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From Institute of Economic Research
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Quality of Human Capital in European Union in the Years 2004-2013. Application of Structural Equation Modeling , pp 7-11 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Structural Equation Modeling in Evaluation of Technological Potential of European Union Countries in the years 2008-2012 , pp 9-18 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Digital economy in Polish regions. Proposal of measurement via TOPSIS with generalized distance measure GDM , pp 21-28 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy w Unii Europejskiej - wielowymiarowa analiza dla lat 2000-2007 , pp 23-33 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Elzbieta Rogalska
The market for structured products in the context of inflation , pp 47-56 Downloads
Monika Hadaś-Dyduch
Polish macroeconomic indicators correlated-prediction with indicators of selected countries , pp 68-76 Downloads
Monika Hadaś-Dyduch
Polish macroeconomic indicators correlated-prediction with indicators of selected countries , pp 68-76 Downloads
Monika Hadaś-Dyduch
Wplyw dzialalnosci regulacyjnej panstwa w obszarze kreowania ladu konkurencyjnego na rozwoj nowej gospodarki , pp 71-106 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak
Panstwo dobrobytu w krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 1995-2005: Wnioski dla Polski , pp 74-88 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak
TOPSIS Analysis of Changes of Quality of Human Capital in European Union Countries , pp 80-85 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Application of TOPSIS Method for Analysis of Sustainable Development in European Union Countries , pp 82-92 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Dynamic Panel Analysis of Influence of Quality of Human Capital on Total Factor Productivity in Old European Union Member States , pp 96-103 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Assessment of Socio-Economic Sustainability in New European Union Members States in the years 2004-2012 , pp 120-129 Downloads
Michal Pietrzak and Adam Balcerzak
Regulacje rynku pracy a wzrost gospodarczy – analiza porownawcza wybranych krajow OECD , pp 141-167 Downloads
Michal Moszynski
Regulacja systemu finansowego w obliczu kryzysu gospodarczego , pp 169-193 Downloads
Michal Moszynski
Europe 2020 Strategy Implementation. Grouping the Countries with the Application of Natural Breaks Method , pp 172-181 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak
Cointegration of Interdependencies Among Capital Markets of Chosen Visegrad Countries and Germany , pp 189-194 Downloads
Marcin Faldzinski, Adam Balcerzak, Tomas Meluzin, Michal Pietrzak and Marek Zinecker
Human Development and Quality of Institutions in Highly Developed Countries , pp 231-241 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Non-Keynesian Effects of Fiscal Consolidations in Central Europe in the Years 2000-2013 , pp 271-282 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Elzbieta Rogalska
A Spatial SAR Model in Evaluating Influence of Entrepreneurship and Investments on Unemployment in Poland , pp 303-308 Downloads
Michal Pietrzak and Adam Balcerzak
Economic development of Polish voivodeships in the years 2010-2014. Application of taxonomic measure of development with entropy weights , pp 310-318 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Wielowymiarowa analiza spojnosci spolecznej w krajach Unii Europejskiej w kontekscie strategii Europa 2020 , pp 343-353 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak
Application of DCC-GARCH model for analysis of Interrelations among Capital Markets of Poland, Czech Republic and Germany , pp 418-423 Downloads
Marek Zinecker, Adam Balcerzak, Marcin Faldzinski, Tomas Meluzin and Michal Pietrzak
Fiscal Contractions in Eurozone in the years 1995-2012: Can non-Keynesian effects be helpful in future deleverage process? , pp 483-496 Downloads
Adam Balcerzak, Michal Pietrzak and Elzbieta Rogalska
Wavelet Analisis of Unemployment Rate in Visegrad Countries , pp 595-602 Downloads
Monika Hadaś-Dyduch, Adam Balcerzak and Michal Pietrzak
Quality of Human Capital and Total Factor Productivity in New EU Member States , pp 1492-1501 Downloads
Michal Pietrzak and Adam Balcerzak
Socio-economic Sustainability in Poland. SEM Analysis at Regional Level , pp 1704-1712 Downloads
Michal Pietrzak and Adam Balcerzak
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