Post-Communist Economies
1997 - 2024
Current editor(s): Roger Clarke From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 4, 2005
- Fiscal Consequences of Monetary Integration within a Common Economic Area: The Case of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia pp. 399-424
- Ainura Uzagalieva
- Perceptions of Subjective Economic Well-Being and Support for Market Reform among China's Urban Population pp. 425-447
- Ingrid Nielsen, Chris Nyland, Russell Smyth and Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu
- Explaining Eastern Germany's Wage Gap: The Impact of Structural Change pp. 449-464
- Bernd Görzig, Martin Gornig and Axel Werwatz
- Wage Bargaining, Privatisation, Ability to Pay and Outside Options: Evidence from Hungary pp. 465-483
- Janos Köllő and Tomasz Mickiewicz
- Technological Change, Network Building and Dynamic Competitiveness in the Engineering Industry in Kazakhstan pp. 485-501
- David Dyker
- Strategic Factors Underlying Acquisition Performance in a Post-communist Economy: Experience from Slovenia pp. 503-521
- Matej Lahovnik
Volume 17, issue 3, 2005
- Russian Business Interests and the Enlarged European Union pp. 269-287
- Heiko Pleines
- Speed of Reform, Initial Conditions or Political Orientation? Explaining Russian Regions' Economic Performance pp. 289-317
- Rudiger Ahrend
- Regional Growth in Russia During the 1990s—What Role Did FDI Play? pp. 319-329
- Gregory Brock
- The Evolution of the Venture Capital Industry in Transition Economies: The Case of Poland pp. 331-348
- Darek Klonowski
- The Impact of Credit Market Imperfections on Farm Investment in Poland pp. 349-362
- Laure Latruffe
- Wage and Income Inequality in Slovenia, 1993-2002 pp. 381-397
- Tine Stanovnik and Miroslav Verbič
Volume 17, issue 2, 2005
- Regulation and Public Sector Development: A Post-Transition Perspective pp. 137-152
- Laszlo Csaba
- Regional Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in Russia pp. 153-172
- Ichiro Iwasaki and Keiko Suganuma
- Bulgaria's Long March Towards Meaningful Credit Contracts pp. 173-204
- Bruno Schonfelder
- The Evolution of Financial Services in Transition Economies: An Overview of the Insurance Sector pp. 205-223
- Robert Pye
- Trade Structure during Accession to the EU pp. 225-234
- Jarko Fidrmuc
- Overvalued or Undervalued Euroland Entry? pp. 235-250
- Jens Hölscher and Mariusz Jarmuzek
- The Effects of Foreign Trade Liberalisation and Financial Flows between Slovenia and the EU after Accession pp. 251-267
- Boris Majcen, Miroslav Verbič and Sasa Knezevic
Volume 17, issue 1, 2005
- EMU Enlargement to Include CEE Countries: Risks of Sector-based and Geographical Asymmetric Shocks pp. 3-21
- Jerome Trotignon
- Market Reform, Infrastructure and Exchange Rate Passthrough in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 21-32
- Robert Feinberg and Mieke Meurs
- Estimation of the Natural Unemployment Rate in the Russian Federation, 1994-2004 pp. 33-46
- Vladimir Bragin and Vladimir Osakovsky
- Labour Market Institutions and Labour Market Performance in Transition Countries pp. 47-82
- Horst Feldmann
- Choice of Ownership Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Estonia pp. 83-107
- Derek Jones, Panu Kalmi and Niels Mygind
- The Determinants of Borrowing by Newly Exchange-listed Firms in Romania: When Adverse Selection Meets Cronyism pp. 109-123
- Calin Valsan
- Cuba's New Sugarcane Cooperatives Ten Years Later pp. 125-136
- Jose Alvarez
Volume 16, issue 4, 2004
- Evolution of corporate governance in Russia: government policy vs. real incentives of economic agents pp. 387-403
- Andrei Yakovlev
- A very Soviet form of capitalism? The management of holding companies in Russia pp. 405-422
- Simon Clarke
- Business innovation in Russian industry pp. 423-438
- Igor Gurkov
- Development and performance of Russian agricultural enterprises, 1990-2001 pp. 439-457
- Irina Bezlepkina, Arie Oskam, Alfons Oude Lansink and Ruud Huirne
- The rise and decline of gradualism in Slovenia pp. 459-482
- Matija Rojec, Janez Šušteršič, Bostjan Vasle, Marijana Bednas and Slavica Jurancic
- Financing local government in Slovenia pp. 483-496
- Zan Oplotnik and Bostjan Brezovnik
- Foreign direct investment and economic performance in transition economies: evidence from China pp. 497-510
- Xiaowen Tian, Shuanglin Lin and Vai Io Lo
Volume 16, issue 3, 2004
- Municipal finance reform and local self-governance in Russia pp. 251-264
- Andrei Chernyavsky and Karen Vartapetov
- Public sector transition in post-communist economies: the struggle for fiscal decentralisation in the Czech and Slovak Republics pp. 265-283
- Phillip Bryson and Gary Cornia
- Russian oil: the role of the sector in Russia's economy pp. 285-296
- Jacek Cukrowski
- Grain and sunflower on Russian farms in 2001: how efficient is crop production? pp. 297-305
- Margarita Grazhdaninova and Gregory Brock
- Building a corporate network in a transition economy: the case of Slovenia pp. 307-331
- Marko Pahor, Janez Prasnikar and Anuska Ferligoj
- Rural livelihoods in Armenia pp. 333-348
- Dirk Bezemer and Zvi Lerman
- Globalisation and post-socialist development: the Tatarstan variety of capitalism pp. 349-362
- Leo McCann
- The methodology used by Russian statistical bodies to analyse small business pp. 363-377
- Alessandro Kihlgren
Volume 16, issue 2, 2004
- What kind of 'financial safety net' for Russia? Russian Banking reform in comparative context pp. 115-135
- William Tompson
- Determinants of catching up or falling behind: interaction of formal and informal institutions pp. 137-152
- Jan Winiecki
- The oil and gas industry in the Russian economy: a social accounting matrix approach pp. 153-167
- Yasushi Nakamura
- Innovation before entry into the EU: the case of Slovenia pp. 169-189
- Zdenka Zenko, Matjaz Mulej and Jure Marn
- Entry and exit in transition economies: the Slovenian manufacturing sector pp. 191-214
- Štefan Bojnec and Ana Xavier
- Stated environmental preferences in a Romanian rural community pp. 215-227
- Luiza Toma and Erik Mathijs
- An evaluation of marketing practices and market orientation in the Bulgarian wine industry pp. 229-243
- Elissaveta Zaharieva, Matthew Gorton and John Lingard
Volume 16, issue 1, 2004
- Russian accession to the WTO—why such a long and difficult road? pp. 3-20
- David Dyker
- Access to liquidity and non-monetary trade in Russia pp. 21-38
- Vlad Ivanenko
- Credit rationing with heterogeneous borrowers in transition economies: evidence from Slovakia pp. 39-46
- Pavel Ciaian
- Labour market flows and adjustment to macroeconomic shocks in the Baltic States pp. 47-71
- Raul Eamets
- Industrial structure and international competitiveness of post-communist Slovenia pp. 73-88
- Boris Sustar
- The stablising role of fiscal policy: the case of Slovenia pp. 89-97
- Neven Borak and Helena Kamnar
- An insurance policy: a case study of legal and economic interactions in a transforming economy pp. 99-109
- Piotr Jaworski and Jaroslaw Wierzbicki
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