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Population Studies

1988 - 2024

Current editor(s): John Simons, Francesco Billari, James J. Brown, John Cleland, Andrew Foster, John McDonald, Tom Moultrie, Mikko Myrsklä, Alice Reid, Wendy Sigle-Rushton, Ronald Skeldon and Frans Willekens

From Taylor & Francis Journals
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2024, volume 78, articles 3

Kinship and socio-economic status: Social gradients in frequencies of kin across the life course in Sweden pp. 371-392 Downloads
Linus Andersson and Martin Kolk
The selectivity of internal movers: An analysis of the relationship between education, social origin, and geographical mobility in Europe pp. 393-411 Downloads
Nazareno Panichella and Roberto Impicciatore
Flexible transition timing in discrete-time multistate life tables using Markov chains with rewards pp. 413-427 Downloads
Daniel C. Schneider, Mikko Myrskylä and Alyson van Raalte
Estimating age-specific mortality using calibrated splines pp. 429-446 Downloads
Sigurd Dyrting and Andrew Taylor
Experiences of victimization before resettlement and chronic disease among foreign-born people in the United States pp. 447-466 Downloads
Solveig A. Cunningham, Marie Sugihara and Rebecca E. Jones-Antwi
Did smallpox cause stillbirths? Maternal smallpox infection, vaccination, and stillbirths in Sweden, 1780–1839 pp. 467-482 Downloads
Eric Schneider, Sören Edvinsson and Kota Ogasawara
Infant and child mortality in the Netherlands 1935–47 and changes related to the Dutch famine of 1944–45: A population-based analysis pp. 483-501 Downloads
Ingrid J. J. de Zwarte, Peter Ekamper and L. H. Lumey
Grandparental support and maternal depression: Do grandparents’ characteristics matter more for separating mothers? pp. 503-523 Downloads
Niina Metsä-Simola, Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Hanna Remes, Mine Kühn and Pekka Martikainen
Home-based work and childbearing pp. 525-545 Downloads
Beata Osiewalska, Anna Matysiak and Anna Kurowska
No place for young women? The impact of internal migration on adult sex ratios in rural East Germany pp. 547-562 Downloads
Nico Stawarz, Matthias Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Uta Brehm and Nikola Sander

2024, volume 78, articles 2

In memoriam pp. 179-179 Downloads
The Editors
Has it always paid to be rich? Income and cause-specific mortality in southern Sweden 1905–2014 pp. 181-201 Downloads
Enrico Debiasi, Martin Dribe and Gabriel Brea Martinez
Unequal before death: The effect of paternal education on children’s old-age mortality in the United States pp. 203-229 Downloads
Hamid Noghanibehambari and Jason Fletcher
A growing divide: Trends in social inequalities in healthy longevity in Australia, 2001–20 pp. 231-250 Downloads
Kim Qinzi Xu and Collin F. Payne
A typology of social network interactions in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from a rural population in Senegal pp. 251-268 Downloads
Véronique Deslauriers, Simona Bignami and John Sandberg
Did the 1918 influenza pandemic cause a 1920 baby boom? Demographic evidence from neutral Europe pp. 269-287 Downloads
Hampton Gaddy and Mathias Mølbak Ingholt
Fertility patterns and sex composition preferences in immigrant–native unions in Sweden pp. 289-304 Downloads
Annika Elwert
How genuine are sub-replacement ideal family sizes in urban China? pp. 305-324 Downloads
Shuang Chen and Stuart Gietel-Basten
The recent decline in period fertility in England and Wales: Differences associated with family background and intergenerational educational mobility pp. 325-339 Downloads
John Ermisch
Partnership trajectories preceding medically assisted reproduction pp. 341-360 Downloads
Alina Pelikh, Hanna Remes, Niina Metsä-Simola and Alice Goisis
Educational composition effect on the sex gap in life expectancy: A research note based on evidence from Australia pp. 361-369 Downloads
Wen Su, Jennifer Welsh, Rosemary J. Korda and Vladimir Canudas-Romo

2024, volume 78, articles 1

Anne Shepherd: An appreciation pp. 1-1 Downloads
The Editors
Social cartography and satellite-derived building coverage for post-census population estimates in difficult-to-access regions of Colombia pp. 3-20 Downloads
Lina Maria Sanchez-Cespedes, Douglas Ryan Leasure, Natalia Tejedor-Garavito, Glenn Harry Amaya Cruz, Gustavo Adolfo Garcia Velez, Andryu Enrique Mendoza, Yenny Andrea Marín Salazar, Thomas Esch, Andrew J. Tatem and Mariana Ospina Bohórquez
Pandemics and socio-economic status. Evidence from the plague of 1630 in northern Italy pp. 21-42 Downloads
Guido Alfani, Marco Bonetti and Mattia Fochesato
Trends in chronic childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh for small domains pp. 43-61 Downloads
Sumonkanti Das, Bernard Baffour and Alice Richardson
Who eats last? Intra-household gender inequality in food allocation among children in educationally backward areas of India pp. 63-77 Downloads
Dipanwita Ghatak, Soham Sahoo, Sudipa Sarkar and Varun Sharma
Cameroon’s slow fertility transition: A gender perspective pp. 79-91 Downloads
Jean Christophe Fotso, John G. Cleland and Elihou O. Adje
Increases in child marriage among the poorest in Mali: ‘Reverse policies’ or data quality issues? pp. 93-111 Downloads
Ewa Batyra and Luca Maria Pesando
The (temporary) Covid-19 baby bust in Mexico pp. 113-126 Downloads
Adan Silverio-Murillo, Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, Jose Roberto Balmori de la Miyar and Judith Senyancen Méndez Méndez
Women’s fertility and allostatic load in the post-reproductive years: An analysis of the Indonesian Family Life Survey pp. 127-149 Downloads
Tiziana Leone, Heini Väisänen and Firman Witoelar
Is there an association between family members’ season of birth that could influence birth seasonality? Evidence from Spain and France pp. 151-166 Downloads
Adela Recio Alcaide, César Pérez López, Miguel Ángel Ortega, Luisa N. Borrell and Francisco Bolúmar
Cognitive impairment and partnership status in the United States, 1998–2016, by sex, race/ethnicity, and education pp. 167-177 Downloads
Shubhankar Sharma, Jo Mhairi Hale, Mikko Myrskylä and Hill Kulu

2023, volume 77, articles 3

Partnership and fertility trajectories of immigrants and descendants in the United Kingdom: A multilevel multistate event history approach pp. 359-378 Downloads
Júlia Mikolai and Hill Kulu
Childbearing across partnerships in Italy: Prevalence, demographic correlates, and social gradient pp. 379-398 Downloads
Elena Pirani and Daniele Vignoli
Repartnering of women in the United States: The interplay between motherhood and socio-economic status pp. 399-416 Downloads
Alessandro Di Nallo, Katya Ivanova and Nicoletta Balbo
Socio-economic status and the rise of divorce in Sweden: The case of the 1880–1954 marriage cohorts in Västerbotten pp. 417-435 Downloads
Glenn Sandström and Maria Stanfors
Climate and fertility amid a public health crisis pp. 437-458 Downloads
Letícia J. Marteleto, Alexandre Gori Maia and Cristina Guimarães Rodrigues
Preterm birth and educational disadvantage: Heterogeneous effects pp. 459-474 Downloads
Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Kieron Barclay, Joan Costa-Font, Mikko Myrskylä and Berkay Özcan
Contributions of age groups and causes of death to the sex gap in lifespan variation in Europe pp. 475-496 Downloads
Jesús-Daniel Zazueta-Borboa, José Manuel Aburto, Iñaki Permanyer, Virginia Zarulli and Fanny Janssen
The impact of Covid-19 on demographic components in Spain, 2020–31: A scenario approach pp. 497-513 Downloads
Miguel González-Leonardo and Jeroen Spijker
Linking internal and international migration over the life course: A sequence analysis of individual migration trajectories in Europe pp. 515-537 Downloads
Aude Bernard and Sergi Vidal
Age-specific sex ratios: Examining rural–urban variation within low- and middle-income countries pp. 539-558 Downloads
Ashira Menashe-Oren and Guy Stecklov

2023, volume 77, articles 2

Correction pp. i-i Downloads
The Editors
The contribution of survival to changes in the net reproduction rate pp. 163-178 Downloads
Tianyu Shen, Ester Lazzari and Vladimir Canudas-Romo
Forecasting of cohort fertility by educational level in countries with limited data availability: The case of Brazil pp. 179-195 Downloads
Ewa Batyra, Tiziana Leone and Mikko Myrskylä
The relationship between life-course accumulated income and childbearing of Swedish men and women born 1940–70 pp. 197-215 Downloads
Martin Kolk
Polarized adult fertility patterns following early parental death pp. 217-239 Downloads
Éva Beaujouan and Anne Solaz
Body mass index in early adulthood and transition to first birth: Racial/ethnic and sex differences in the United States NLSY79 Cohort pp. 241-261 Downloads
D. Susie Lee, Natalie Nitsche and Kieron Barclay
Uncertain steps into adulthood: Does economic precariousness hinder entry into the first co-residential partnership in the UK? pp. 263-289 Downloads
Lydia Palumbo, Ann Berrington, Peter Eibich and Agnese Vitali
Children of immigrants: Racial assortative mating and the transition to adulthood pp. 291-309 Downloads
Maurice Anyawie and Daniel T. Lichter
Parental age gaps among immigrants and their descendants: Adaptation across time and generations? pp. 311-333 Downloads
Caroline Uggla and Ben Wilson
Number of children and disability pension due to mental and musculoskeletal disorders: A longitudinal register-based study in Norway pp. 335-346 Downloads
Solveig Glestad Christiansen and Øystein Kravdal
Demographic risk factors, healthcare utilization, and mortality during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Austria, Germany, and Italy pp. 347-358 Downloads
Simona Bignami-Van Assche, Daniela Ghio and Nikolaos I. Stilianakis

2023, volume 77, articles 1

Thanks to the 2021 and 2022 reviewers pp. iii-iv Downloads
The Editors
Cross-sectional average length of life by parity: Country comparisons pp. 1-14 Downloads
Ryohei Mogi, Ester Lazzari, Jessica Nisén and Vladimir Canudas-Romo
A distributional approach to measuring lifespan stratification pp. 15-33 Downloads
Jiaxin Shi, José Manuel Aburto, Pekka Martikainen, Lasse Tarkiainen and Alyson van Raalte
Sources and severity of bias in estimates of the BMI–mortality association pp. 35-53 Downloads
Ryan K. Masters
Interaction between childbearing and partnership trajectories among immigrants and their descendants in France: An application of multichannel sequence analysis pp. 55-70 Downloads
Isaure Delaporte and Hill Kulu
Health outcomes of only children across the life course: An investigation using Swedish register data pp. 71-90 Downloads
Katherine Keenan, Kieron Barclay and Alice Goisis
Mental health benefits of cohabitation and marriage: A longitudinal analysis of Norwegian register data pp. 91-110 Downloads
Øystein Kravdal, Jonathan Wörn and Bjørn-Atle Reme
Cultural differences, intergenerational contacts, and the spread of Covid-19: Evidence from Swiss language regions pp. 111-121 Downloads
Fabrizio Mazzonna and Nicolò Gatti
Sooner, later, or never: Changing fertility intentions due to Covid-19 in China’s Covid-19 epicentre pp. 123-140 Downloads
Min Zhou and Wei Guo
Is the mortality–fertility nexus gendered? A research note on sex differences in the impact of sibling mortality on fertility preferences pp. 141-151 Downloads
Emily Smith-Greenaway and Yingyi Lin
Fertility and contraception: The experience of Spanish women born in the first half of the twentieth century pp. 153-162 Downloads
Miguel Requena, David Reher and Alberto Sanz-Gimeno
Page updated 2025-03-25