Introductory Chapters
From Princeton University Press
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- 911

- Gernot Wagner and Martin Weitzman
- A Brief Introduction to Student Loans

- Beth Akers and Matthew M. Chingos
- A Cooperative Species

- Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis

- Kiran Klaus Patel
- A New India?

- Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen
- A Quick Introduction to Benford’s Law

- Steven J. Miller
- A Science and Its History

- Agnar Sandmo
- Advent of the Modern Economies

- Edmund Phelps
- Agent-Based Computational Models and Generative Social Science

- Joshua M. Epstein
- Aid and Politics

- Angus Deaton
- An Overview

- David Laidler
- Arrow's Ambitions

- Till Düppe and E. Roy Weintraub
- Art, Culture, and New York City, from The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art, and Music Drive New York City

- Elizabeth Currid
- Assessing Job Quality in the Affluent Economy, from Demanding Work: The Paradox of Job Quality in the Affluent Economy

- Francis Green
- Asset Pricing and Macroeconomics, from Macroeconomic Theory: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach

- Michael Wickens
- Authority in Organizations
- Patrick Bolton and Mathias Dewatripont
- Autobiography, from The Essential John Nash

- John Nash
- Background and Overview

- David N. DeJong and Chetan Dave
- Backward induction

- Stephen Schecter and Herbert Gintis
- Basic Analysis of Forward-Looking Decision Making

- Robert E. Hall
- Basic Concepts In Group Problem Solving

- Patrick R. Laughlin
- Bayesian Time Series and DSGE Models, from Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research

- Fabio Canova
- Bringing Entrepreneurship And Innovation Into The Theory Of Value

- William Baumol
- Bringing the Great Powers Back In, from All Politics Is Global: Explaining International Regulatory Regimes

- Daniel W. Drezner
- Change and the Planning System, from The New Industrial State

- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Chapter 1

- Elizabeth Popp Berman
- Chapter 1

- Kenneth Elzinga, William Breit and Marshall Jevons
- Chapter 1 The Rights of Migrant Workers

- Martin Ruhs
- Clinical Papers in Organizational Economics
- George P. Baker and Ricard Gil
- Complementarity in Organizations
- Erik Brynjolfsson and Paul Milgrom
- Complexity in Social Worlds, from Complex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life

- John H. Miller and Scott E. Page
- Contracts between Legal Persons
- Lewis A. Kornhauser and W. Bentley Macleod
- Corporate Governance
- Benjamin E. Hermalin
- Corruption
- Abhijit Banerjee and Rema Hanna
- Culture and Economics

- Joel Mokyr
- Decision Theory and Human Behavior

- Herbert Gintis
- Decisions in Organizations
- Robert Gibbons, Niko Matouschek and John Roberts
- Delegation, Control, and the Study of Public Bureaucracy
- Terry M. Moe
- Density Estimation, from Nonparametric Econometrics: Theory and Practice

- Qi Li and Jeffrey Racine
- Development Clusters

- Timothy Besley and Torsten Persson
- DSGE Modeling

- Edward P. Herbst and Frank Schorfheide
- DSGE Models, Solutions, and Approximations, from Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research

- Fabio Canova
- Economic Structure and Aggregate Accounts

- Pierre-Richard Agénor and Peter Montiel
- Economic Theories of Incentives in Organizations
- Robert Gibbons and John Roberts
- Economics and Ancient History

- Peter Temin
- Economics With and Without the Law, from Lawlessness and Economics: Alternative Modes of Governance

- Avinash Dixit
- Electing a Single Winner: Approval Voting in Practice, from Mathematics and Democracy: Designing Better Voting and Fair-Division Procedures

- Steven Brams
- Employment as an Economic and a Social Relationship
- James N. Baron and David Kreps
- Encounters of Intimacy and Economy, from The Purchase of Intimacy

- Viviana A. Zelizer
- Endings

- Shumeet Baluja