Book Chapters
From Hoover Institution, Stanford University
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- "Too Big to Fail" from an Economic Perspective

- Steve Strongin
- A Blueprint for Effective Financial Reform

- John H. Cochrane
- A Blueprint for Tax Reform

- Michael J. Boskin
- A Comparison with Milton Friedman

- Edward Nelson
- A Contractual Approach to Restructuring Financial Institutions

- Darrell Duffie
- A Conversation about Key Conclusions

- George P. Shultz and John Taylor
- A Dialogue on the Costs and Benefits of Automatic Stays for Derivatives and Repurchase Agreements

- Darrell Duffie and David A. Skeel
- A Guide to the Resolution of Failed Financial Institutions - Dodd-Frank II and Proposed Chapter 14

- Kenneth E. Scott
- A Macroeconomic Perspective - Dealing with Too Big to Fail

- Andrew Crockett
- A Proposal for the Use of Bankruptcy to Resolve Financial Institutions

- Thomas H. Jackson
- A Resolvable Bank
- Thomas F. Huertas
- A Summary of the Commentary

- Johannes Stroebel
- A View from the Financial Markets

- John P. Lipsky
- An Examination of Lehman Brothers' Derivatives Portfolio Postbankruptcy - Would Dodd-Frank Have Made a Difference?

- Kimberly Ann Summe
- Appendix - Ending Government Bailouts As We Know Them

- Kenneth E. Scott
- Background Facts

- James Piereson
- Bankruptcy Code Chapter 14 - A Proposal

- Thomas H. Jackson
- Building on Bankruptcy: A Revised Chapter 14 Proposal for the Recapitalization, Reorganization, or Liquidation of Large Financial Institutions
- Thomas H. Jackson
- Causes of the Financial Crisis and the Slow Recovery: A Ten-Year Perspective

- John Taylor
- Comment on Orderly Liquidation under Title II of Dodd-Frank and Chapter 14

- William F. Kroener
- Concerns about the Fed's New Balance Sheet

- James D. Hamilton
- Concluding Remarks

- George P. Shultz
- Conclusions and Solutions

- John Cochrane, Lee Ohanian and George P. Shultz
- Defining Systemic Risk Operationally

- John Taylor
- Designing a Better Bankruptcy Resolution

- Kenneth E. Scott
- Diplomacy in a Time of Transition

- James E. Goodby
- Dodd-Frank - Resolution or Expropriation?

- Kenneth E. Scott
- Economic Strength and American Leadership

- George P. Shultz
- Education and the Nations’s Future

- Eric A. Hanushek
- Entitlements and the Budget

- John F. Cogan
- Evaluating Failure Resolutions Plans

- Kenneth E. Scott
- Evaluating Monetary Policy

- Lars E. O. Svensson
- Expanding FDIC-Style Resolution Authority

- William F. Kroener
- Federal Reserve Policy Before, During, and After the Fall

- Alan Blinder
- Fifty Years in the Business - From Wall Street to the Treasury and Beyond

- Nicholas F. Brady
- Financial Market Infrastructure: Too Important to Fail

- Darrell Duffie
- Financial Reforms to End Government Bailouts as We Know Them

- Paul Volcker
- Financing Systemically Important Financial Institutions in Bankruptcy
- David A. Skeel
- Forecast Targeting as a Monetary Policy Strategy - Policy Rules in Practice

- Michael Woodford
- Framing the TBTF Problem: The Path to a Solution

- Randall D. Guynn
- Goals versus Rules as Central Bank Performance Measures

- Carl Walsh
- Has Economic Policy Uncertainty Hampered the Recovery?

- Scott Baker, Nicholas Bloom and Steven Davis
- How Can Central Banks Deliver Credible Commitment and Be “Emergency Institutions†?

- Paul Tucker
- How Efforts to Avoid Past Mistakes Created New Ones

- Sheila C. Bair and Ricardo R. Delfin
- How Is the System Safer? What More Is Needed?

- Martin Neil Baily and Douglas J. Elliott
- How the Financial Crisis Caused Persistent Unemployment

- Robert E. Hall
- Income and Wealth in America

- Kevin M. Murphy and Emmanuel Saez
- Institutional Design: Deliberations, Decision, and Committee Dynamics

- Kevin M. Warsh
- Intergenerational Mobility and Income Inequality

- Jörg Spenkuch
- Introduction

- Evan Koenig, Robert Leeson and George Kahn