Journal of Human Resources
1966 - 2025
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Volume 60, issue 2, 2025
- The Effects of Need-Based Financial Aid on Employment and Earnings: Experimental Evidence from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars pp. 327-370

- Deven Carlson, Alex Schmidt, Sarah Souders and Barbara Wolfe
- Early Skill Effects on Parental Beliefs, Investments, and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes pp. 371-399

- Pablo Celhay and Sebastian Gallegos
- The Interplay between Maternal Smoking and Genes in Offspring Birth Weight pp. 400-433

- Rita Dias Pereira, Cornelius A. Rietveld and Hans van Kippersluis
- Labor Market Effects of Open Borders: Evidence from the Finnish Construction Sector after EU Enlargement pp. 434-468

- Isa Kuosmanen and Jaakko Meriläinen
- Jobs and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ethiopia pp. 469-495

- Andreas Kotsadam and Espen Villanger
- The Child Health Impacts of Coal: Evidence from India’s Coal Expansione pp. 496-537

- Sangita Vyas
- Premium or Penalty? Labor Market Returns to Novice Public Sector Teachers pp. 538-577

- Juan Esteban Saavedra, Dario Maldonado, Lucrecia Santibañez and Luis Omar Herrera-Prada
- Birth Cohort Size Variation and the Estimation of Class Size Effects pp. 578-606

- Maximilian Bach and Stephan Sievert
- Where versus What: College Value-Added and Returns to Field of Study in Further Education pp. 607-652

- Esteban M. Aucejo, Claudia Hupkau and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
- Childhood Confidence, Schooling, and the Labor Market: Evidence from the PSID pp. 653-691

- Lucy Page and Hannah Ruebeck
Volume 60, issue 1, 2025
- Fostering Soft Skills in Active Labor Market Programs: Evidence from a Large-Scale RCT pp. 1-36

- Analia Schlosser and Yannay Shanan
- Managing Long Working Hours: Evidence from a Management Practice Survey pp. 37-69

- Mari Tanaka, Taisuke Kameda, Takuma Kawamoto, Shigeru Sugihara and Ryo Kambayashi
- Beyond Treatment Exposure: The Impact of the Timing of Early Interventions on Child and Maternal Health pp. 70-101

- Jonas Cuzulan Hirani, Hans Henrik Sievertsen and Miriam Wüst
- The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan pp. 102-128

- Nobuhiko Nakazawa
- Stacking the Deck for Employment Success: Labor Market Returns to Stackable Credentials pp. 129-152

- Katharine E. Meyer, Kelli A. Bird and Benjamin L. Castleman
- Beyond Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic: The Role of Teachers and Schools in Reporting Child Maltreatment pp. 153-186

- Cassandra Benson, Maria D. Fitzpatrick and Samuel Bondurant
- Lifetime and Intergenerational Consequences of Poor Childhood Health pp. 187-223

- Krzysztof Karbownik and Anthony Wray
- The Great Recession’s Baby‐Less Recovery: The Role of Unintended Births pp. 224-258

- Kasey Buckles, Melanie Guldi and Lucie Schmidt
- A Field Experiment on Labor Market Speeddates for Unemployed Workers pp. 259-288

- Bas van der Klaauw and Lennart Ziegler
- Labor Market Experience and Returns to College Education in Fast-Growing Economies pp. 289-325

- Hongbin Li, James Liang and Binzhen Wu
Volume 59, issue S, 2024
- The Economics of Child Mental Health: Introducing the Causes and Consequences of Child Mental Health Special Issue pp. s1-s13

- Janet Currie
- To What Extent Are Trends in Teen Mental Health Driven by Changes in Reporting? The Example of Suicide-Related Hospital Visits pp. s14-s40

- Adriana Corredor-Waldron and Janet Currie
- The Effect of Household Earnings on Child School Mental Health Designations: Evidence from Administrative Data pp. s41-s76

- Lauren Jones, Mark Stabile, Kourtney Koebel and Jill Furzer
- Child Mental Health, Family Circumstance, and Long-Term Success: The Effect of Household Income pp. s77-s107

- Randall Akee, William Copeland and Emilia Simeonova
- (Breaking) Intergenerational Transmission of Mental Health pp. s108-s151

- Aline Bütikofer, Rita Ginja, Krzysztof Karbownik and Fanny Landaud
- Domestic Violence Reports and the Mental Health and Well-Being of Victims and Their Children pp. s152-s186

- Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon Dahl, Katrine Løken and Magne Mogstad
- Societal Disruptions and Childhood ADHD Diagnosis during the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. s187-s226

- Seth Freedman, Kelli Marquardt, Dario Salcedo, Kosali Simon and Coady Wing
- In-Person Schooling and Youth Suicide: Evidence from School Calendars and Pandemic School Closures pp. s227-s255

- Benjamin Hansen, Joseph J. Sabia and Jessamyn Schaller
- Effects of School-Based Mental Health Services on Youth Outcomes pp. s256-s281

- Ezra Golberstein, Irina Zainullina, Aaron Sojourner and Mark A. Sander
- Adverse Impacts of Mental Health Needs Assessment on Jail Outcomes: Evidence from Transition Age Youth and Adults pp. s282-s316

- Scott Cunningham, Jonathan A. Seward, Karen Clay and Vivian S. Vigliotti
- Improving Mental Health of Adolescent Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Causal Evidence from Life Skills Programming pp. s317-s364

- Manisha Shah, Sarah Baird, Jennifer Seager, Benjamin Avuwadah, Joan Hamory, Shwetlena Sabarwal and Amita Vyas
- Trajectories of Early Childhood Skill Development and Maternal Mental Health pp. s365-s401

- Dilek Sevim, Victoria Baranov, Sonia Bhalotra, Joanna Maselko and Pietro Biroli
Volume 59, issue 6, 2024
- The Effects of Sun Intensity during Pregnancy and in the First 12 Months of Life on Childhood Obesity pp. 1683-1713

- Christian Dustmann, Malte Sandner and Uta Schönberg
- Can Transfers and Complementary Nutrition Programming Reduce Intimate Partner Violence Four Years Post-Program? Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 1714-1740

- Shalini Roy, Melissa Hidrobo, John Hoddinott, Bastien Kolt and Akhter Ahmed
- Investing in Health and Public Safety: Childhood Medicaid Eligibility and Later Life Criminal Behavior pp. 1741-1768

- Logan Hendrix and Wendy A. Stock
- Voting and Political Participation in the Aftermath of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic pp. 1769-1794

- Hani Mansour and James Reeves
- The Economic Impact of Migrants from Hurricane Maria pp. 1795-1829

- Giovanni Peri, Derek Rury and Justin Wiltshire
- Import Competition and the Gender Employment Gap in China pp. 1830-1864

- Feicheng Wang, Krisztina Kis‐Katos and Minghai Zhou
- Fertility Policy Adjustments and Female Labor Supply: Estimation of Marginal Treatment Effect Using Chinese Census Data pp. 1865-1892

- Shenglong Liu, Tianyu Jin, Meng Li and Shaojie Zhou
- Cultural Norms and Neighborhood Exposure: Impacts on the Gender Gap in Math pp. 1893-1936

- Sanna Bergvall
- Comparative Advantage and Gender Gap in STEM pp. 1937-1980

- Sofoklis Goulas, Silvia Griselda and Rigissa Megalokonomou
- The Effect of Employment Protection on Firms’ Worker Selection pp. 1981-2020

- Sebastian Butschek and Jan Sauermann
Volume 59, issue 5, 2024
- Pricing Children, Curbing Daughters: Fertility and the Sex Ratio during China’s One-Child Policy pp. 1319-1352

- Jorge Luis GarcÃa
- Application and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability Insurance pp. 1353-1386

- Mathilde Godard, Pierre Koning and Maarten Lindeboom
- Employment Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Tax Base pp. 1387-1424

- Po†Chun Huang
- Teamwork and Human Capital Development pp. 1425-1457

- Chunchao Wang, Aiping Xiao and Yu Zhou
- Unintended Consequences of Immigration Enforcement: Household Services and High†Educated Mothers’ Work pp. 1458-1502

- Chloe N. East and Andrea Velásquez
- Direct and Spillover Effects of Enforcing Labor Standards: Evidence from Argentina pp. 1503-1534

- Brian Feld
- Vocational versus General Upper Secondary Education and Earnings pp. 1535-1563

- Eskil Heinesen and Elise Stenholt Lange
- Early Labor Market Prospects and Family Formation pp. 1564-1598

- Mattias Engdahl, Mathilde Godard and Oskar Nordström Skans
- Can Early Intervention Have a Sustained Effect on Human Capital? pp. 1599-1636

- Orla Doyle
- Nudging Demand for Academic Support Services: Experimental and Structural Evidence from Higher Education pp. 1637-1682

- Todd Pugatch and Nicholas Wilson
Volume 59, issue 4, 2024
- Supplemental Security Income for Children, Maternal Labor Supply, and Family Well†Being: Evidence from Birth Weight Eligibility Cutoffs pp. 975-1010

- Melanie Guldi, Amelia Hawkins, Jeffrey Hemmeter and Lucie Schmidt
- Who Benefits from Cash†for†Care? Effects of a Home Care Subsidy on Maternal Employment, Childcare Choices, and Children’s Development pp. 1011-1051

- Matthias Collischon, Daniel Kuehnle and Michael Oberfichtner
- School Schedule and the Gender Pay Gap pp. 1052-1089

- Emma Duchini and Clémentine Van Effenterre
- Hassles and Environmental Health Screenings: Evidence from Lead Tests in Illinois pp. 1090-1121

- Ludovica Gazze
- Whose Help Is on the Way? The Importance of Individual Police Officers in Law Enforcement Outcomes pp. 1122-1149

- Emily K. Weisburst
- There’s Always Room for Improvement: The Persistent Benefits of a Large†Scale Teacher Evaluation System pp. 1150-1179

- Simon Briole and Eric Maurin
- Are Two Teachers Better Than One? The Effect of Coteaching on Students with and without Disabilities pp. 1180-1206

- Nathan Jones and Marcus A. Winters
- School Choice and Educational Mobility: Lessons from Secondary School Applications in Ghana pp. 1207-1243

- Kehinde F. Ajayi
- Does Federally Funded Job Training Work? Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and Firms pp. 1244-1283

- Fredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, Julia I. Lane, David Rosenblum and Jeffrey Smith
- Do Microcredentials Help New Workers Enter the Market? Evidence from an Online Labor Platform pp. 1284-1318

- Otto Kässi and Vili Lehdonvirta
Volume 59, issue 3, 2024
- Divergent: The Time Path of Legacy and Athlete Admissions at Harvard pp. 653-683

- Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler and Tyler Ransom
- Selected Fertility and Racial Inequality pp. 684-710

- Owen Thompson
- The Name Says It All: Multigenerational Social Mobility in Basel (Switzerland), 1550–2019 pp. 711-742

- Melanie Häner and Christoph A. Schaltegger
- Spillover Bias in Multigenerational Income Regressions pp. 743-776

- Jørgen Modalsli and Kelly Vosters
- Physician Health Management Skills and Patient Outcomes pp. 777-809

- Emilia Simeonova, Niels Skipper and Peter Rønø Thingholm
- Did Expanding Sports Opportunities for Women Reduce Crime? Evidence from a Natural Experiment pp. 810-851

- Drew McNichols, Joseph J. Sabia and Gokhan Kumpas
- The Impact of Academic Probation: Do Intensive Interventions Help? pp. 852-878

- Aaron Albert and Nathan Wozny
- An Experimental Evaluation of Culturally Enriching Field Trips pp. 879-904

- Heidi H. Erickson, Angela R. Watson and Jay P. Greene
- Starting Out on the Right Foot: Employment Effects of an On-the-Job Training Program pp. 905-928

- Agata Maida and Daniela Sonedda
- Inconsistent Retirement Timing pp. 929-974

- Christoph Merkle, Philipp Schreiber and Martin Weber
Volume 59, issue 2, 2024
- Testing pp. 349-388

- Annika B. Bergbauer, Eric A. Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann
- How Does Visitation Affect Incarcerated Persons and Their Families? Estimates Using Exogenous Variation in Visits Driven by Distance between Home and Prison pp. 389-415

- Lars Højsgaard Andersen, Maria Fitzpatrick and Christopher Wildeman
- Parental Labor Supply: Evidence from Minimum Wage Changes pp. 416-442

- Anna Godøy, Michael Reich, Jesse Wursten and Sylvia Allegretto
- Robots, Marriageable Men, Family, and Fertility pp. 443-469

- Massimo Anelli, Osea Giuntella and Luca Stella
- Do Workers Discriminate against Female Bosses? pp. 470-501

- Martin Abel
- Access to Colleges, Human Capital, and Empowerment of Women pp. 502-544

- Sheetal Sekhri, Md Amzad Hossain and Pooja Khosla
- Home Location Choices and the Gender Commute Gap pp. 545-575

- Yizhen Gu, Naijia Guo, Jing Wu and Ben Zou
- The Effects of a Structured Curriculum on Preschool Effectiveness: A Field Experiment pp. 576-603

- Mari Rege, Ingunn Størksen, Ingeborg F. Solli, Ariel Kalil, Megan M. McClelland, Dieuwer ten Braak, Ragnhild Lenes, Svanaug Lunde, Svanhild Breive, Martin Carlsen, Ingvald Erfjord and Per Sigurd Hundeland
- Too Many Men, Too-Short Lives: The Effect of the Male-Biased Sex Ratio on Mortality pp. 604-626

- Simon Chang, Kamhon Kan and Xiaobo Zhang
- Boom Town Business Dynamics pp. 627-651

- Ryan A. Decker, Meagan McCollum and Gregory Upton
Volume 59, issue 1, 2024
- Age Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from Age-Blind versus Non-Age-Blind Hiring Procedures pp. 1-34

- David Neumark
- Changing Stability in U.S. Employment Relationships: A Tale of Two Tails pp. 35-69

- Raven Molloy, Christopher L. Smith and Abigail Wozniak
- Savings Accounts to Borrow Less: Experimental Evidence from Chile pp. 70-108

- Dina Pomeranz and Felipe Kast
- Performance Information and Personnel Decisions in the Public Sector: The Case of School Principals pp. 109-140

- Julie Cullen, Eric A. Hanushek, Gregory Phelan and Steven G. Rivkin
- Remedial Education: Evidence from a Sequence of Experiments in Colombia pp. 141-174

- Horacio Alvarez Marinelli, Samuel Berlinski and Matias Busso
- Obstacles on the Road to School: The Impacts of Mobility Restrictions on Educational Performance pp. 175-209

- Sami Miaari and Ines Lee
- Detecting and Preventing Cheating in Exams: Evidence from a Field Experiment pp. 210-241

- Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky and Johannes Rincke
- Victimization and Skill Accumulation: The Case of School Bullying pp. 242-279

- Miguel Sarzosa
- Did Craigslist’s Erotic Services Reduce Female Homicide and Rape? pp. 280-315

- Scott Cunningham, Gregory DeAngelo and John Tripp
- Agricultural Productivity and Fertility Rates: Evidence from the Oil Palm Boom in Indonesia pp. 316-347

- Esther Gehrke and Christoph Kubitza
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