The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography
Edited by Ron Boschma () and
Ronald Martin
in Books from Edward Elgar Publishing
This wide-ranging Handbook is the first major compilation of the theoretical and empirical research that is forging the new and exciting paradigm of evolutionary economic geography.
Keywords: Economics and Finance; Environment; Geography; Urban and Regional Studies (search for similar items in EconPapers)
JEL-codes: R0 (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Date: 2010
ISBN: 9781847204912
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Citations: View citations in EconPapers (505)
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Chapters in this book:
- Ch 1 The Aims and Scope of Evolutionary Economic Geography
- Ron Boschma and Ronald Martin
- Ch 2 Generalized Darwinism and Evolutionary Economic Geography
- Jürgen Essletzbichler and David L. Rigby
- Ch 3 The Place of Path Dependence in an Evolutionary Perspective on the Economic Landscape
- Ronald Martin and Peter Sunley
- Ch 4 Complexity Thinking and Evolutionary Economic Geography
- Ronald Martin and Peter Sunley
- Ch 5 The Spatial Evolution of Innovation Networks: A Proximity Perspective
- Ron Boschma and Koen Frenken
- Ch 6 Entrepreneurship, Evolution and Geography
- Erik Stam
- Ch 7 Pecuniary Externalities and the Localized Generation of Technological Knowledge
- Cristiano Antonelli
- Ch 8 The Relationship between Multinational Firms and Innovative Clusters
- Simona Iammarino and Philip McCann
- Ch 9 Emergence of Regional Clusters: The Role of Spinoffs in the Early Growth Process
- Michael Dahl, Christian Østergaard and Bent Dalum
- Ch 10 A Social-Evolutionary Perspective on Regional Clusters
- Udo Staber
- Ch 11 Evolutionary Economic Geography: Regional Systems of Innovation and High-tech Clusters
- Philip Cooke and Carla de Laurentis
- Ch 12 Clusters, Networks and Economic Development: An Evolutionary Economics Perspective
- Elisa Giuliani
- Ch 13 Reputation, Trust and Relational Centrality in Local Networks: An Evolutionary Geography Perspective
- Stefano Denicolai, Antonella Zucchella and Gabriele Cioccarelli
- Ch 14 The Evolution of a Strategic Alliance Network: Exploring the Case of Stock Photography
- Johannes Glückler
- Ch 15 Complexity, Networks and Knowledge Flows
- Olav Sorenson, Jan W. Rivkin and Lee Fleming
- Ch 16 The Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: The Role of Inventors’ Mobility Across Firms and in Space
- Stefano Breschi, Camilla Lenzi, Francesco Lissoni and Andrea Vezzulli
- Ch 17 Growth, Development and Structural Change of Innovator Networks: The Case of Jena
- Uwe Cantner and Holger Graf
- Ch 18 An Evolutionary Approach to Localized Learning and Spatial Clustering
- Anders Malmberg and Peter Maskell
- Ch 19 Path Dependence and Path Plasticity: The Co-evolution of Institutions and Innovation – the German Customized Business Software Industry
- Simone Strambach
- Ch 20 On the Notion of Co-evolution in Economic Geography
- Eike W. Schamp
- Ch 21 Locked in Decline? On the Role of Regional Lock-ins in Old Industrial Areas
- Robert Hassink
- Ch 22 The Evolution of Spatial Patterns over Long Time-Horizons: The Relation with Technology and Economic Development
- Jan Lambooy
- Ch 23 The Information Economy and its Spatial Evolution in English Cities
- James Simmie
- Ch 24 An Evolutionary Model of Firms’ Location with Technological Externalities
- Giulio Bottazzi and Pietro Dindo
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