Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 67, issue 4, 2024
- In-Group Favoritism and Peer Effects in Wrongful Acquittals: National Basketball Association Referees as Judges pp. 731 - 766

- Naci Mocan and Eric Osborne-Christenson
- Do Socially Responsible Firms Walk the Talk? pp. 767 - 810

- Aneesh Raghunandan and Shiva Rajgopal
- The Politics of Mandatory Corporate Philanthropy pp. 811 - 839

- Dhruv Chand Aggarwal
- Guilty by Political Association: The Impact of Political Scandals on Connected Firms pp. 841 - 877

- April Knill, Baixiao Liu, John J. McConnell and Cayman Seagraves
- On the Representativeness of Voter Turnout pp. 879 - 904

- Louis Kaplow and Scott Duke Kominers
- Hidden Wealth and Automatic Information Sharing pp. 905 - 949

- Andrew Belnap, Jacob Thornock and Braden Williams
- Unemployment, Immigration, and Populism pp. 951 - 986

- Shuai Chen
Volume 67, issue 3, 2024
- Car Seats as Contraception pp. 517 - 553

- Jordan Nickerson and David Solomon
- The Industrial Organization of the Mafia pp. 555 - 587

- Henry Thompson
- International Terror Attacks and Local Out-Group Hate Crimes pp. 589 - 610

- Ria Ivandic, Tom Kirchmaier and Stephen Machin
- The Differential Impact of Legal Origins on Firm Productivity pp. 611 - 638

- Yohannes Ayele, Habtamu Edjigu and Remco H. Oostendorp
- Political Connections and the Effectiveness of US State Government Resource Allocation pp. 639 - 689

- Daniel Aobdia, Allison Koester and Reining Petacchi
- Regulatory Similarity pp. 691 - 730

- Jason (Pang-Li) Chen and Joseph Kalmenovitz
Volume 67, issue 2, 2024
- Bringing Dead Capital to Life: Property Rights Security in China pp. 265 - 294

- Hua Cheng and Kishore Gawande
- Exclusion of Extreme Jurors and Minority Representation: The Effect of Jury Selection Procedures pp. 295 - 336

- Andrea Moro and Martin Van der Linden
- Cover-Ups pp. 337 - 369

- Francis Bloch and Rachel Kranton
- Professional Discipline and the Labor Market: Evidence from Lawyers pp. 371 - 414

- Kyle Rozema
- Forum Shopping and Legal Labor Markets: Evidence from the Court Competition Era pp. 415 - 444

- Chad Brown, Jeronimo Carballo and Alessandro Peri
- The Cost of Favoritism in Public Procurement pp. 445 - 477

- Bruno Baránek and Vítězslav Titl
- China’s Anticorruption Campaign and Civil Servant Fever pp. 479 - 516

- Weizheng Lai and Xun Li
Volume 67, issue 1, 2024
- Gun Dealer Density and Its Effect on Homicide pp. 1 - 30

- David Johnson and Joshua Robinson
- The Institutional Legacy of the Mexican Rancho System in California pp. 31 - 66

- Dean Lueck and Julio A. Ramos Pastrana
- Detecting Edgeworth Cycles pp. 67 - 102

- Timothy Holt, Mitsuru Igami and Simon Scheidegger
- Liquidity Effects of Litigation Risk: Evidence from a Legal Shock pp. 103 - 141

- Tommaso Oliviero, Min Park and Hong Zou
- Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure in Media Markets: Evidence from the Chinese Motion Picture Industry pp. 143 - 193

- Ricard Gil, Chun-Yu Ho, Li Xu and Yaying Zhou
- Do Companies Care about Judicial Ideology? Evidence from Air Pollution pp. 195 - 224

- Sarfraz Khan, Andrew J. Schwartz and John K. Wald
- The Selective Enforcement of Government Regulations: Battleground States, State Regulators, and the Environmental Protection Agency pp. 225 - 263

- Huseyin Gulen and Brett W. Myers
Volume 66, issue 4, 2023
- In the Shadow of Antitrust Enforcement: Price Effects of Hospital Mergers from 2009 to 2016 pp. 639 - 669

- Keith Brand, Chris Garmon and Ted Rosenbaum
- Economic Sanctions and Trade Flows in the Neighborhood pp. 671 - 697

- Vincenzo Bove, Jessica Di Salvatore and Roberto Nisticò
- The Effect of Bankruptcy Exemptions on Consumer Credit pp. 699 - 737

- Charles Romeo and Ryan Sandler
- Discrimination in the Patent System: Evidence from Standard-Essential Patents pp. 739 - 763

- Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Emilio Raiteri and Rudi Bekkers
- Depowering Risk: Vehicle Power Restrictions and Teens’ Driving Accidents in Italy pp. 765 - 795

- Silvia Balia, Rinaldo Brau and Marco Nieddu
- Legal Outcomes and Home-Court Advantage: Evidence from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Shift to Administrative Courts pp. 797 - 835

- Eric Helland and George Vojta
- Political Discretion and Antitrust Policy: Evidence from the Assassination of President McKinley pp. 837 - 873

- Richard B. Baker, Carola Frydman and Eric Hilt
Volume 66, issue 3, 2023
- Dynamic Decision-Making under Rolling Admissions: Evidence from US Law School Applications pp. 433 - 463

- Yao Luo and Yu Wang
- Loans to Chapter 11 Firms: Contract Design, Repayment Risk, and Pricing pp. 465 - 509

- Bjorn Eckbo, Kai Li and Wei Wang
- Do Private Prisons Affect Criminal Sentencing? pp. 511 - 534

- Christian Dippel and Mikhail Poyker
- Does Voluntary Financial Disclosure Matter? The Case of Fairness Opinions in Mergers and Acquisitions pp. 535 - 555

- Adam B. Badawi, Matthew D. Cain and Steven Davidoff Solomon
- Partisan Gerrymandering and Turnout pp. 557 - 579

- Daniel Jones, Neil Silveus and Carly Urban
- Multidimensionality of Landownership among Men and Women in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 581 - 608

- Ardina Hasanbasri, Talip Kilic, Gayatri Koolwal and Heather Moylan
- The Lion’s Share: Evidence from Federal Contracts on the Value of Political Connections pp. 609 - 638

- Şenay Ağca and Deniz Igan
Volume 66, issue 2, 2023
- Bargaining over Beauty: The Economics of Contracts in Renaissance Art Markets pp. 225 - 257

- Ennio E. Piano and Clara E. Piano
- Firearms and Lynching pp. 259 - 278

- Michael Makowsky and Patrick Warren
- Declining Unionization and the Despair of the Working Class pp. 279 - 307

- Kelly Chen and Samia Islam
- Price-Parity Clauses for Hotel Room Booking: Empirical Evidence from Regulatory Change pp. 309 - 331

- Sean Ennis, Marc Ivaldi and Vicente Lagos
- Deterrence and Compellence in Parliament pp. 333 - 368

- Duha T. Altindag, Naci Mocan and Jie Zhang
- Does Strengthening the Property Rights of Employee-Inventors Spur Innovation? Empirical Evidence on Freedom-to-Create Laws Passed by US States pp. 369 - 408

- Shashwat Alok and Krishnamurthy Subramanian
- Rule Breaking, Honesty, and Migration pp. 409 - 432

- Massimo Anelli, Tommaso Colussi and Andrea Ichino
Volume 66, issue 1, 2023
- Does Paying with Cards Reduce Crime at Stores? Evidence from a Targeted Cash Ban in Uruguay pp. 1 - 20

- Nestor Gandelman, Ignacio Munyo and Emanuel Schertz
- The Effects of Deregulating Retail Operating Hours: Empirical Evidence from Italy pp. 21 - 52

- Lucia Rizzica, Giacomo Roma and Gabriele Rovigatti
- Patent Validity and Litigation: Evidence from US Inter Partes Review pp. 53 - 81

- Christian Helmers and Brian J. Love
- Is Direct Democracy Good or Bad for Corporations and Unions? pp. 83 - 110

- John G. Matsusaka
- Does Government Play Favorites? Evidence from Opportunity Zones pp. 111 - 141

- Ofer Eldar and Chelsea Garber
- Did the Dependent Coverage Mandate Reduce Crime? pp. 143 - 182

- Zachary Fone, Andrew Friedson, Brandy J. Lipton and Joseph J. Sabia
- The Capital Market Effects of Introducing Private Rights of Action in Securities Regulation: Evidence from the United Kingdom pp. 183 - 224

- Fernán Restrepo
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