Foreign exchange market intervention in emerging markets: motives, techniques and implications
Bank for International Settlements
No 24 in BIS Papers from Bank for International Settlements
Date: 2005 Written 2005-05
ISBN: 92-9131-687-3
References: Add references at CitEc
Citations: View citations in EconPapers (93)
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Chapters in this book:
- Foreign exchange market intervention in emerging market economies: an overview , pp 1-3
- Bank for International Settlements
- Motives for intervention , pp 4-18
- Ramon Moreno
- Governance aspects of foreign exchange interventions , pp 19-39
- Paul Moser-Boehm
- Foreign exchange market intervention: methods and tactics , pp 40-55
- David Archer
- Intervention: what are the domestic consequences? , pp 56-81
- Madhusudan Mohanty and Philip Turner
- Survey of central banks’ views on effects of intervention , pp 82-96
- Dubravko Mihaljek
- The effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention in emerging market countries , pp 97-113
- Piti Disyatat and Gabriele Galati
- Foreign exchange intervention in Argentina: motives, techniques and implications , pp 114-18
- Claudio Irigoyen
- Provision of FX hedge by the public sector: the Brazilian experience , pp 119-26
- Afonso Bevilaqua and Rodrigo Azevedo
- Flexible exchange rate regime and forex intervention , pp 127-38
- Jose De Gregorio and Andrea Tokman
- Foreign exchange market intervention in Colombia , pp 139-49
- José Darío Uribe and Jorge Hernán Toro-Córdoba
- Forex interventions: the Czech experience , pp 150-61
- Tomas Holub
- Foreign exchange market operations: the recent experience of Hong Kong , pp 162-70
- Peter Pang
- Defending the strong side of the band - the Hungarian experience , pp 171-76
- Zsolt Ersek
- Foreign exchange intervention and policy: Bank Indonesia experiences , pp 177-87
- Bank Indonesia
- Approaching a decade of no foreign exchange intervention - lessons from Israel , pp 188-95
- Meir Sokoler
- Foreign exchange intervention and foreign exchange market development in Korea , pp 196-208
- Gwang-Ju Rhee and Eun Mo Lee
- Central banking intervention under a floating exchange rate regime: ten years of Mexican experience , pp 209-30
- José Julián Sidaoui
- The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s new foreign exchange intervention policy , pp 231-41
- Kelly Eckhold and Chris Hunt
- Forex interventions in Peru: 2002-2004 , pp 242-54
- Adrian Armas
- Exchange rate policy and foreign exchange interventions in Poland , pp 255-64
- Jerzy Pruski and Piotr Szpunar
- Foreign exchange intervention in Saudi Arabia , pp 265-72
- Muhammad Al-Jasser and Muhammad Ahmed Banafe
- South Africa: official foreign exchange operations , pp 273-75
- South African Reserve Bank
- Foreign exchange policy and intervention in Thailand , pp 276-82
- Financial Markets Operations Group
- Monetary and exchange rate policies in the post-crisis period in Turkey , pp 283-91
- Fatih Ozatay
- Foreign exchange intervention in Venezuela , pp 292-300
- Iván Giner and Omar Mendoza
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