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Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) Proceedings

2013 - 2023

From Smart-EDU Hub, Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies & Public Administration
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Volume 11, month June, 2023

Promisiunile Inteligentei Artificiale (AI) Administratiei Publice si Oraselor Inteligente pp. 9-46 Downloads
Catalin Vrabie
The role of uses and gratification theory and technology acceptance model in the adoption and usage of wearable technology pp. 47-55 Downloads
Dan Florin Stanescu and Marius Constantin Romascanu
Modele de design organizational in sectorul aviatic European si efectele acestora asupra conditiilor de munca ale angajatilor pp. 57-76 Downloads
Cristina Leovaridis and Florin-Domnel Grafu
Towards a smart democracy: increased trust in political leaders pp. 77-86 Downloads
Irina-Ana Drobot
Industrial afterlife: a tale of three cities pp. 87-104 Downloads
Monica-Mihaela Frangulea and Iulia Toader
Implications of the circular economy for cultural heritage protection in smart cities pp. 105-122 Downloads
Rodica-Mariana Ion
Implicatiile economiei circulare in protectia patrimoniului cultural din orasele inteligente pp. 123-142 Downloads
Rodica-Mariana Ion
Landscaping of a park in the area of the former Military Units in the Municipality of Alexandria pp. 143-156 Downloads
Anne Marie Gacichevici
Amenajare peisagistica a unui parc in zona fostei Unitati Militare in municipiul Alexandria pp. 157-170 Downloads
Anne Marie Gacichevici
Marketing insights when shifting cybersecurity technologies to the cloud or hybrid cloud in the context of smart cities pp. 171-184 Downloads
Guy Waizel
Challenges and opportunities in designing data structures for a smart city pp. 185-196 Downloads
Costel Ciuchi, Alin Bonciu, Ana-Maria Dinca and Mihai Stoian
Disinformation using artificial intelligence technologies – akey component of Russian hybrid warfare pp. 197-222 Downloads
Ina Virtosu and Mihai Goian
Mainstreaming New European Bauhaus for green innovationtransformation in Romanian Regions – insights into SouthMuntenia Region pp. 223-240 Downloads
Nicoleta Topirceanu
Space technologies, smart cities, and national security: asmart(er) state synergy pp. 241-252 Downloads
Ulpia-Elena Botezatu
Collective housing for seniors in Romania,in a paradigm ofactive and healthy ageing in community–from smartadaptation to architectural and design innovation pp. 253-274 Downloads
Mihaela Zamfir, Ileana Ciobanu, Andreea Georgiana Marin and Mihai-Viorel Zamfir
Digital divide, smart assistive technologies and ageing people pp. 275-292 Downloads
Ileana Ciobanu, Matei Teodorescu, Andreea Georgiana Marin, Mihai-Viorel Zamfir, Francesco Agnoloni, Mihaela Zamfir, Rozeta Draghici, Alina Iliescu, Peiman Alipour Sarvari, Jensen Joymangul, Laszlo Irsay and Mihai Berteanu
Regional innovative schemes of the educational capacity building for the smart specialization in the human settlements in the Republic of Moldova pp. 293-304 Downloads
Sergiu Tutunaru, Anatolie Babin and Ion Covalenco
The role of NHIH in the digitalization of health, smart citycondition pp. 305-312 Downloads
Cristina Teodora Siclovan
Rolul CNAS in digitalizarea sanatatii, conditie smart city pp. 313-320 Downloads
Cristina Teodora Siclovan
Perspectives and implications in the use of artificialintelligence in healthcare pp. 321-332 Downloads
Narcis Dumitru Badea
Teoria grafurilor in optimizarea retelelor de infrastructura urbana intr-un oras inteligent pp. 333-344 Downloads
Florentina Pana-Micu
The role of digitization in the architecture of the judicial system in Romania, between sustainability and innovation pp. 363-380 Downloads
Valentin – Stelian Badescu and Ruxandra Ioana Badescu
Integrated European–level measures regarding artificial intelligence in relation to human rights pp. 381-386 Downloads
Georgiana Madalina Mihaila
Masuri integrate la nivel european privind inteligenta artificiala in raport cu drepturile omului pp. 387-392 Downloads
Georgiana Madalina Mihaila
Hyperconnected horizons:decoding the digital sovereignty of european smart cities pp. 393-400 Downloads
Adrian-Victor Vevera and Ulpia-Elena Botezatu
Smart parking solutions: a comparative study of parking space subleasing models in smart cities pp. 401-408 Downloads
Mihai Adrian Lungu
Un studiu comparativ al modelelor de subinchiriere a locurilor de parcare in orase inteligente pp. 409-418 Downloads
Mihai Adrian Lungu
Natural disaster and measures needed to reduce them pp. 419-422 Downloads
Cristiana Sirbu
Smart and empathetic: the dual imperatives of effective political leadership pp. 423-432 Downloads
Ioana Andreea Dogeanu
How research and development spending shapes societal welfare and sustainability metrics in Europe pp. 433-442 Downloads
Ioana-Maria Ursache and Madalina-Ioana Petrea
Energy ecosystems layered over hydrogen valleys for sustainable smart communities. Strategic framework for the Green Deal Industrial Plan implementation in Romania pp. 443-498 Downloads
Vlad Stoicescu, Catalin Vrabie and Teodora Bitoiu
Smart public transit insights pp. 499-514 Downloads
Alexandru Siromascenko, Cosmin Popa and Corina Dima
IoT systems for efficient preservation of cultural heritage pp. 515-526 Downloads
Andrei Danila, Robert-Alexandru Streche, Filip-Emanuel Osiac, Andrei-Mihai Sterea, Cristina Dobre and George Suciu
Educational needs in green education: a survey-based exploration among Romanian students pp. 527-538 Downloads
Miruna-Elena Iliescu
Employing AI in Regional Development: The Need for a Strategic Approach pp. 539-548 Downloads
Gabriela Marchis
Citizenship and Public Space. A Gender Perspective pp. 549-558 Downloads
Catalina Francu
Enhancing irrigation systems with SolarEdge technology pp. 559-569 Downloads
George Suciu, Robert Florescu, Stefania Dinu and Maria Niculae

Volume 10, month November, 2022

Deep Learning. Viitorul inteligenței artificiale și impactul acesteia asupra dezvoltării tehnologiei pp. 9-32 Downloads
Catalin Vrabie
Using a modern honeypot model to defend smart cities and provide early detection to APT and ransomware attacks pp. 33-46 Downloads
Guy Waizel
Guarding the Digital Health Data as Front Gate: Strengthening Healthcare Data Security in Indonesian Smart Cities pp. 47-60 Downloads
Juan Anthonio Salas, Muhammad Iqbal and Lakuntara Pallahidu
Protecting Sensitive Data in LoRa Based Smart City Networks: Challenges and Best Practices pp. 61-68 Downloads
Lakuntara Pallahidu, Muhammad Iqbal and Juan Anthonio Salas
Some considerations regarding the trilemma of technological civilization: between tradition, conservatism and revolution or about Traditional Education vs. Digital education pp. 69-98 Downloads
Valentin Stelian Badescu and Ruxandra Ioana Badescu
Unele considerații referitoare la trilema civilizației tehnologice: între tradiție, conservaționism și revoluție sau despre Educaţia tradiţională vs. Educaţia digitală pp. 99-128 Downloads
Valentin Stelian Badescu and Ruxandra Ioana Badescu
Creation of a distinct culture for the overall system Compliance, IT security and Data protection in municipalities in Germany pp. 129-136 Downloads
Christian Schachtner
Health Policies in Times of Crisis pp. 137-148 Downloads
Narcis Dumitru Badea
URBAN IDENTITY Highlighting the Landmarks - The Tale of One City pp. 149-166 Downloads
Monica Mihaela Frangulea
On the need to create a monitoring system for safe gas consumption in multi apartment residential buildings for a smart city pp. 167-170 Downloads
Archil Prangishvili, Nugzar Iashvili and Iuri Khutashvili
Smart Aspects of Academic Life: Research and Education pp. 171-180 Downloads
Irina Ana Drobot
The Future of Education: Considerations on Technology and Peer Interaction in Facilitating the Learning Process for a Personalised Education pp. 181-190 Downloads
Manuela Elena Concioiu and George Eduard Ristoscu
Sustainable architecture for smart people a topic for lobbying activities pp. 191-205 Downloads
Ioana Andreea Dogeanu and Alexandru Zorlescu
Monitoring city water incidents via an Internet of Things-based sensor network pp. 207-214 Downloads
Ioan Florin Voicu and Daniel Constantin Diaconu
Azerbaijan s smart cities villages concepts for Karabagh region. How real and doable to lead to success pp. 215-225 Downloads
Hakim Alasgarov
Transformarea societății românești în era talentelor digitale. Rolul resursei umane pp. 227-236 Downloads
Madalina Georgiana Mihaila
Transforming Romanian society in the age of digital talent. The role of human resources pp. 237-246 Downloads
Madalina Georgiana Mihaila
Knowledge dynamics for smart leaders and smart cities pp. 247-262 Downloads
Andreea Bianca Camara
Urban mobility and accessibility of public transport in Bucharest pp. 263-272 Downloads
Alexandra Iancu
Digital twins, the software solution for safer cities pp. 273-282 Downloads
George Suciu and Cosmina Stalidi
eWarranty, the solution for buyers, stores and services pp. 283-288 Downloads
Adriana Malureanu and Gabriel Lazar
The Role of Small Medical Units in a Smart City The Case of Timisoara pp. 289-298 Downloads
Daniela Reisz, Raluca Tudor and Iulia Crisan
Accelerating innovation at the confluence of public, political, citizen interests pp. 299-310 Downloads
Valentin Stelian Badescu and Ruxandra Ioana Badescu
Accelerarea inovației la confluența intereselor publice și cetățenești – cu privire deosebită asupra lumii juridice din România pp. 311-322 Downloads
Valentin Stelian Badescu and Ruxandra Ioana Badescu
Implementation of digital reforms in public administration through efficient management of intelligent systems pp. 323-336 Downloads
Grigore Teodor Samoila
Bias in artificial intelligence pp. 337-344 Downloads
Grigorina Boce
Designing an integrated modern parking in a crowded city area a case study pp. 345-356 Downloads
Lucian Lobont and Robert Razvan Cosmin Muntoiu
Dynamic Management of Traffic and Public Transport at the level of an Integrated Management Center of Urban Mobility pp. 357-366 Downloads
Silviu Constantin Dobre
Automatic Number Plate Recognition using YOLOv5 pp. 367-374 Downloads
Agnia Codreanu, Razvan Alexandru Bratulescu, Pavel Muresan, Mari Anais Sachian and George Suciu
The role of small and medium enterprises in smart life anddevelopment pp. 375-380 Downloads
Hasan Makkawi and Jamal Dawoud
Shaping smart sustainable urban futures pp. 381-386 Downloads
Mauro Romanelli and Antonella Romanelli
Blockchain applications in smart grid pp. 387-394 Downloads
George Suciu, Mari Anais Sachian, Grigor Parangoni, Maria Niculae and Robert Florescu
Smart Cities linking cyber resilience to outer space security pp. 395-406 Downloads
Ulpia Elena Botezatu
The Symbiotic Threat of Human Error, Intended Action and Cybernetic Security System pp. 407-416 Downloads
Dragos Cosmin Lucian Preda and Monica Mihaela Frangulea
The development of e health in the health system of the Republic of Moldova a tool for sustainability in the context of European practices pp. 417-431 Downloads
Svetlana Gorobievschi, Corina Causan and Daniel Cornel Ivan
Page updated 2025-03-25