The Journal of Economic Education
1996 - 2025
Current editor(s): William Walstad From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 56, issue 1, 2025
- Explaining heterogeneity in student diversity across economics departments pp. 1-21

- Anna McDougall, Douglas McKee and George Orlov
- Does supportive feedback on class rank improve scores for intermediate-level microeconomics? pp. 22-29

- Chanita C. Holmes and Marlon R. Tracey
- Teaching student-driven modules in macroeconomics classes pp. 30-48

- Cynthia Bansak, Julie Smith and Christine L. Storrie
- A symposium on crisis-related teaching pp. 49-50

- Sam Allgood and KimMarie McGoldrick
- The economic way of thinking in a pandemic pp. 51-57

- Alex Tabarrok
- Teaching principles of macroeconomics after COVID-19 pp. 58-65

- Lee A. Coppock
- Teaching the crisis: Climate change policy and cost curve confusion pp. 66-75

- Charles A. Holt and Erica R. Sprott
- Teaching democracy and capitalism: High engagement and “doing economics” pp. 76-86

- Robert F. Bruner
- Teaching and learning communities of practice in economics pp. 87-97

- Kripa Freitas and Jennifer Murdock
- Undergraduate journals and conferences: Pathways to understanding the economics profession pp. 98-109

- Stephen B. DeLoach and Steven A. Greenlaw
Volume 55, issue 4, 2024
- Failure, withdrawals, and retakes in intermediate microeconomics pp. 333-349

- Tisha L. N. Emerson and KimMarie McGoldrick
- Grading policy, email nudges, and grade outcomes pp. 350-363

- Shishir Shakya and Michael Levinstein
- Hooked on podcasts: evidence from a quasi-experimental approach pp. 364-376

- Sun Ki Choi, Chelsea T. Dowell, Daniel F. Duncan and Gail M. Hoyt
- Unequal exposure: An inclusive approach to teaching environmental justice pp. 377-393

- Keith Brouhle and Nirupama Devaraj
- Teaching discrimination in introductory economics: An approach incorporating stratification economics pp. 394-409

- Jorgen Harris and Mary Lopez
- The economics behind Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series pp. 410-424

- William Bosshardt
- Bringing breadth and relevance to introductory economics courses using JEL codes pp. 425-433

- Sarah F. Small
- The academic origins of economics faculty pp. 434-454

- Todd Jones and Arielle A. Sloan
- LSAT® scores of economics majors: The 2022–23 class update and 7-year history pp. 455-460

- Michael Nieswiadomy
- Consensus among economists 2020—A sharpening of the picture pp. 461-478

- Doris Geide-Stevenson and Alvaro La Parra-Perez
- Why it works: Using qualitative methods in economic education research pp. 479-494

- William Bosshardt, Amanda Jennings and Peter Davies
- Editorial statistics pp. 495-495

- Sam Allgood and KimMarie McGoldrick
Volume 55, issue 3, 2024
- Online proctoring discount: The role of measured stressors pp. 193-204

- Greg Gaynor, Kevin T. Wynne, Ting Zhang, Daniel Gerlowski and Joel N. Morse
- The economic knowledge of Czech high school students: Analysis of the Economics Olympiad pp. 205-215

- Frantisek Masek, Pavel Potužák and Renan Serenini
- Improving introductory economics course content and delivery improves outcomes for women pp. 216-231

- Mallory Avery, Jane Caldwell, Christian D. Schunn and Katherine Wolfe
- Gender gap in university studies of economics-business area: Evidence from Spain pp. 232-248

- Rosario Asián Chaves, Eva María Buitrago Esquinas, Inmaculada Masero Moreno and Rocío Yñíguez Ovando
- Teaching behavioral macroeconomics—Examples and applications pp. 249-262

- Lena Malešević Perović
- Using LinkedIn in the economics curriculum pp. 263-275

- E. Anne York
- A classroom market experiment: Data and reflections pp. 276-291

- Anna Cartwright and Edward Cartwright
- “Doing economics” through a photographer’s lens: An experiential learning approach pp. 292-303

- Anna Shostya
- Teaching production theory through simulation pp. 304-319

- Ghislain Nono Gueye and Jonathan R. Peterson
- Requirements of the undergraduate economics major: An update and comparison pp. 320-327

- Emily C. Marshall, Anthony Underwood and Abigail Hyde
- Trends in undergraduate economics degrees, 2001–23 pp. 328-332

- John Siegfried
Volume 55, issue 2, 2024
- Introduction to JEE symposium on “What should go into the only economics course students will ever take?” pp. 107-109

- Avi Cohen, Wendy Stock and Scott Wolla
- Who does (and does not) take introductory economics? pp. 110-127

- Wendy A. Stock
- What do we want students to (know and) be able to do: Learning outcomes, competencies, and content in literacy-targeted principles courses pp. 128-145

- Avi Cohen
- Assessment to promote learning in a literacy-targeted (LT) economics course pp. 146-155

- Mark Maier and Phil Ruder
- Cognitive science teaching strategies and literacy-targeted economics complementarities pp. 156-165

- William Goffe and Scott Wolla
- Curriculum lag challenges and strategies for LT principles: Lessons from closing the monetary policy curriculum gap pp. 166-177

- Jane Ihrig, Mary Clare Peate and Scott Wolla
- How LT principles can improve diversity, inclusiveness, and student interest pp. 178-188

- Gary A. Hoover and Ebonya Washington
- Correction pp. 189-189

- The Editors
Volume 55, issue 1, 2024
- The study of economics at HBCUs and PWIs pp. 1-15

- Tisha L. N. Emerson, KimMarie McGoldrick and Scott P. Simkins
- If you only had two hours: Best advice for new instructors of economics pp. 16-18

- Gail M. Hoyt and Roisin O’Sullivan
- If you only had five minutes: Best advice for new instructors of economics pp. 19-33

- Gail M. Hoyt, Roisin O’Sullivan and Darshak Patel
- New instructor identity: Knowing yourself and knowing your audience pp. 34-40

- Jennifer Imazeki
- How to belong: Inclusive pedagogical practices for beginning instructors of economics pp. 41-53

- Mary Lopez and Kirsten Wandschneider
- Student engagement and interaction in the economics classroom: Essentials for the novice economic educator pp. 54-62

- Carlos Asarta
- Designing effective assessments in economics courses: Guiding principles pp. 63-76

- Gina Pieters
- Educational technology for teaching economics–Where to start and how to grow? pp. 77-84

- William Goffe
- Scholarly activity among economists at liberal arts colleges: A life cycle analysis pp. 85-103

- Jenny Bourne, Nathan D. Grawe, Michael Hemesath and Maya Jensen
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