Bankers, Markets & Investors
2014 - 2016
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2016, issue 145
- Short-term Impacts of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on Stock Markets: A DCC-GARCH Analysis pp. 4-12
- Erwan le Saout and Sébastien Ganneval
- Equity Option Listing and Underlying Market Quality: Evidence from a Price Duration Model pp. 14-25
- Kaouther Jouaber-Snoussi and Rim Tekaya
- Does the Catering Theory of Dividend Apply to the French Listed Firms? pp. 27-38
- Nicolas Aubert
2016, issue 144
- Violating United Nations Global Compact Principles: An Event Study pp. 4-19
- Anastasia Borisova and Michael Rockinger
- Investigating a Fund Return Distribution when the Value of the Fund under Management is Irregularly Observed pp. 20-30
- KiHoon Jimmy Hong and Stephen Satchell
- Intergenerational Risk Trading and the Innovative Role of Equity- Wage Swaps pp. 31-42
- Jiajia Cui and Eduard Ponds
- Relationships between Trading Volume, Stock Returns and Volatility: Evidence from the French Stock Market pp. 44-58
- Anthony Miloudi, Mondher Bouattour and Ramzi Benkraiem
2016, issue 143
- Is Macroeconomic Announcement News Priced? pp. 4-17
- Peter De Goeij and Jiehui Hu
- Active Portfolio Management with Conditional Tracking Error pp. 18-25
- Winfried G. Hallerback and Igor Pouchkarev
- Bank Acquisitiveness and Financial Crisis Vulnerability pp. 26-44
- Saqib Aziz, Michael Dowling and Jean-Jacques Lilti
- Basel III and Bank Liquidity Creation pp. 46-54
- Franck Bancel and Laurent Salé
2016, issue 142
- Purchasing an Annuity: Now or Later? The Role of Interest Rates pp. 4-17
- Thijs Markwat, Roderick Molenaar and Juan Carlos Rodriguez
- Does Corporate Social Performance Really Improve Corporate Financial Performance? pp. 18-27
- Olivier Meier, Jean-Yves Saulquin, Guillaume Schier and Richard Soparnot
- Does the Market Value the Social Dimension? International Evidence pp. 28-40
- Sylvain Marsat and Benjamin Williams
- When Financial Derivatives can be Applied to the Real Economy – The Case of Exotic Options in Corporate Finance pp. 42-53
- Jian Wu
2016, issue 141
- Book Review: Risk-Based and Factor Investing pp. 3
- Eric Jondeau
- Expected Credit Loss vs. Credit Value Adjustment: A Comparative Analysis pp. 6-18
- Vivien Brunel, Stéphane Crépey and Monique Jeanblanc
- Analyst Earnings Forecasts, Individual Investors’Expectations and Trading Volume: An Experimental Approach pp. 20-34
- Thanh Huong Dinh, Jean-François Gajewski and Duc Khuong Nguyen
- Changing Dynamic Relationships between Stock and Bond Markets in Crises: Evidence of a Flight to Quality pp. 36-56
- Wafa Kammoun Masmoudi
- Do Regulatory and Supervisory Reforms Affect European Bank Stability: Further Evidence from Panel Data pp. 58-70
- Hachmi Ben Ameur, Faten Ben Bouheni, Abdoulkarim Idi Chefou and Fredj Jawadi
2016, issue 140
- How Risky are Low-Risk Hedge Funds? pp. 5-18
- Olga Kolokolova and Achim Mattes
- Hedge Funds Managerial Skill Revisited: A Quantile Regression Approach pp. 20-32
- Spyridon Vrontos
- New Insight on the Performance of Equity Long/short Investment Styles pp. 34-45
- Boris Fays, Georges Hübner and Marie Lambert
- Multi-Asset Seasonality and Trend-Following Strategies pp. 47-62
- Nick Baltas
2015, issue 139
- Ownership Concentration, Board Structure and Credit Risk:The Case of MENA Banks pp. 5-18
- Rim Boussaada and Daniel Labaronne
- Market Efficiency and Crises:Don’t Throw the Baby out with the Bathwater pp. 20-26
- Ariane Szafarz
- Mass Customization in Life-Cycle Investing Strategies with Income Risk pp. 28-44
- Romain Deguest, Lionel Martellini and Vincent Milhau
- Currency Turmoil in an Unbalanced World Economy pp. 46-57
- Michel Aglietta and Virginie Coudert
2015, issue 138
- Could French and Eurozone Savers Invest More in Risky Assets? pp. 4-16
- Luc Arrondel and André Masson
- Introducing Expected Returns into Risk Parity Portfolios: A New Framework for Asset Allocation pp. 18-28
- Thierry Roncalli
- Robust Portfolio Protection: A Scenarios-based Approach pp. 30-44
- Selim Mankaï and Khaled Guesmi
- Financial Regulations and Procyclicality pp. 45-54
- Stéphane Auray and Christian Gourieroux
2015, issue 136-137
- Double Issue "2013 Paris Financial Management COnference (PFMC)" pp. 3
- Sabri Boubaker
- Does Corportae Social Responsibility Have an Impact on Financing Decisions? pp. 5-19
- Guillaume Pijourlet
- New Insights on Corporate SocialResponsibility and Country-level Institutions in Western Europe pp. 20-40
- Karim Ben Khediri and Souad Lajili Jarjir
- Consequences of Voluntary Stock Exchange Section Switching on Stock Prices, Liquidity and Volatility pp. 42-62
- Abdoul K. Cissé and Patrice Fontaine
- International CAPM and Oil Price: Evidence from Selected OPEC Countries pp. 64-78
- Anna Creti and Khaled Guesmi
- On the Dynamic Dependence between US and other Developed Stock Markets: An Extreme-value Time-varying Copula Approach pp. 80-93
- Heni Boubaker and Nadia Sghaier
2015, issue 135
- French Retail Financial Structured Products: A Typology and Assessment of Their Fair Pricing pp. 4-18
- Philippe Bertrand and Jean-Luc Prigent
- Conflict of Interest between Investors and Financial Advisers pp. 20-35
- Sebastien Lemeunier
- Reforming the Structures of the EU Banking Sector: Risks and Challenges pp. 37-48
- Régis Breton and Laurent Clerc
- Managerial Myopia: Do Managers Privilege Short-term Decisions or Value Creation? pp. 50-58
- Franck Bancel and Alexandre Garel
2015, issue 134
- Edito pp. 3
- Marie Brière and Patrice Poncet
- Economic-financial Literacy and (Sustainable) Pension Reforms: Why the Former is a Key Ingredient for the Latter pp. 6-16
- Elsa Fornero
- Cyclical and Term Structure of Value-at-Risk within a Threshold Autoregression Setup pp. 18-32
- Frédérique Bec and Christian Gollier
- Can Large Long-Term Investors Capture Illiquidity Premiums? pp. 34-60
- Frank de Jong and Joost Driessen
- Long-term Portfolio Allocation Based on Long-term Macro forecasts pp. 62-69
- Eric Jondeau and Michael Rockinger
- Projecting Pension Outcomes at Retirement - Towards an Industry Reporting Standard pp. 71-86
- Kees De Vaan and Daniele Fano
2014, issue 133
- Testing the Profitability of Contrarian Trading Strategies Based on the Overreaction Hypothesis pp. 4-10
- Matthieu Duvinage and Paolo Mazza
- Evaluating UCITS Compliant Hedge Fund Performance pp. 11-22
- Serge Darolles
- Do Cooperative Banks Have Greater Market Power? pp. 24-33
- Damien Egarius and Laurent Weill
- In which Media are Analysts’ Recommendations most Followed? pp. 34-46
- Nadine Galy, Laurent Germain, Denis Hilton and Rainer Mathes
2014, issue 132
- Is Rating Associated with Better Retail Funds’ Performance in Changing Market Conditions? pp. 4-24
- Richard Louth, Stephen Satchell and Warapong Wongwachara
- Lionel Martellini, Vincent Milhau and Andrea Tarelli
- The Trading Performance of Individual Investors pp. 43-52
- Camille Magron
- Cash Holdings, Working Capital and Firm Value: Evidence from France pp. 53-62
- Ruta Autukaite and Eric Molay
2014, issue 131
- Introducing to Risk Parity and Budgeting pp. 3
- Emmanuel Jurczenko
- What Maximum Fees Should Investors Pay to Active Fund Managers? pp. 5-16
- Chekib Ezzili and Patrice Poncet
- How does the Market Price of the Corporate Sponsor React to Socially Responsible Fund Introductions? pp. 17-29
- Jonathan Peillex and Loredana Ureche-Rangau
- Pricing, Hedging and Assessing Risk in a General Lévy Context pp. 30-42
- Abdou Kélani and François Quittard-Pinon
- The Performance Implications of Business Group Affiliation for Small Businesses pp. 43-50
- Anaïs Hamelin
2014, issue 130
- Market microstructure in practice pp. 3
- Mathieu Rosenbaum
- The Paulson Plan: Who Are the Winners? pp. 5-22
- Eric de Bodt, Frédéric Lobez and Junyao Zhang
- A Partial Equilibrium Model of the Convenience Yield Risk Premium of Storable Commodities pp. 24-40
- Vincent Lacoste and Pierre Six
- Raising Companies’ Profile with Corporate Social Performance pp. 41-54
- Philippe Bertrand, Alexis Guyot and Vincent Lapointe
- Does Employee Ownership Really Boost Performance? pp. 55-68
- Amel Belanès and Malek Saihi
- Islamic Equity Indices: Insight and Comparison with Conventional Counterparts pp. 69-80
- Abdelbari El Khamlichi, Aurélie Sannajust and Humaylin Kabir Sarkar
2014, issue 129
- Edito pp. 3
- Serge Darolles
- Alpha or not Alpha: The Case of the Hedge Fund Industry pp. 4-16
- Hugues Pirotte Speder and Nils S. Tuchschmid
- What Happens “Before the Birth” and “After the Death” of a Hedge Fund? pp. 18-26
- Vikas Agarwal, Vyacheslav Fos and Wei Jiang
- Hedge Fund Managers: Luck and Dynamic Assessment pp. 28-38
- Gilles Criton and Olivier Scaillet
- A Time-Varying Performance Evaluation of Hedge Fund Strategies through Aggregation pp. 40-58
- Monica Billio, Lorenzon Frattarolo and Loriana Pelizzon
- Detecting Early Warnings for Hedge Fund Contagion pp. 60-73
- Roberto Savona
2014, issue 128
- Editor's letter pp. 3
- Marie Brière
- HFT and Market Quality pp. 5-19
- Bruno Biais and Thierry Foucault
- Asset Class Liquidity Risk pp. 20-30
- Ronnie Sadka
- On the Financial Performance of Socially Responsible Investments pp. 31-35
- Sébastien Pouget
- Pension Reform in The Netherlands: Attractive Options for other Countries? pp. 36-45
- Theo Nijman
- French Pensions Framework in an International Perspective pp. 46-48
- Jean-François Boulier
- Optimal Asset Allocation for Sovereign Wealth Funds: Theory and Practice pp. 49-54
- Zvi Bodie and Marie Brière
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