Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali
2003 - 2024
Current editor(s): Maurizio Baussola
From Vita e Pensiero, Pubblicazioni dell'Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
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Volume 118, issue 4, 2010
- On the Production Function for Italy pp. 401-416

- Giuseppe Albanese and Marco Sorge
- Education and Second Birth Risks in Italy pp. 417-432

- Luigi Aldieri, Adriana Barone and Concetto Paolo Vinci
- A Note on Consumer Price Dynamics for Subpopulations in Italy pp. 433-448

- Matteo Della Valle
- Relational Goods and the Well-being of People Working in Italian Social Cooperatives pp. 449-474

- Nunzia Nappo
- In Search of Good Economics. A note on Luigi Lodovico Pasinetti, «Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians» pp. 475-496

- Andrea Villani
Volume 118, issue 3, 2010
- On Labour Shares in Recent Decades: A Survey pp. 283-333

- Luciano Boggio, Vincenzo Dall’aglio and Marco Magnani
- The Democratic Road to Socialism pp. 335-354

- Bruno Jossa
- Environmental Labelling: Issues of Enforcement and Approval of Uniform Standards pp. 355-378

- Laura Meraviglia
- Individual Rights and Duties in Health Policy pp. 379-396

- Gilberto Muraro and Vincenzo Rebba
- Il pendolo italiano. Note fra economia e politica (R. TARGETTI LENTI) pp. 397-398

- Silvio Beretta
Volume 118, issue 2, 2010
- Distribution and Growth, Technology and Development. Reflections on Nino Andreatta’s Theoretical Analysis pp. 155-197

- Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Piercarlo Nicola and Claudia Rotondi
- On Some «Dimensions» of the Theory of the Firm pp. 199-223

- Annamaria Stramaglia
- Unemployment and Full Employment. A Retrospective View pp. 225-262

- Maurizio Zenezini
- An Empirical Note on Government Expenditure and Imports: an ARDL Cointegration Investigation pp. 263-274

- Constantinos Alexiou
- Israele e Palestina: la forza dei numeri. Il conflitto mediorientale fra demografia e politica (F. MARONE) pp. 275-277

- Sergio Della Pergola
Volume 118, issue 1, 2010
- Why Do Italian Joint Stock Companies Adopt One or Two-Tier Board? pp. 3-25

- Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini, Laura Pellegrini and Emiliano Sironi
- Overt and Underlying Games: The Case of the Centipede pp. 27-45

- Carlo Beretta
- Spillovers, Disclosure Lags, and Incentives to Innovate: Do Oligopolies Over-Invest in R&D? pp. 47-76

- Gianluca Femminis and Gianmaria Martini
- Is Long-Term Unemployment Unaffected by Flexible Labour Market Legislation? pp. 77-105

- Chiara Mussida
- Con tutta l’energia possibile (A. VILLANI) pp. 107-112

- L. Maugeri
Volume 117, issue 3, 2009
- Introducion pp. 361-363

- J.J. Heckman
- Lectio magistralis. Investing in our Young People: Lessons from Economics and Psychology pp. 365-386

- James J. Heckman
- Investing in our Young People pp. 387-418

- Flavio Cunha and James J. Heckman
- Exploring the Interface Between Personality Psychology and Economics pp. 419-444

- Gian Vittorio Caprara and Eugenia Scabini
- High School Graduates, Skill Formation and Labour Demand pp. 445-475

- Gilberto Antonelli, Roberto Antonietti and Giovanni Guidetti
- Investing in the Human Potential: Improving Cognitive Life Skills in Young People pp. 477-492

- Alessandro Antonietti
- Young People in the XXI Century pp. 493-512

- Gian Carlo Blangiardo, Stefano Montrasio and Stefania Rimoldi
- From the Welfare State to the Social Investment State pp. 513-528

- Maurizio Ferrera
- ''Human Resources'': Economics and Organization pp. 529-538

- Cesare Kaneklin
- Investing in our Young People: Family Lives, Reconciliation Policies and Social Capital pp. 539-570

- Giuseppina Malerba
- Early Childhood and Disability, Some Preliminary Reflections pp. 571-592

- Giuliana Parodi
- Eliciting Risk and Time Preferences in Field Experiments: Are They Related to Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Outcomes? Are Circumstances Important? pp. 593-630

- Martina Menon and Federico Perali
- Are Children Human Beings or Human Becomings? A Critical Assessment of Outcome Thinking pp. 631-654

- Jens Qvortrup
Volume 117, issue 2, 2009
- La stima dello stock di beni durevoli delle famiglie pp. 199-233

- Carolina Corea, Incoronata Donnarumma and Antonio Frenda
- Una teoria istituzionalista dell’impresa sociale capitalistica pp. 235-250

- Pier Angelo Mori
- Reciprocita' e free riding: un’analisi evolutiva pp. 251-272

- Camilla Sandri and Luca Zarri
- Democrazia e sviluppo: una relazione complessa pp. 273-306

- Renata Targetti Lenti
Volume 117, issue 1, 2009
- Social justice and different views of natural law among XIX century economis pp. 3-22

- Daniele Corrado and Stefano Solari
- Offerta di attivita` gratuita in Italia: un’analisi micro-econometrica pp. 23-59

- Damiano Fiorillo
- Is the pendulum swinging back? Policy and politics in the return of big government pp. 61-84

- Marco Magnani and Gilberto Seravalli
- Hours and Employment in a Stochastic Model of the Firm pp. 85-111

- Giulio Piccirilli
- Classical versus VAR econometrics: the Janus head effect in economic dynamic modelling pp. 113-124

- Maria Zoia
- La crisi finanziaria globale 2008-2009 pp. 125-134

- Carlo D’adda
- I mercati del microcredito: tendenze internazionali e caso italiano. Una rassegna pp. 135-168

- Veronica Polin
Volume 116, issue 4, 2008
- Small Area Estimation and Economic Policy pp. 379-385

- Maurizio Baussola and Enrico Fabrizi
- Some Methods for Small Area Estimation pp. 387-405

- J.N.K. Rao
- Small Area Estimation: a Practitioner’s Appraisal pp. 407-417

- Dan Hedlin
- Small Area Estimation Methods for Socio-Economic Indicators in Household Surveys pp. 419-442

- Michele D'Alo', Loredana DI Consiglio, Stefano Falorsi and Fabrizio Solari
- Labour Force Estimates for Small Geographical Domains in Italy: Problems, Data and Models pp. 443-464

- Nicola Torelli and Matilde Trevisani
- How Good is a Map? Putting Small Area Estimation to the Test pp. 465-493

- Gabriel Demombynes, Chris Elbers, Jean Lanjouw and Peter Lanjouw
- Biografie degli autori pp. 495-497

- Editorial Staff
- Sommario generale dell’annata pp. 499-501

- Editorial Staff
Volume 116, issue 3, 2008
- Neoclassical versus Technological Convergence: Some Evidence from the Recent Experience of the Italian Regions pp. 271-287

- Carluccio Bianchi and Mario Menegatti
- Aspettando il 2011: riflessioni su qualita` e uso dei risultati del Censimento demografico pp. 289-304

- GianCarlo Blangiardo
- Measuring poverty within and between population subgroups pp. 305-320

- Massimo Civardi and Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti
- Human Development in the EU pp. 321-331

- Diego Lanzi and Flavio Delbono
- A closed form Ramsey path pp. 333-340

- Massimiliano Ferrara and Luca Guerrini
- Concorrenza di prezzo, essenzialita` ed esternalita` di rete in presenza di beni complementari: nuove soluzioni alla 'Tragedia degli Anticommons' pp. 341-364

- Matteo Alvisi
- Social Pacts, Employment and Growth. A reappraisal of Ezio Tarantelli’s thought pp. 365-372

- Giulio Piccirilli, Nicola Acocella and Riccardo Leoni
- Valorizzare un'economia forte. L'Italia ed il ruolo della sussidiarieta' pp. 372-375

- Francesco Timpano, A. Quadrio Curzio and M. Fortis
Volume 116, issue 2, 2008
- Il sistema dei permessi negoziabili per la gestione dell’acqua: un’analisi dei principali casi di studio pp. 137-158

- Simone Borghesi
- Complementarities and Substitutabilities in Matching Models pp. 159-177

- Gabriele Cardullo
- Valore aggiunto comunale: integrazione tra fonti e approccio bottom-up pp. 179-209

- Alessandro Faramondi
- Human Capital and Productivity Growth in Italian Regional Economies: A Sectoral Analysis pp. 211-233

- Sergio Lodde
- Part-time Work and Wage Penalty Trend among Italian Women pp. 235-261

- Dario Sciulli and Giuliana Parodi
- Recensione pp. 263-267

- R. Targetti Lenti
Volume 116, issue 1, 2008
- Panel Cointegration Tests: A Survey pp. 3-36

- Laura Barbieri
- Innovazione, mercati e occupazione nel dibattito economico degli anni Venti dell’Ottocento pp. 37-61

- Giuseppe Curreri
- Hasse Diagrams, Poset Theory and Fuzzy Poverty Measures pp. 63-75

- Marco Fattore
- Voluntary Work and Reciprocity: A Normative Approach pp. 77-97

- Marco Musella and Nunzia Nappo
- Innovation and the Nordic Erythropoietin Market pp. 99-126

- Enrico Sorisio and Steinar Strøm
- Recensione pp. 127-133

- A. Quadrio Curzio