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Public Finance Quarterly

2005 - 2024

From Corvinus University of Budapest
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Volume 70, issue 4, 2024

Dear Reader! pp. 5-7 Downloads
Lukács János
Tax rate cuts and tax compliance – the Laffer curve revisited pp. 9-28 Downloads
Tamás K. Papp and Elod Takats
Tax evasion - The behavioral background pp. 29-47 Downloads
Péter Darák, Tamás Gyekiczky, Dóra Lovas and Róbert Somogyi
Financial literacy and its development prospects: insights from Hungarian and international literature pp. 48-62 Downloads
Péter Zentai and Judit Molnárné Kovács
Competitiveness Challenges and Opportunities in Light of the Draghi Report pp. 63-78 Downloads
Peter Juhasz
Analysis of the Liquidity Situation of the U.S. Banking System in Light of the 2023 Bank Failures pp. 79-97 Downloads
Lilla Tünde Sáfi and Gábor Kürthy
IFRS 9 Classification Aspects – Measurement of Sustainability-Linked Loans at Amortised Cost or Fair Value pp. 98-116 Downloads
Adrienn Veit and Elvira Böcskei
Economic Security of Poland pp. 117-141 Downloads
Balázs Taksás, Grzegorz Waszkiewicz, Mariusz Gontarczyk and Jarosław Zelkowski
Career interview with Professor Tamás Bánfi pp. 142-146 Downloads
Gábor Kürthy
Financial Resilience and recovery from inflation shock Report about a Ludovika University Conference pp. 147-154 Downloads
Gábor Kutasi
Morgan Housel. (2020). The Psychology of Money:Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness. Harriman House pp. 155-161 Downloads
Pasztor, Sabrina, K. and Tamas Pesuth

Volume 70, issue 3, 2024

Foreword pp. 5-7 Downloads
Lukács János
Changes in the understanding of competitiveness and the conditions for improving Hungarian competitiveness in the light of these changes pp. 9-29 Downloads
Magdolna Csath
Public debt in the East of Eden - how does the euro serve the sustainability of public finances? pp. 30-46 Downloads
Veronika Deák and Zsuzsanna Novák
Where are real interest rates heading ? Inflation and growth paradoxes in our Central European region pp. 47-69 Downloads
András Giday and Szilvia Mária Szegő
Inflation, monetary pain, fiscal relief pp. 70-86 Downloads
Gábor Kutasi, Vivien Czeczeli and Piroska Szalai
The inflation situation in Hungary: Response to Katalin Botos „Inflation and our finances” and István Ábel – Gergely Bognár – Máté Lóga – Attila István Szabó „Changes in the explanation of inflation” pp. 87-100 Downloads
József Varga and Zoltán Sipiczki
The impact of capital gains manipulation on the financial reporting of football clubs – the Plusvalenza case and Juventus pp. 101-119 Downloads
Bálint Házi and Balázs Tóth
The Hungarian municipal governments in public accounting pp. 120-121 Downloads
Árpád Kovács
When the classical approach is not enough – An in-depth analysis of the populist transformation of economic policies in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 122-126 Downloads
József Ráti
Interview with Prof. Dr. Katalin Botos pp. 127-132 Downloads
Szabolcs Grébel
Report on the 2024 Conference on Mechanism and Institution Design pp. 133-137 Downloads
Péter Biró, Márton Benedek, Kolos Agoston and Dávid Losonci

Volume 70, issue 2, 2024

Foreword pp. 5-7 Downloads
Lukács János
Distortions in the investment system driven by financial markets pp. 9-29 Downloads
Iván Bélyácz and Katalin Daubner
Metamorphoses: the relationship between banking and economic modernisation in post-World War II France pp. 30-62 Downloads
György Kovács and László Bartók
Stock market decision-making in the light of prospect theory pp. 63-89 Downloads
Artur Lóránd Lakatos and Ákos Botos
Behavioural Macroeconomics: Unveiling the Psychology of Inflation Expectations pp. 90-105 Downloads
Eva Sirakovova
Memorandum of Understanding and firm performance: A Performance assessment of MoU adopted public sector enterprises in India pp. 106-127 Downloads
Ishha Chhabra and Seema Gupta
Inequality from a theoretical-historical perspective pp. 128-136 Downloads
Benedek Lits
Interview with Mihály Varga, Minister of Finance pp. 137-140 Downloads
Tamás Pesuth
Report on the 38th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation pp. 141-147 Downloads
Kata Váradi, Ágnes Vaskövi and Agnes Vidovics-Dancs

Volume 70, issue 1, 2024

Foreword pp. 5-6 Downloads
Lukács János
Meritocratic economic policies in the service of the middle class pp. 7-27 Downloads
László György, Gergely Horváth and Dániel Molnár
Evolution of the revenue/ expenditure structure and passenger cost coverage ratio of regular passenger transport between 2007 and 2022 pp. 29-49 Downloads
Balázs Ács and István Kövesdi
The role of compliance in the operation of credit institutions pp. 49-65 Downloads
Andrea Pelei and Petra Benedek
The impact of tax revenue on Azerbaijan’s economic growth pp. 66-82 Downloads
Nurkhodzsa Akbulaev
Digitalisation, digital transformation – In the practice of the National Tax and Customs Office pp. 83-107 Downloads
Anikó Vozár and Erika Bán
Changes in the explanation of inflation pp. 108-130 Downloads
Istvan Abel, Gergely Bognár, Máté Lóga and István Attila Szabó
Money as a social technology pp. 131-136 Downloads
Szabolcs Grébel
Interview with Dr. Iván Bélyácz pp. 137-139 Downloads
Vivien Csapi
Report on ‚The Central & Eastern European Forum 2024’ conference pp. 140-143 Downloads
Tamás Pesuth and Szabolcs Grébel

Volume 69, issue 4, 2023

The effect of quantitative easing on US sector returns pp. 7-27 Downloads
Kristóf Lehmann, Gabor Neszveda and Tamás Molnár
Funding gap in the Hungarian venture capital market pp. 28-44 Downloads
András Póra and Árpád Szőcs
The COVID-19 pandemic and discouraged borrowers among Hungarian companies pp. 45-61 Downloads
Zsolt Szabó
The reflexive relationship between financial and social exclusion for the selected Central-Eastern European countries pp. 62-83 Downloads
Byambasuren Dorjnyambuu
Inflation and finance pp. 84-94 Downloads
Katalin Botos
The last 22 years of student lending – Analysis of the socio-economic impact of the student loan product family pp. 95-108 Downloads
Bálint Duráczky
Which money is more reliable? Book review pp. 109-113 Downloads
Pál Czeglédi

Volume 69, issue 3, 2023

Foreword- Prof. Dr. Lukács János, Editor-in-Chief pp. 5-6 Downloads
Lukács János
Rule-based budgeting and the financial stability – the European solution pp. 7-30 Downloads
Árpád Kovács
Acceptance of large corporate receivables as collateral – the practice of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank in view of the principles of collateral management, with a specific focus on legal risks pp. 31-52 Downloads
Dániel Lerner-Nagy, András Straubinger and Dániel Szabadkai
Integration of financial institutions supported with data asset development – Magyar Bankholding case study pp. 53-71 Downloads
Gábor Vajda, Antal Martzy, Zoltán Lovász and Zoltán Zéman
Euro area economic growth between 2010 and 2019 in the light of secular stagnation theory pp. 72-88 Downloads
Tibor Tatay and Eszter Kazinczy
Handling outliers in bankruptcy prediction models based on logistic regression pp. 89-103 Downloads
Tünde Katalin Szántó
A stagflation-proof bill of exchange circulation model – Presentation and evaluation pp. 104-119 Downloads
Zsuzsanna Novák and Zsuzsanna Szalay
Non-growth or social collapse?! pp. 120-124 Downloads
Tamás Pesuth
Interview with Dr. Péter Halmai pp. 125-130 Downloads
Pál Péter Kolozsi

Volume 69, issue 2, 2023

Prof. Dr. Lukács János, Editor-in-Chief pp. 5-6 Downloads
Lukács János
Prof. Dr. Takáts Előd, Rector of Corvinus University of Budapest pp. 7-7 Downloads
Elod Takats
Dr. Windisch László, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary pp. 8-9 Downloads
László Windisch
Characteristics of splitting family tax benefit and strategies of those choosing the splitting pp. 11-29 Downloads
Éva Szabóné Bonifert
The impact of convergence of inequalities in the European Union since 2004 pp. 30-50 Downloads
Tünde Gergics
The perfect quality model and the quality of public finances pp. 51-66 Downloads
László Csorba
Compilation of an International Journal List in the HAS IX. Section of the Doctoral Committee for Economics and Management pp. 67-80 Downloads
Imre Dobos, Péter Halmai and Péter László Sasvári
The system of Hungarian sport financing, with special regard to public finance aspects pp. 81-98 Downloads
Nikolett Ágnes Tóth and Gábor Mátrai
Squaring the Circle, or a Quantified Rating of ESG Reports pp. 99-117 Downloads
Tibor Hajdu, Lukács János and Anita Reizingerné Ducsai
Analysis of the performance of predictive models during Covid-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian war pp. 118-132 Downloads
László Vancsura and Tibor Bareith
Apocalypse?! – Garden of Eden?! pp. 133-136 Downloads
Tamás Pesuth
For the 70th birthday of Prof. Száz pp. 137-142 Downloads
Ágnes Vidovics Dancs

Volume 69, issue 1, 2023

Sustainability or Survivability? pp. 7-8 Downloads
Eörs Szathmáry
Quo Vadis, Market Economy? Challenges of Sustainability and Values, Possible Answers pp. 9-28 Downloads
György Kocziszky
Financing a Sustainable Economy in Hungary, Opportunities and Challenges: Decarbonisation, Green Transition, Sustainable Finance, Central Bank pp. 29-45 Downloads
Csaba Kandrács
Sustainable Growth, Growth Potential. Tendencies of Potential Growth in the European Union pp. 46-63 Downloads
Péter Halmai
Spatial Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals pp. 64-74 Downloads
József Benedek
Sustainable Employment pp. 75-90 Downloads
Kolos Kardkovács
Fiscal Sustainability in Focus pp. 91-107 Downloads
Gergely Baksay and Gabor Kiss
The Most Recent Alliance between Faith and Knowledge to Save our Created World pp. 108-113 Downloads
Ibolya Török and Egon Nagy
New Economics for Sustainability pp. 114-118 Downloads
Pál Péter Kolozsi
Sustainability, in other Words Responsibility for the Future, is Fundamentally a Question of Values pp. 119-122 Downloads
Zsuzsanna Hornyik
Page updated 2025-03-26