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Handbook of the Economics of Education

Current editor(s): Erik Hanushek and F. Welch

From Elsevier
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Ch 01 Econometric Methods for Research in Education Downloads
Costas Meghir and Steven Rivkin
Ch 01 Post Schooling Wage Growth: Investment, Search and Learning Downloads
Yona Rubinstein and Yoram Weiss
Ch 02 The Economics of International Differences in Educational Achievement Downloads
Eric Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann
Ch 02 Long-Term Trends in Schooling: The Rise and Decline (?) of Public Education in the United States Downloads
Sandra Black and Kenneth Sokoloff
Ch 03 Historical Perspectives on Racial Differences in Schooling in the United States Downloads
William Collins and Robert Margo
Ch 03 Education and Family Background: Mechanisms and Policies Downloads
Anders Bjorklund and Kjell G Salvanes
Ch 04 Peer Effects in Education: How Might They Work, How Big Are They and How Much Do We Know Thus Far? Downloads
Bruce Sacerdote
Ch 04 Immigrants and Their Schooling Downloads
James Smith
Ch 05 Educational Wage Premia and the Distribution of Earnings: An International Perspective Downloads
Franco Peracchi
Ch 05 Teacher Compensation and Collective Bargaining Downloads
Michael Podgursky
Ch 06 Licensure: Exploring the Value of this Gateway to the Teacher Workforce Downloads
Dan Goldhaber
Ch 06 Educational Wage Premiums and the U.S. Income Distribution: A Survey Downloads
Donald R. Deere and Jelena Vesovic
Ch 07 Earnings Functions, Rates of Return and Treatment Effects: The Mincer Equation and Beyond Downloads
James Heckman, Lance Lochner and Petra Todd
Ch 07 The Economics of Tracking in Education Downloads
Julian R. Betts
Ch 08 The Social Value of Education and Human Capital Downloads
Fabian Lange and Robert Topel
Ch 08 School Accountability Downloads
David Figlio and Susanna Loeb
Ch 09 The GED Downloads
James Heckman, John Humphries and Nicholas S. Mader
Ch 09 Why Has Black-White Skill Convergence Stopped? Downloads
Derek Neal
Ch 10 Housing Valuations of School Performance Downloads
Sandra Black and Stephen Machin
Ch 10 Education and Nonmarket Outcomes Downloads
Michael Grossman
Ch 11 Apprenticeship Downloads
Stefan Wolter and Paul Ryan
Ch 11 Does Learning to Add up Add up? The Returns to Schooling in Aggregate Data Downloads
Lant Pritchett
Ch 12 Interpreting the Evidence on Life Cycle Skill Formation Downloads
Flavio Cunha, James Heckman and Lance Lochner
Ch 13 Using Wages to Infer School Quality Downloads
Robert Speakman and Finis Welch
Ch 14 School Resources Downloads
Eric Hanushek
Ch 15 Drinking from the Fountain of Knowledge: Student Incentive to Study and Learn - Externalities, Information Problems and Peer Pressure Downloads
John Bishop
Ch 16 Schools, Teachers, and Education Outcomes in Developing Countries Downloads
Paul Glewwe and Michael Kremer
Ch 17 Has School Desegregation Improved Academic and Economic Outcomes for Blacks? Downloads
Steven Rivkin and Finis Welch
Ch 18 Teacher Quality Downloads
Eric Hanushek and Steven Rivkin
Ch 19 Teacher Supply Downloads
Peter Dolton
Ch 20 Pre-School, Day Care, and After-School Care: Who's Minding the Kids? Downloads
David Blau and Janet Currie
Ch 21 The Courts and Public School Finance: Judge-Made Centralization and Economic Research Downloads
William Fischel
Ch 22 Income and Peer Quality Sorting in Public and Private Schools Downloads
Thomas Nechyba
Ch 23 Public Intervention in Post-Secondary Education Downloads
Thomas J. Kane
Ch 24 US Higher Education Finance Downloads
Michael S. McPherson and Morton Owen Schapiro
Ch 25 Income Contingent Loans for Higher Education: International Reforms Downloads
Bruce Chapman
Ch Chapter 1 Behavioral Economics of Education Downloads
Adam Lavecchia, H. Liu and Philip Oreopoulos
Ch Chapter 1 Personality Psychology and Economics Downloads
Mathilde Almlund, Angela Lee Duckworth, James Heckman and Tim Kautz
Ch Chapter 10 Improving Education Outcomes in Developing Countries Downloads
Paul Glewwe and Karthik Muralidharan
Ch Chapter 2 Education Research and Administrative Data Downloads
David Figlio, Krzysztof Karbownik and Kjell G Salvanes
Ch Chapter 2 Nonproduction Benefits of Education Downloads
Lance Lochner
Ch Chapter 3 Overeducation and Mismatch in the Labor Market Downloads
Edwin Leuven and Hessel Oosterbeek
Ch Chapter 3 Charter Schools Downloads
Dennis Epple, Richard Romano and Ron Zimmer
Ch Chapter 4 Migration and Education Downloads
Christian Dustmann and Albrecht Glitz
Ch Chapter 4 Competition Among Schools Downloads
Miguel Urquiola
Ch Chapter 5 Inequality, Human Capital Formation, and the Process of Development Downloads
Oded Galor
Ch Chapter 5 Technology and Education Downloads
George Bulman and Robert Fairlie
Ch Chapter 6 Teacher Pensions Downloads
Cory Koedel and Michael Podgursky
Ch Chapter 6 The Design of Performance Pay in Education Downloads
Derek Neal
Ch Chapter 7 The Analysis of Field Choice in College and Graduate School Downloads
Joseph Altonji, P. Arcidiacono and Arnaud Maurel
Ch Chapter 7 Educational Vouchers in International Contexts Downloads
Eric Bettinger
Ch Chapter 8 Student Loans and Repayment Downloads
Lance Lochner and Alexander Monge-Naranjo
Ch Chapter 8 Dropouts and Diplomas Downloads
John Bound and Sarah Turner
Ch Chapter 9 Government-Sponsored Vocational Education for Adults Downloads
Brian McCall, Jeffrey Smith and Conny Wunsch
Ch Chapter 9 The Political Economy of Education Funding Downloads
Gerhard Glomm, B Ravikumar and Ioana Schiopu
Ch Preface Preface Downloads
Eric Hanushek and Finis Welch
Ch Preface Introduction Downloads
Eric Hanushek, Stephen Machin and Ludger Woessmann
Ch Preface Preface Downloads
Eric Hanushek and Finis Welch
Page updated 2024-10-09
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