Yellen
- Anzenhoshō to bōeiryoku no sengoshi, 1971-2010: ‘Kibanteki bōeiryoku kōsō’ no jidai (Unintended Consensus: A History of Postwar Japan’s Defense Concept) pp. 129-132

- Tsuyoshi Kawasaki
- Tōchi no dezain: Nihon no kenpō kaisei o kangaeru tame ni pp. 133-136

- Christian G Winkler
- Articulating Asia in Japanese Higher Education: Policy, Partnership and Mobility pp. 137-140

- Tatsuya Maisawa
- Making Our Own Destiny: Single Women, Opportunity, and Family in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo pp. 141-144

- Anne Aronsson
- Masculinity and Body Weight in Japan: Grappling with Metabolic Syndrome pp. 145-148

- Masafumi Monden
- Koyō kankei to shakaiteki fubyōdō: Sangyōteki shitizunshippu keisei tenkai to shite no kōzō hendō (Employment Relations and Social Inequalities: Social Structural Changes Shaped by the Development of Industrial Citizenship) pp. 149-152

- Hiroshi Kanbayashi
- Betting on the Farm: Institutional Change in Japanese Agriculture pp. 153-155

- Hanno Jentzsch
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