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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development

2004 - 2024

From Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
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Volume 9, issue 2, 2012

Estimation of Technical Efficiency for Rice Farms in Central Thailand Using Stochastic Frontier Approach pp. 1-11 Downloads
Kallika Taraka, Ismail Abd. Latif, Shaufique bin Ahmad Sidique and Mad Nasir Shamsudin
Ex-ante Impact of Direct Seeding of Rice as an Alternative to Transplanting Rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plain pp. 13-29 Downloads
Arelene Julia Malabayabas, Debbie Templeton and Pratibha Singh
Supply Response and Investment in Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh pp. 31-46 Downloads
Lalmani Pandey, P. Parthasarathy Rao, Pratap Birthal, Cynthia Bantilan and Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
Governance, Institutional, and Pro-Poor Analysis of Cassava Contract Farming in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam pp. 47-63 Downloads
Nham Phong Tuan
Determinants of Household Income: A Quantile Regression Approach for Four Rice-Producing Areas in the Philippines pp. 65-76 Downloads
Thelma R. Paris, Valerien Pede, Joyce S. Luis and Justin McKinley
Community Dynamics and Ecological Sensibility for Sustainable Mangrove Governance in Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia pp. 77-98 Downloads
Astrid Meilasari-Sugiana

Volume 9, issue 1, 2012

Economic Transformation of Agriculture in Asia: Past Performance and Future Prospects pp. 1-19 Downloads
Keijiro Otsuka
Structural Transformation, the Changing Role of Rice, and Food Security in Asia: Small Farmers and Modern Supply Chains pp. 21-35 Downloads
Charles Timmer
Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Eastern Europe and Central Asia pp. 37-52 Downloads
Johan Swinnen and Kristine Van Herck
Food Security in Asia and the Pacific: The Role of Smallholders pp. 53-89 Downloads
Ganesh Thapa and Raghav Gaiha
The Dynamics and Potentials of Asian Agro-Food Marketing pp. 91-96 Downloads
Jamalludin Sulaiman
Agriculture, Markets, and Poverty: A Comparative Analysis of Lao PDR and Cambodia pp. 97-111 Downloads
Raghav Gaiha, Md Azam, Samuel Annim and Katsushi Imai

Volume 8, issue 2, 2011

Away-from-Home Meat Consumption in China pp. 1-15 Downloads
Hongbo Liu, Kevin A Parton, Zhangyue Zhou and Rod Cox
Hypothesizing ICT4D in Philippine Agriculture: Deriving from Trends, Setting Directions pp. 17-27 Downloads
Jaime A. Manalo Iv and Elske van de Fliert
Progress of Mongolian Microfinance: A Case Study of Khan Bank and XacBank pp. 29-41 Downloads
Orosoo Dulamragchaa and Yoichi Izumida
Spatial Distribution of Farm-Family Resources in the Mid-Hills of Nepal pp. 43-59 Downloads
Gopal Datt Bhatta and Werner Doppler
Risk Perceptions, Attitudes, and Influential Factors of Rainfed Lowland Rice Farmers in Ilocos Norte, Philippines pp. 61-78 Downloads
Marilou P. Lucas and Isabelita M. Pabuayon
Trends in India's Agricultural Growth and Its Determinants pp. 79-99 Downloads
Elumalai Kannan
The Spatial Integration of Vegetable Markets in Nepal pp. 101-114 Downloads
Rojani Mishra and Anil Kumar

Volume 8, issue 1, 2011

Institutional Arrangements in Seasonal Floodplain Management under Community-based Aquaculture in Bangladesh pp. 1-18 Downloads
A.B.M. Mahfuzul Haque, Leontine E. Visser and Madan M. Dey
The Role of Agriculture in Recovery Following Natural Disasters: A Focus on Post-Tsunami Recovery in Aceh, Indonesia pp. 19-38 Downloads
Gavin Tinning
Total Factor Productivity Growth and its Determinants for West Bengal Agriculture pp. 39-56 Downloads
Arpita Ghose and Debjani Bhattacharyya
Crisis-Adjustment Strategies Adopted by SMEs in Coping with the 2008-2009 Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Indonesia pp. 57-77 Downloads
Tulus T.H. Tambunan
A Discourse on Agricultural Intensification in the Mid-Hills of Nepal pp. 79-90 Downloads
Nani Raut, Bishal Kumar Sitaula and Roshan Man Bajracharya
PAFERN: Advancing Philippine Agroforestry Education and Research via Networking pp. 91-106 Downloads
Leila D Landicho

Volume 7, issue 2, 2010

Rice Price Crisis: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions pp. 1-15 Downloads
Sushil Pandey, Timothy Sulser, Mark W Rosegrant and Humnath Bhandari
Challenges for Sustainable Agricultural Biotechnology Development in Indonesia pp. 17-26 Downloads
Hermanto Siregar and Bustanul Arifin
Development Pathways in the Philippine Uplands: Impacts and Influences on Forest Resource Management and Human Well-Being pp. 27-47 Downloads
Nena O Espiritu, Ma. Cynthia S. Casin and Sofronio C. Camacho
Rice-prawn Farming System: Impacts on Soil Quality and Land Productivity for Modern Varieties of Paddy Production in Bangladesh pp. 49-66 Downloads
Basanta Barmon, Junichi Yamaguchi, Takumi Kondo and Fumio Osanami
Global Sustainability Regulation and Coffee Supply Chains in Lampung Province, Indonesia pp. 67-89 Downloads
Bustanul Arifin
Market Integration and Price Causality in the Myanmar Rice Market pp. 91-105 Downloads
Theingi Myint and Siegfried Bauer

Volume 7, issue 1, 2010

Wither the Economics of Agricultural Development? pp. 1-22 Downloads
James Roumasset
The Role of Labor Markets and Human Capital in Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Asia and Africa pp. 23-40 Downloads
Keijiro Otsuka, Jonna P. Estudillo and Takashi Yamano
Climate Change and Asian Agriculture pp. 41-81 Downloads
Mark W Rosegrant, Gary Yohe, Mandy Ewing, Rowena Valmonte-Santos, Tingju Zhu, Ian Burton and Saleemul Huq
International Best Practice in Food Policy: Reflections on Food Policy Analysis pp. 83-92 Downloads
Charles Timmer
Agricultural Development, Nutrition, and the Policies Behind China's Success pp. 93-126 Downloads
Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle
Indian Agriculture and Food Security: Current Concerns and Lessons pp. 127-148 Downloads
Shabd S. Acharya

Volume 6, issue 2, 2009

Soil Conservation Decisions and Upland Corn Productivity: A Philippine Case Study pp. 1-19 Downloads
Agnes C. Rola, Asa Jose U. Sajise, Dieldre S Harder and Joe Marvin P Alpuerto
Technical Efficiency of Land Tenure Contracts in West Java Province, Indonesia pp. 21-33 Downloads
Erizal Jamal and Yovita Anggita Dewi
Technical Efficiency of Rice-Producing Households in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam pp. 35-50 Downloads
Huynh Truong Huy
The Transformation of Food Retail in the Philippines pp. 51-84 Downloads
Larry Digal, Glory Dee Romo and Thomas Reardon
Impact of Water Management on Agricultural Production pp. 85-94 Downloads
Rashida Haq and Saima Shafique
Risk Management Strategies for Drought-Prone Rice Cultivation: A Case Study of Tamil Nadu, India pp. 95-123 Downloads
K.N. Selvaraj
Technological and Institutional Changes in the Indonesian Rice Sector: From Intensification to Sustainable Revitalization pp. 125-144 Downloads
Joko Mariyono

Volume 6, issue 1, 2009

Cereal Price Transmission in Several Large Asian Countries during the Global Food Crisis pp. 1-12 Downloads
David Dawe
Spatial Integration of Rice Markets in Vietnam pp. 13-28 Downloads
Nguyen Thi Duong Nga and Flordeliza A. Lantican
Social Capital and the Local Food Movement in Japan: The Case of the Chiba Prefecture pp. 29-48 Downloads
Shigeki Yokoyama and Seiichi Sakurai
Price Dynamics and Cointegration in the Major Markets of Aquaculture Species in the Philippines pp. 49-81 Downloads
Yolanda T. Garcia and Nerissa D. Salayo
The "Tipping Point" in Indian Agriculture: Understanding the Withdrawal of the Indian Rural Youth pp. 83-97 Downloads
Amrita Sharma and Anik Bhaduri

Volume 5, issue 2, 2008

Emerging Smallholder Rubber Farming Systems in India and Thailand: A Comparative Economic Analysis pp. 1-19 Downloads
P.K. Viswanathan
Formation of Social Capital for Common Pool Resource Management pp. 21-40 Downloads
Gerlie T. Tatlonghari and Zenaida M. Sumalde
Tackling Household Food Insecurity: The Experience of Vietnam pp. 41-55 Downloads
Trang Thi Huy Nhat
Religious Festivities and Marketing of Small Ruminants in Central Java – Indonesia pp. 57-73 Downloads
I Gede S. Budisatria, Henk M.J. Udo, Akke J. van der Zijpp, Endang Baliarti and Tridjoko W. Murti
Exploratory Study on Selected Philippine Agricultural Commodity Import Statistics vis-Ã -vis Export Statistics of the Exporting Countries pp. 75-101 Downloads
Gloria A. Cubinar and Estela T. DeGuzman
Book Review | Voices from the Forests: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Sustainable Upland Farming edited by Malcolm Cairns pp. 103-105 Downloads
Juan M. Pulhin

Volume 5, issue 1, 2008

Agriculture and Pro-Poor Growth: An Asian Perspective pp. 1-27 Downloads
Charles Timmer
Determinants of Crop Choices by Bangladeshi Farmers: A Bivariate Probit Analysis pp. 29-41 Downloads
Sanzidur Rahman
The Impact of Integrated Pest Management Technology on Insecticide Use in Soybean Farming in Java, Indonesia: Two Models of Demand for Insecticides pp. 43-55 Downloads
Joko Mariyono
Comparative and Competitive Advantage of the Shrimp Industry in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam pp. 57-79 Downloads
Nguyen Tuan Kiet and Zenaida M. Sumalde
Tropical Forests and Climate Change Mitigation: The Global Potential and Cases from the Philippines pp. 81-98 Downloads
Rodel D Lasco
Review | Rice Crisis and Climate Risk Management: The CURE Approach pp. 99-109 Downloads
Gelia T. Castillo
Page updated 2025-03-24