From American Enterprise Institute Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Dave Adams, CIO (). Access Statistics for this book series.
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- A Discussion with Friedrich A. von Hayek

- Friedrich von Hayek
- A New Look at Inflation: Economic Policy in the Early 1970s

- Philip Cagan, Charles Mclure, Gottfried Haberler, William Fellner and Marten Estey
- A Safety Net That Works: Improving Federal Programs for Low-Income Americans

- Robert Doar
- A Tough Act to Follow?

- Harold Furchtgott-Roth
- A World Without Agriculture: The Structural Transformation in Historical Perspective

- Charles Timmer
- Abundant Energy

- Kenneth Green
- Accounting Standards and International Finance: With Special Reference to Multinationals

- Joseph Burns
- Achieving Financial Solvency in Social Security

- Mickey Levy
- Advertising, Prices, and Consumer Reaction: A Dynamic Analysis

- John Scheidell
- After the Crash: Linkages Between Stocks and Futures

- Robert Mackay
- Agricultural Policy and U.S.-Taiwan Trade

- Chi-Ming Hou, D. Johnson and Yu-Kang Mao
- Agricultural Policy in Disarray

- Vincent Smith, Barry Goodwin and Joseph Glauber
- Agricultural Policy Reform in the United States

- Daniel Sumner
- Agricultural Trade Policy: Letting Markets Work

- Daniel Sumner
- Air Quality in America

- Steven Hayward and Joel Schwartz
- Airports and Congestion: A Problem of Misplaced Subsidies

- Ross Eckert
- Alternative Solutions to Developing-Country Debt Problems

- John Makin, Rüdiger Dornbusch and David Zlowe
- American Trade Policy: A Tragedy in the Making

- Anne Krueger
- America’s Housing Problem: An Approach to Its Solution

- Irving Welfeld
- An Agenda for Federal Regulatory Reform

- Robert Hahn, Christopher DeMuth, Robert Litan and Robert Crandall
- Antidumping Industrial Policy

- Brian Hindley and Patrick Messerlin
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Saving Incentives

- R. Hubbard and Jonathan Skinner
- Assessing the Environmental Impact of Farm Policies

- Walter Thurman
- Attitudes Toward the Environment: Twenty-Five Years After Earth Day

- Everett Ladd and Karlyn Bowman
- Automation Technology and Industrial Renewal: Adjustment Dynamics in the U.S. Metalworking Sector

- Donald Hicks
- Balancing Act

- Norman Ornstein, John Makin and David Zlowe
- Balancing Act: Debt, Deficits, and Taxes

- Norman Ornstein, John Makin and David Zlowe
- Benefit-Cost Analyses of Social Regulation: Case Studies from the Council on Wage and Price Stability

- Bruce-Yandle Bruce-Yandle and James-C-Miller-Iii James-C-Miller-Iii
- Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation: A Statement of Principles

- Robert Hahn, Richard Schmalensee, Roger Noll, Robert Stavins, Lester Lave, George Eads, Milton Russell, V. Smith, Maureen Cropper, Paul Portney and Kenneth Arrow
- Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization

- Madeline Zavodny and Pia Orrenius
- Biotechnology and the Patent System: Balancing Innovation and Property Rights

- Claude Barfield and John Calfee
- Business Cycles in the Postwar World: Some Reflections on Recent Research

- Philip Klein
- Can Congress Control Spending?

- William Proxmire
- Can Regulatory Agencies Protect the Consumer?

- George Stigler and Manuel Cohen
- Capital Technology and Labor in the New Global Economy

- James Cassing
- Challenges to a liberal international economic order

- Ryan Amacher, Thomas Willett and Gottfried Haberler
- Changing Utilization of Fixed Capital: An Element in Long-Term Growth

- Murray Foss
- Child Care and Mediating Structures

- Brigitte Berger and Sidney Callahan
- Choice and Efficiency in Food Safety Policy

- John Antle
- Comparing Poverty: The United States and Other Industrial Nations

- McKinley Blackburn
- Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Declining Profitability of Drug Innovation

- Meir Statman
- Competitiveness: The United States in World Trade

- Sven Arndt and Lawrence Bouton
- Conglomerate Mergers: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies

- George Benston
- Congress and the Federal Budget

- Murray Weidenbaum
- Contemporary Economic Problems, 1977

- William Fellner
- Contemporary Economic Problems, 1978

- William Fellner
- Contemporary Economic Problems, 1979

- William Fellner
- Contemporary Economic Problems, 1986

- Phillip Cagan
- Contemporary Economic Problems: Deficits, Taxes, and Economic Adjustments

- Philip Cagan
- Controls and Inflation: The Economic Stabilization Program in Retrospect

- J. Ahalt and Marvin Kosters
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