Economic History of Developing Regions
2012 - 2024
Current editor(s): Alex Klein and Alfonso Herranz-Loncan From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 39, issue 2, 2024
- Colonial agricultural estates and rural development in twentieth-century Mexico pp. 105-144
- Luz Marina Arias and Diana Flores-Peregrina
- Using Hong Kong as a springboard: China’s indirect exports via Hong Kong in the 1950s pp. 145-168
- Kei Uenishi
- Profits and inequality during an export boom. Evidence from tax records in Lima, Peru pp. 169-195
- Luis Felipe Zegarra
- Mild Arabica coffee trade at a time of market regulation pp. 196-217
- Andrea Montero-Mora and Marc Badia-Miró
Volume 39, issue 1, 2024
- The colonial gap: An analysis of income distribution in the Port of Dakar, 1911–1940 pp. 1-27
- Daniel Castillo Hidalgo
- The economic response of the Israeli government to a rapid influx of immigrants by the founding of the state, 1948–1953: Expansionary fiscal policy and rationing pp. 28-48
- Andrew Schein
- The sins of the church: The long-term impacts of Christian missionary praxis on HIV and sexual behaviour in Zambia pp. 49-81
- Michael Chanda Chiseni
- Child labour, Africa’s colonial system, and coercion: The case of the Portuguese colonies, 1870–1975 pp. 82-104
- Pedro Goulart
Volume 38, issue 3, 2023
- The development of colonial health care provision in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire: ca. 1900–55 pp. 215-255
- Arlinde C.E. Vrooman
- The emergence of Brazil as a major world sugar and ethanol producer pp. 256-280
- Herbert S. Klein and Francisco Vidal Luna
- Political economy of development in the Arab republics: The state and socio-economic coalitions pp. 281-304
- Shimaa Hatab
- Like the swing of the pendulum: The history of government-sponsored rural settlements in São Paulo, Brazil (1820s–1920s) pp. 305-334
- Bruno Gabriel Witzel de Souza
- Top incomes and the ruling class in Latin American history. Some theoretical and methodological challenges pp. 335-352
- Javier Rodríguez Weber
Volume 38, issue 2, 2023
- Living standards of copper mine labour in Chile and the Central African Copperbelt compared, 1920s to 1960s pp. 117-150
- Dácil Juif and Sergio Garrido
- The development of the arid tropics: Lessons for economic history pp. 151-172
- Tirthankar Roy
- Manufacturing convergence in the Southern Cone: New evidence for the industrialization period pp. 173-197
- Cecilia Lara
- On Polish economic historiography in exile, 1945–1989 pp. 198-214
- Damian Bębnowski
Volume 38, issue 1, 2023
- Wealth inequality in interwar Poland pp. 1-40
- Marcin Wroński
- Economic inequality in Latin America and Africa, 1650 to 1950: Can a comparison of historical trajectories help to understand underdevelopment? pp. 41-64
- Stefania Galli, Dimitrios Theodoridis and Klas Rönnbäck
- The political economy of development in Belize under the People’s United Party pp. 65-88
- Jacob Ferrell and Joel Wainwright
- Historical African ethnic class stratification systems and intergenerational transmission of education pp. 89-116
- Patricia Funjika
Volume 37, issue 3, 2022
- Market integration via entrepôt: Southeast Asia's rice trade, 1828–1870 pp. 201-226
- Atsushi Kobayashi
- Human capital in Chile: The development of numeracy during the last 250 years pp. 227-256
- Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Javier Rivas, Ignacio Pérez and Juan Navarrete-Montalvo
- The agricultural productivity gap: A global vision pp. 257-287
- Ángel Luis González-Esteban and Elisa Botella-Rodríguez
- Wealth inequality in colonial Hispanic-America: Montevideo in the late eighteenth century pp. 288-314
- María Inés Moraes, Rebeca Riella, Carolina Vicario and Pablo Marmissolle
- Historical Christian missions and African societies today: Perspectives from economic history pp. 315-332
- Dozie Okoye
Volume 37, issue 2, 2022
- Indian guinée cloth, West Africa, and the French colonial empire 1826–1925: Colonialism and imperialism as agents of globalization pp. 101-127
- Toyomu Masaki
- The missing boys: Understanding the unbalanced sex ratio in South Africa, 1894–2011 pp. 128-146
- Francisco Marco-Gracia and Johan Fourie
- Borrower income and loan rates in the credit market of Lima pp. 147-169
- Luis Zegarra
- Comparative labour productivity in British and Russian manufacturing, circa 1908 pp. 170-200
- Nikita Lychakov, Dmitrii Saprykin and Nadia Vanteeva
Volume 37, issue 1, 2022
- Precedents of mass migration: Policies, occupations, and the sorting of foreigners in São Paulo, Brazil (1872) pp. 1-26
- Bruno Gabriel Witzel de Souza
- The colonial struggle over polygamy: Consequences for educational expansion in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 27-49
- Bastian Becker
- Factor endowments, vent for surplus and involutionary process in rural developing economies pp. 50-74
- Montserrat López Jerez
- How accurate are the prices in the British colonial Blue Books? pp. 75-99
- Tom Westland
Volume 36, issue 3, 2021
- Inequality of education in colonial Ghana: European influences and African responses pp. 367-391
- Prince Young Aboagye
- The Portuguese escudo area in Africa and its lessons for monetary unions pp. 392-421
- Maria Eugénia Mata, Luis Nunes and Mário Roldão
- Why we shouldn’t measure women’s labour force participation in pre-industrial countries pp. 422-427
- Joyce Burnette
- Gender equality, growth, and how a technological trap destroyed female work pp. 428-438
- Jane Humphries and Benjamin Schneider
- Gender and settler labour markets: The marriage bar in colonial Zimbabwe pp. 439-444
- Ushehwedu Kufakurinani
- Restating the case for women’s history in South Africa pp. 445-450
- Amy Rommelspacher
- New perspectives and sources of the history of banking in Latin America and Spain, nineteenth to twentieth centuries pp. 451-463
- Carlos Marichal and Guillermo Barragán
Volume 36, issue 2, 2021
- Macroeconomic history in South Africa: The South African Reserve Bank centennial special issue pp. 117-121
- Johan Fourie
- Professor Vishnu Padayachee, 1952–2021 pp. 122-123
- Bradley Bordiss and Jannie Rossouw
- Bourses, banks, and Boers: Johannesburg’s French connections and the Paris Krach of 1895 pp. 124-148
- Mariusz Lukasiewicz
- The growth and diversity of the Cape private capital market, 1892–1902 pp. 149-174
- Lloyd Melusi Maphosa, Anton Ehlers, Johan Fourie and Edward M. Kerby
- Gold and South Africa’s Great Depression pp. 175-193
- Barry Eichengreen
- Two of the most eventful years in the history of the South African Reserve Bank: William Henry Clegg and Johannes Postmus and the 1931–1932 crisis pp. 194-212
- Bradley Bordiss, Vishnu Padayachee and Jannie Rossouw
- The fuel of unparalleled recovery: Monetary policy in South Africa between 1925 and 1936 pp. 213-244
- Christie Swanepoel and Philip T. Fliers
- One hundred years of private shareholding in the South African Reserve Bank pp. 245-263
- Cobus Vermeulen
- A tale of paper and gold: The material history of money in South Africa pp. 264-281
- Ellen Feingold, Johan Fourie and Leigh Gardner
- The evolution of central bank communication as experienced by the South Africa Reserve Bank pp. 282-312
- Gideon du Rand, Ruan Erasmus, Hylton Hollander, Monique Reid and Dawie van Lill
- The South African small banks’ crisis of 2002/3 pp. 313-338
- Roy Havemann
- South Africa’s 2003–2013 credit boom and bust: Lessons for macroprudential policy pp. 339-365
- Hylton Hollander and Roy Havemann
Volume 36, issue 1, 2021
- Poverty and inequality in Francophone Africa, 1960s–2010s pp. 1-29
- Sédi-Anne Boukaka, Giulia Mancini and Giovanni Vecchi
- Colonial legacy, private property, and rural development: Evidence from Namibian countryside pp. 30-56
- Vladimir Chlouba and Jianzi He
- Structural change in a small natural resource intensive economy: Switching between diversification and re-primarization, Uruguay, 1870–2017 pp. 57-81
- Carolina Román and Henry Willebald
- Parliamentary experience and contemporary democracy in Africa: A Northian view pp. 82-115
- Joseph Keneck Massil and Sophie Harnay
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