Studia Historiae Oeconomicae
2013 - 2024
Current editor(s): Roman Macyra From Sciendo Bibliographic data for series maintained by Peter Golla (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 42, issue 2, 2024
- Labour Market and Unemployment pp. 1-10

- Janicki Tadeusz
- Unfulfilled dreams? The Financial Situation of Workers in Paris and the department of Loir-Et-Cher Between 1789 and 1795 pp. 11-52

- Derejski Krzysztof
- Organization of Poor Minors Labor by Charity Societies in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Poznan Case pp. 53-74

- Łysakowska-Trzoss Agata Karolina
- Reparations, Hyperinflation, Unemployment and the Rise of Adolph Hitler pp. 75-94

- Thies Clifford F.
- On the road to the Split of the American Labor Movement: Criticism of the American Federation of Labor in Committee for Industrial Organizations Pamphlets (1935–1936) pp. 95-114

- Kowalski Kamil
- Hidden Unemployment in Polish Industry (1945–1956) pp. 115-152

- Chumiński Jędrzej
- Socialist Exploitation of the Worker in the First Half of the 1950s: A Case Study of the H. Cegielski Industry Plant in Poznań pp. 153-176

- Jankowiak Stanisław
- Unemployment as a Consequence of the Liquidation of State Agricultural Farms in 1991–2003 pp. 177-196

- Machałek Małgorzata
- The issue of labour in Germany in the Galicia District Press: Content Analysis pp. 197-222

- Mosora Volodymyr
- Book Review: The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights: The German Economy in 1990–2015 pp. 223-226

- Moszyński Michał
- Book Review: Silniki Stacjonarne na Ziemiach Polskich [Stationary Engines on Polish Lands] pp. 227-230

- Zaradzki Bartosz
- Book Review: Wąsosz. Historia Miasta i Gminy [Wąsosz: History of City and Municipality] pp. 231-236

- Miłosz Jan
Volume 42, issue 1, 2024
- Editorial: Human and Nature: Between Destruction and Creation pp. 1-12

- Gwiazdowicz Dariusz J. and Janicki Tadeusz
- Different Forms of Civilizations and the Development of Woodlands: Systems of Interactions pp. 13-20

- Küster Hansjörg
- Forest Aesthetics as a Basic Idea for Forest Management from the Perspectives of Light Quality, Ecosystems, and Sustainability in Japan pp. 21-36

- Koike Tatsunori, Koike Takayoshi and Ueda Hirofumi
- Itaque Tam Istud Vitandum Habebit Quam Hercule Fugiendum Venandi aut Aucupandi Studium, Quibus Rebus Plurimae Operae Avocantur pp. 37-62

- Benincasa Zuzanna
- Soil Degradation as a Matter of Concern for Plato: A Few Notes in the Margin of Critias (110–112, Ed. Burnet) pp. 63-72

- Ilski Kazimierz and Kotłowska Anna
- Springs of Life: Spas in Western Galicia from the Beginning of the 19th Century to the Outbreak of World War I pp. 73-112

- Hojka Zbigniew
- Reintroductions of Forest Fauna in the Second Polish Republic pp. 113-124

- Daszkiewicz Piotr
- Agriculture and the environment in Poland in the years 1944–2004: an Outline pp. 125-144

- Janicki Tadeusz
- Book review: Ziemie Obiecane. Rolnictwo Dolnego Śląska W Latach 1945–1956 W Ujęciu Ekonomicznym I Historycznym [Promised Lands: Agriculture of Lower Silesia in the Years 1945–1956 from the Economic and Historical Point of View] pp. 145-150

- Błażejczyk-Majka Lucyna
- Reports: In Care of the Family: Social Welfare in the Polish Lands from 19th to 21st Century. Historical Dictionary [W Trosce O Rodzinę. Pomoc Społeczna Na Ziemiach Polskich Od XIX do XXI Wieku. Słownik Historyczny] as a Project Carried out Under the National Program for the Development of the Humanities [Narodowy Program Rozwoju Huma Nistyki] pp. 151-154

- Kinal Jarosław
Volume 41, issue 2, 2023
- Changes in Peasant Children’s Reading Practices and Living Conditions in Dnieper Ukraine at the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries pp. 1-18

- Voloshenko Viktoriia
- Some Remarks About the Workers’ Motherhood in the Industrial City of Łódź in the 19th–20th Centuries pp. 19-40

- Śmiechowski Kamil
- Labor of Minors in Industrial of Ukrainian Lands (19th – Early 20th Century) pp. 41-62

- Shandra Iryna and Birova Olha
- Child Labour and Health During the Industrialization in Western Europe with Special Reference to Prussia pp. 63-78

- Vögele Jörg Peter and Liczbińska Grażyna
- Development as Labour and Labour as Development: Korczak’s Philosophy of Labour Against the Background of Interwar Childhoods pp. 79-102

- Rakoczy Marta
- The One that Wasn’t: Child and Youth Labour in the Post-Stalin Era in the Soviet Union pp. 103-126

- Studenna-Skrukwa Marta
- Between a Relic of the Past and a Socialist Duty: Child and Adolescent Labour in ‘Comunist Poland’ in the Light of Literary Fiction for Young People (1948–1980) pp. 127-144

- Skrukwa Grzegorz
- Two Models of Child Labour in the Past pp. 145-164

- Łukasiewicz Dariusz
- Women and Girl Child Labour in the Bangle Industry of Hyderabad, India pp. 165-204

- Pande Rekha
- Forced Labour of Polish and Soviet Children Under Nazi Occupation Discussion by Prof. Johannes-Dieter Steinert and Prof. Beata Halicka, 1 December 2022 pp. 205-214

- Halicka Beata and Steinert Johannes-Dieter
- Report from the 2nd National Scientific Conference on ‘Work Culture’, December 1, 2022 pp. 215-220

- Rydz Romuald
- Report from the Scientific Conference Entitled: “Saving the Economy: Reconstruction, Stabilization and Creation of Economic Development Paths in the 19th and 21st Centuries” [Na Ratunek Gospodarce: Odbudowa, Stabilizacja I Kreowanie Ścieżek Rozwoju Gospodarki W XIX–XXI Wieku]. Lubin, September 14–16, 2023 pp. 221-225

- Janicki Tadeusz
Volume 41, issue 1, 2023
- Unsuccessful Attempts at the Incorporation of Cities in the District Duchy of Greater Poland in the 13th Century pp. 1-28

- Górczak Zbyszko
- Food, Housing, Work, Retirement: Resourcefulness in Everyday Life as an Element of the Functioning of Society and the Economy in the People’s Republic of Poland (Selected Aspects) pp. 29-52

- Jarosz Dariusz
- State Entrepreneurship in Interwar Poland pp. 53-78

- Kaliński Janusz
- Principles of Shaping and Composition of the Management Staff of Polish Industry (1945–1956) pp. 79-120

- Chumiński Jędrzej
- Second Life of Post-Mining Facilities: Mines as a Tourist Attraction of Southern Poland pp. 121-142

- Hojka Zbigniew
- Book Review: Polish Minority in the Russian Federation: Conditions, Current Status and Prospects [Mniejszość Polska W Federacji Rosyjskiej: Uwarunkowania, Stan Aktualny I Perspektywy] pp. 143-146

- Czerwieniec-Ivasyk Marta
- Book Review: With a Zest and in a Refined Form…The 7th International Congress of Historical Sciences in Warsaw, 1933 pp. 147-152

- Błażejczyk-Majka Lucyna
- Reports: Report from the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences Poznań 2020/2022 on 21–27 August 2022 pp. 153-156

- Filipowska Karolina
Volume 40, issue 2, 2022
- Group Portrait of the Galician Oil Entrepreneurs pp. 1-19

- Franaszek Piotr
- Entrepreneurship in Sport: Sport in Business, Using Professional Football as an Example pp. 21-52

- Kowalski Wojciech Szymon
- Lower Silesian Factory of Nicotine Preparations pp. 53-78

- Synowiec Andrzej
- Landowners’ Activities Aimed at Improving the Economic Condition of Rural Farms in the Years 1918–1939 (On the Example of Kielce Voivodeship) pp. 79-103

- Słabińska Elżbieta
- Between Art, Industry and Entrepreneurship: Artistic, Design, and Managerial Activity of Professor Zbigniew Horbowy in 1959–1989 pp. 105-121

- Popiński Krzysztof
- Poverty in Sub-Africa: Reflecting on the Failure of International Global Governance pp. 123-135

- Gwandu Hassan Attahiru
- Book Review: Decade of Wonders 1988–98. This is How Polish Capitalism was Born [Dekada Cudów 1988–98. Tak Się Rodził Polski Kapitalizm] pp. 137-143

- Pacanowska Regina
- Report from the Academic Session “Human and Nature: Between Destruction and Creation” Organized as Part of the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznań on 24th August 2022 pp. 145-148

- Janicki Tadeusz
- Report from the Academic Conference “Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs and Enterprises: Between Synthesis and Case Study. On the 100th Aniversary of the Chair and Department of Economic History at the University of Poznań and the University of Adam Mickiewicz” in Poznań on 22–23 September 2022 pp. 149-153

- Miłosz Jan
Volume 40, issue 1, 2022
- Polish Population Censuses in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Scope and Subject Matter in the Context of International Standards pp. 1-28

- Leszczyńska Cecylia
- Monitoring Disease: Cause-of-Death-Registration in Prussia During the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries pp. 29-40

- Vögele Jörg
- Transylvanian Health Database: A Historical Database of Medicalization Spreading in Transylvania Before 1918 pp. 41-58

- Dumănescu Luminița, Hegedűs Nicoleta and Lumezeanu Angela
- Possibilities of Studying Epidemics of Cholera in Upper Hungary (Contemporary Slovakia) in the 19th Century pp. 59-76

- Golian Ján
- Population Registry Cards for Inhabitants of Lodz as a Source of Information About the City’s Population in the 19th and Early 20th Century pp. 77-96

- Repczyńska-Górczak Helena M., Antosik Szymon and Chmielarz Małgorzata
- The Victims of the “Great War” in Transylvania: Recovering the Sources and Designing a Database of Invalids, Orphans, and War Widows pp. 97-122

- Holom Elena Crinela and Lumezeanu Angela
- National Agricultural Censuses in Poland from 1921–2010: Evolution, Thematic Scope and Relevance for the Study of Rural and Agricultural History pp. 123-141

- Machałek Małgorzata
- Book Review: Housing Problems in Poland in the 1970s in the Light of Personal Documents [Problemy Mieszkaniowe W Polsce W Latach Siedemdziesiątych Xx Wieku W Świetle Dokumentów Osobistych] pp. 143-154

- Kujawa Jakub
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