Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship
2022 - 2024
Current editor(s): Priyonggo Suseno From Center for Islamic Economics and Development Studies [P3EI] Bibliographic data for series maintained by Deni Eko Saputro (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 3, issue 2, 2024
- The impact of socio-cultural factors on entrepreneurial failure in Soran city pp. 105-120

- Ehsan Salih, Emdad Khaleel Mahmood, Zhian Bwrhan Mustafa, Samian Karim Ado and Rebar Maghdid Ahmad
- Enhancing loyalty in Islamic hospitals: Exploring customer experience as mediating variables pp. 121-136

- Chamdan Purnama, Mirhamida Rahmah, Dinda Fatmah, Syaiful Hasani, Yusriyah Rahmah, Zakiyah Zulfa Rahmah, Sugeng Mulyono and Chairul Anam
- Examining Gen Z's intention using halal toiletries: Theory of planned behavior and perceived risk pp. 137-150

- Listia Andani, Mayang Bundo and Arroyyan Ramly
- Public entrepreneurship, municipal performance, and political capacity's moderating role in Niger state pp. 151-168

- Mohammed Ahmed and Mohammed-Bello Habiba Umar
- Integration of productive waqf in Sharia insurance: Enhancing investment and life protection pp. 169-183

- Hisam Ahyani, Ending Solehudin, Naeli Mutmainah and Nurul Ilyana Muhd Adnan
- A Bibliometric analysis of green sukuk literature pp. 184-198

- Syamsi Mustofa Singgih Prayogo, Aji Raditya and Adel Sarea
- Innovation in Islamic finance: Review of organized banking Tawarruq pp. 199-211

- Muhammad Abdullah Dewaya
Volume 3, issue 1, 2024
- Zakat-based urban farming: A tool for poverty alleviation, community empowerment, financial inclusion, and food security pp. 1-19

- Kinan Salim, Baharom Abdul Hamid, Ziyaad Mahomed and Wiaam Hassan
- Does Islamic social finance promote the quality of human resources? pp. 20-35

- Siswantoro Siswantoro and Ihsanul Ikhwan
- Young Muslim generations and sadaqah through digital platforms: Do sadaqah literacy and religiosity matter? pp. 36-49

- Ahmad Santoso, Heri Sudarsono and Weni Hawariyuni
- Transformation of cash waqf management in Indonesia: Insights into the development of digitalization pp. 50-66

- Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha, Muhammad Shulthoni and Zohaib Hassan Sain
- Does Covid 19 affect the income of Muslim entrepreneurs? Case study of culinary MSMEs in Surakarta pp. 67-76

- Farah Dewayanti, Ari Rudatin and Andika Ridha Ayu Perdana
- Islamic capital market support in the Indonesian halal industry development: SWOT analysis pp. 77-92

- Azwar Azwar
- The mediating effect of perceived value on customer loyalty of BMT NU East Java pp. 93-103

- Mohamad Mondir and Siti Habibatur Rahma
Volume 2, issue 2, 2023
- The effect of religiosity level on entrepreneurial sustainability of Muslim millennials: A case study of the Indonesian family life survey pp. 103-116

- Moh Najikhul Fajri and Siti Munawaroh
- Sustainable sharia company ecosystem: Independent commissioner and audit committee on Islamic social reporting pp. 117-132

- Tri Wahyudi, Nur Sabrina, Camka Ayu Pratiwi and Erlina Sari Pohan
- Perceptions of the importance of philanthropy according to the classification of generations based on Beresford Research pp. 133-145

- Endro Tri Susdarwono and S. Thoriqul Huda
- The efficiency of 20 years of Indonesian zakat institution: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach pp. 146-156

- Aftuqa Sholikatur Rohmania and Erlinda Sholihah
- An integrated cash waqf and Islamic crowdfunding model (I-CWCM) for SMEs: Policy implications for the post-Covid-19 pandemic pp. 157-166

- Sulaeman and Abbiyu Muhamad Ghozali
- The sharing economy in a post-Covid-19 world: Insights from Islamic economic history pp. 167-181

- Jamila Abubakar and Nasim Shah Shirazi
- Understanding muzaki adoption of digital zakat payments in Indonesia pp. 182-193

- Emiroh Arsyina Ahimsa, Heri Sudarsono, Muhammad Abdul Ghoni and Muchammad Taufiq Affandi
Volume 2, issue 1, 2023
- The contribution of Islamic social finance to economic growth in Indonesia pp. 1-12

- Siswantoro Siswantoro and Ihsanul Ikhwan
- Zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and waqf using financial technology: Millennial generation perspective pp. 13-28

- Nur Aisyah Indarningsih, Muhammad Agus Futuhul Ma'wa and Muh. Noval Waliyuddinsyah
- Islamic economics, banking, and finance literature bibliometrics approach: Guideline for journal databases pp. 29-44

- Indri Supriani and Ujang Syahrul Mubarrok
- Islamic social finance in Indonesia: Opportunities, challenges, and its role in empowering society pp. 45-62

- Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha, Muhammad Shulhoni and Dliya’udin Achmad
- Women as economic actors in the family: The importance of religion and community in Payungi’s women empowerment pp. 63-76

- Dwi Nugroho, Dharma Setyawan and Dewi Sri Yunita
- Development of sustainable Tamanu industry in Indonesia based on the green waqf model through sharia crowdfunding platforms pp. 77-89

- M. Khoirul Fikri and Rizky Andrean
- Sharia e-commerce in Indonesia: Sharia peer to peer lending pp. 90-102

- Yunika Sari
Volume 1, issue 2, 2022
- Do perceived zakat institutions and government support affect entrepreneurs' intention to pay zakat? pp. 85-96

- Heri Sudarsono, Indri Supriani and Andika Ridha Ayu Perdana
- Digital management on zakat institutions: Mapping using Biblioshiny R pp. 97-108

- Silma Lafifa Sunarya and Sabiq Al Qital
- Women entrepreneurship: A sentiment analysis pp. 109-120

- Aam Rusydiana and Nadia Nurul Izza
- Optimization of Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) for supporting Indonesia’s economic recovery post-Covid-19 era pp. 121-130

- Sulaeman Sulaeman, Siti Zubaidah and Tika Nur’atikah
- Women entrepreneurs in the era of metaverse: An Islamic economic perspective pp. 131-140

- Telsy Fratama Dewi Samad and Nugraha Hasan
- Women’s role in family economic resilience in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic according to Islamic perspective pp. 141-150

- Rizky Andrean, Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha and Achmad Tubagus Surur
Volume 1, issue 1, 2022
- Personality traits: Support for survive in pandemic Covid-19 for SMEs pp. 1-16

- Mega Dwi Septivani and Alivia Meyrizka Utami
- Rice land sustainability and agricultural financing through waqf pp. 17-35

- Rifaldi Majid
- Analysis of the utilization of zakat, infaq, and alms during the Covid-19 pandemic: CIBEEST model approach pp. 36-49

- Muhammad Farhan Razzack, Purbayu Budi Santosa, Mochammad Ardani and Annisa Maulidia Alfian
- Evaluation of zakat literature: A bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review pp. 50-62

- Risna Putri Apriliyah and Bayu Arifianto
- Ibn Khaldun's insight: Intellectual capital for entrepreneurship using wordclouds and netnography pp. 63-73

- Dicky Wahyudi
- Utilization of productive zakat funds in the ZMart Program to improve mustahik welfare pp. 74-83

- Abdul Rachman
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