RAND Journal of Economics
1984 - 2005
Continuation of Bell Journal of Economics. Continued by RAND Journal of Economics.
From The RAND Corporation
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Volume 36, issue 4, 2005
- Internal Control vs. External Manipulation: A Model of Corporate Income Tax Evasion pp. 151-164
- Kong-Pin Chen and C.Y. Cyrus Chu
- The Strategic Impact of Resource Flexibility in Business Groups pp. 193-214
- Giacinta Cestone and Chiara Fumagalli
- The Financing of Innovation: Learning and Stopping pp. 719-752
- Dirk Bergemann and Ulrigh Hege
- Wealth Contraints and Option Contracts in Models with Sequential Investments pp. 753-770
- Christoph Lülfesmann
- Unobserved Product Differentiation in Discrete-Choice Models: Estimating Price Elasticities and Welfare Effects pp. 771-788
- Daniel Ackerberg and Marc Rysman
- Financing Auction Bids pp. 789-815
- Matthew Rhodes-Kropf and S Viswanathan
- Adoption of Standards Under Uncertainty pp. 816-832
- Michael Ostrovsky and Michael Schwarz
- An Economic Theory of the Fifth Amendment pp. 833-848
- Hugo Mialon
- Fiscal Interactions and the Costs of Controlling Pollution from Electricity pp. 849-869
- Ian Parry
- Nonparametric Analysis of Cost Complementarities in the Telecommunications Industry pp. 870-889
- Arie Beresteanu
- An Experimental Analysis of Ending Rules in Internet Auctions pp. 890-907
- Dan Ariely, Axel Ockenfels and Alvin Roth
- The Effect of Ownership Structure on Prices in Geographically Differentiated Industries pp. 908-929
- Raphael Thomadsen
- Barriers to Innovation and Subsidy Effectiveness pp. 930-949
- Xulia González, Jordi Jaumandreu and Consuelo Pazó
- Efficiency Costs of Meeting Industry-Distributional Constraints Under Environmental Permits and Taxes pp. 950-970
- Lans Bovenberg, Lawrence H. Goulder and Derek J. Gurney
Volume 36, issue 3, 2005
- On the Efficiency of Competitive Electricity Markets with Time-Invariant Retail Prices pp. 469-493
- Severin Borenstein and Stephen Holland
- Torts, Expertise, and Authority: Liability of Physicians and Managed Care Organizations pp. 494-519
- Jennifer Arlen and W. Bentley Macleod
- Storability, Market Structure, and Demand-Shift Incentives pp. 520-543
- James Anton and Gopal Das Varma
- Vertical Integration in the Presence of Upstream Competition pp. 544-572
- Catherine de Fontenay and Joshua Gans
- Bargining, Bundling, and Clout: The Portfolio Effects of Horizontal Mergers pp. 573-595
- Daniel P. O'Brien and Greg Shaffer
- Competitive Planned Obsolescence pp. 596-612
- Paul Grout and In-Uck Park
- Do Exposure Suits Produce a "Race to File"? An Economic Analysis of a Tort for Risk pp. 613-627
- Thomas Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
- Regulatory Opportunism and Investment Behavior: Evidence from the U.S. Electric Utility Industry pp. 628-644
- Thomas Lyon and John Mayo
- Pollution Markets with Imperfectly Observed Emissions pp. 645-660
- Juan-Pablo Montero
- Mergers Under Entry pp. 661-679
- Martin Pesendorfer
- Market Structure and Entry: Where's the Beef? pp. 680-699
- Otto Toivanen and Michael Waterson
- Conspiraces and Secret Price Discounts in the Marketplace: Evidence from Field Experiments pp. 700-717
- John List and Michael Price
Volume 36, issue 2, 2005
- Disruptive Technologies and the Emergence of Competition pp. 229-254
- Ron Adner and Peter Zemsky
- Start-Up Finance, Monitoring, and Collusion pp. 255-274
- Roberta Dessi
- Careerist Judges pp. 275-297
- Gilat Levy
- Labor Mobility of Scientists, Technological Diffusion, and the Firm's Patenting Decision pp. 298-317
- Jinyoung Kim and Gerald Marschke
- Allocating Control in Agency Problems with Limited Liability and Sequential Hidden Actions pp. 318-336
- Patrick W. Schmitz
- Optimal Second-Degree Price Discrimination and Arbitrage: On the Role of Asymmetric Information Among Buyers pp. 337-360
- Doh-Shin Jeon and Domenico Menicucci
- The Dark Side of Competitive Pressure pp. 361-397
- Jason Cummins and Ingmar Nyman
- Competition and Price Discrimination in Yellow Pages Advertising pp. 378-390
- Meghan Busse and Marc Rysman
- Cheap-Talk Referrals of Differentiated Experts in Repeated Relationships pp. 391-411
- In-Uck Park
- Supplier Discretion Over Provision: Theory and an Application to Medical Care pp. 412-429
- James Malcomson
- Markets for Ownership pp. 433-455
- Joshua Gans
- Investments and Network Competition pp. 446-468
- Tommaso Valletti and Carlo Cambini
Volume 36, issue 1, 2005
- Corruption and Competition in Procurement Auctions pp. 1-15
- Olivier Compte, Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky and Thierry Verdier
- Market Value and Patent Citations pp. 16-38
- Bronwyn H. Hall, Adam Jaffe and Manuel Trajtenberg
- Tacit Collusion, Cost Asymmetries, and Mergers pp. 39-62
- Helder Vasconcelos
- Minimum Asset Requirements and Compulsory Liability Insurance as Solutions to the Judgment-Proof Problem pp. 63-77
- Steven Shavell
- Moral Hazard Severity and Contract Design pp. 78-92
- Ronald A. Dye and Sri S. Sridhar
- Competition and Disclosure Incentives: An Empirical Study of HMOs pp. 93-112
- Ginger Zhe Jin
- When Do Experts Cheat and Whom Do They Target? pp. 113-130
- Yuk-fai Fong
- Targeting Managerial Control: Evidence from Franchising pp. 131-150
- Francine Lafontaine and Kathryn L. Shaw
- Internal Control versus External Manipulation: A Model of Corporate Income Tax Evasion pp. 151-164
- Kong-Pin and C.Y. Cyrus Chu
- Tenure Dependence in Consumer-Firm Relationships: An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Departures from Automobile Insurance Firms pp. 165-192
- Mark Israel
- The Strategic Impact of Resource Flexibility in Business Groups pp. 193-214
- Giacinta Cestone and Chiara Fumagalli
- Incentives in Internal Capital Markets: Capital Constraints, Competition, and Investment Opportunities pp. 215-228
- Roman Inderst and Christian Laux