From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- "A Fair Go”: Fiscal Federalism Arrangements , pp 419-462

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- "Coevolution" (in innovative economic systems) , pp 39-45

- Isabel Almudi and Francisco Fatas-Villafranca
- "Dont stop believin'": Germany's turn from reflexive to strategic multilateralism , pp 196-212

- Niklas Helwig
- "Emergency feeding" in America: making words and deeds actually matter , pp 324-332

- Greg Silverman
- "Entrepreneurial Capitalism" in Capitalist Development , pp 483-501

- Zoltan Acs
- "Individual" Social Capital, "Social" Networks, and Their Linkages to Economic Game , pp 250-266

- Masahiko Aoki
- "Local and national": the rise of populism and foreign policy as a two-dimensional process in Turkey , pp 87-104

- _evin Gülfer Sa_nıç
- "Lock-in" vs. "Critical Masses" - Industrial Change Under Network Externalities , pp 115-136

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- "Made in Kyrgyzstan": an ethnographic exploration of "new entrepreneurs" entering the Eurasian Economic Union , pp 240-251

- Philipp Schröder
- "Mixing" traditional and non-traditional online technologies to build community in an online mixed methods research methods course , pp 299-315

- Jori N. Hall and Sara Campbell
- "Nothing about us without us": governance at the United Nations through affected persons federations of LGBTIQ+ activists and sex workers , pp 161-176

- Robyn Linde
- "Open source corporate governance" in the era of digital transformation , pp 309-323

- Igor Filatotchev and Gianvito Lanzolla
- "Private sufficiency, public luxury": an exploration of consumer clothing circularity , pp 312-326

- Lynn Wilson
- "Stay home": queer(y)-ing the heteronormative assumptions of COVID policy responses , pp 300-311

- Peter Matthews and Daniel Edmiston
- "The crocodile is stronger in the water": Swakopmund jetty as a place of death in Namibia , pp 107-123

- Jack Boulton
- "We Belong to the Streets": Lawyers and social movements in post-revolution Egypt , pp 300-312

- Heba M. Khalil
- 'Being there' during lockdown: a phenomenological perspective on ethnography of the pandemic present and research methods for the future , pp 175-194

- L.L. Wyn and Susanna Trnka
- 'Bollocks to Brexit': the geographies of Brexit protest stickers, 2015-21 , pp 138-152

- Hannah Awcock
- 'Build back better': infrastructure policy's post-pandemic promise , pp 228-242

- Sara Bice
- 'Catching up' and innovation systems: implications for Eastern Europe , pp 186-204

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- 'Changing Gear': Productivity, ICT and Service Industries in Europe and the United States , pp 56-100

- Bart van Ark, Robert Inklaar and Robert H. McGuckin
- 'Comply or explain' without consequences: the case of Turkey

- Melsa Ararat
- 'Conspicuous careers', overworked society, and family , pp 171-178

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- 'Contagion': What is it and Who is Susceptible to it? , pp 90-121

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- 'For better, for worse... ': the Credit-Anstalt and its customers in 1931 , pp 178-193

- Dieter Stiefel
- 'Getting the structure "right"': upscaling in a prime latecomer

- Alice H. Amsden and Wan-Wen Chu
- 'Green' product development: factors in competition , pp 265-276

- Robin Roy, Mark Smith and Stephen Potter
- 'In money we trust': the issue of confidence in money in the Swiss WIR system , pp 272-301

- Guillaume Vallet
- 'Let There be no Distinction Between the Sexes': Jeremy Bentham on the Status of Women , pp 165-193

- Annie L. Cot
- 'Lock-in' of Regional Clusters: The Case of Offshore Engineering in the Oslo Region , pp 247-274

- Arne Isaksen
- 'Mushrooms and dinosaurs': Sieghart and the Boden-Credit-Anstalt during the 1920s , pp 155-177

- P.L. Cottrell
- 'My existence is resistance': an analysis of disabled peoples everyday lives as an enduring form of resistance , pp 124-137

- Angharad Butler-Rees
- 'New' collaborative learning environments: the convergence of hermeneutics and hypertext , pp 119-138

- Virgil Henry Storr
- 'No choice' but remote learning: non-traditional students making sense of social research methods , pp 255-271

- Rossana Perez-del-Aguila, Heather Allison and Naveed Kazmi
- 'Normal was a problem' - post-pandemic futures , pp 195-214

- Luke Goode
- 'Pandemic strategy' is an oxymoron in a neoliberal world , pp 23-42

- Rodrick Wallace and Deborah Wallace
- 'The guardian of every other rights': Challenging the liberal discourse of property in human rights law , pp 34-68

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- 'The past is not dead': hunger and famine in Ireland , pp 27-37

- Christine Kinealy
- 'The Revolution against "Capital"': constancy, change and collective will in Gramscis concepts , pp 66-82

- Derek Boothman
- 'Unleashing the beast': emergent resistance in White charity , pp 199-216

- Kahina Meziant
- 'What size is the room?': using the law to resist the UKs bedroom tax , pp 168-181

- Mel Nowicki
- (Economic) diplomacy: in need of a new paradigm? , pp 30-38

- Gorazd Justinek
- (Neo)Marxist political economy: failure to take fetishism seriously , pp 45-63

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- (R)evolution of sustainability reporting regulation in the European Union , pp 75-89

- Silvia Panfilo, Simone Pizzi and Joanna Krasodomska
- (Re)assessing public–private partnership governance challenges: an institutional maturity perspective , pp 188-204

- Carter B. Casady, Kent Eriksson, Raymond E. Levitt and W. Richard Scott
- (Real) behavior meets (real) institutions: towards a research agenda on the study of the commons , pp 119-126

- Juan Camilo Cárdenas
- (Un) productive entrepreneurship in a predatory state , pp 45-56

- Sameeksha Desai
- (When) Do Tax Increases Cause Electoral Damage? The Case of Local Property Taxes in Spain

- Núria Bosch and Albert Solé-Ollé
- + vs -: Dynamics and Effects of Competing Standards of Recordable DVD-Media , pp 47-67

- Stephan Gauch
- . Maintaining Work Motivation During Trying Times

- Parbudyal Singh
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