RBA Annual Conference Volume (Discontinued)
Continued by RBA Annual Conference Papers.
Current editor(s): John Simon
From Reserve Bank of Australia
Contact information at EDIRC.
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- Discussion of 'Microeconomics of the Australian Labour Market'
- Philip Lowe
- Discussion of 'National Saving: Trends and Policy'
- John Freebairn
- Discussion of 'News and Interest Rate Expectations: A Study of Six Central Banks'
- Stefan Palmqvist
- Discussion of 'Openness and Growth'
- Palle S Andersen and Lam San Ling
- Discussion of 'Optimal Private Responses to Demographic Trends: Savings, Bequests and International Mobility'
- Mariano Kulish
- Discussion of 'Population Ageing, the Structure of Financial Markets and Policy Implications'
- Carmelo Salleo
- Discussion of 'Problems in the Measurement and Performance of Service-Sector Productivity in the United States'
- Stephen Poloz
- Discussion of 'Productivity Change in the Australian Steel Industry: BHP Steel 1982-1995', 'The Performance of the NSW Electricity Supply Industry', 'Measuring Productivity in the Australian Banking Sector' and 'Micro Reform in the Australian Labour Market: Implications for Productivity and Growth'
- Henry Ergas and Barry Hughes
- Discussion of 'Promoting Liquidity: Why and How?'
- Prasanna Gai
- Discussion of 'Prospects for Output and Employment Growth with Steady Inflation' and 'The Macroeconomics of Australian Unemployment'
- Warwick McKibbin and John Nevile
- Discussion of 'Recent Developments in Federal Reserve System Liquidity and Reserve Operations'
- Donna Howard
- Discussion of 'Recent Thinking About Exchange Rate Determination and Policy'
- Michael Mussa
- Discussion of 'Reflections on US Labour Market Performance'
- Glenn Stevens
- Discussion of 'Regulating the New Financial Markets'
- Murray Sherwin
- Discussion of 'Regulatory Challenges of Cross-border Banking: Possible Ways Forward'
- Grant Spencer
- Discussion of 'Risk and the Transformation of the Australian Financial System'
- Saul Eslake
- Discussion of 'Setting Monetary Policy in East Asia: Goals, Developments and Institutions'
- Gordon de Brouwer
- Discussion of 'Spreading the Benefits of Globalisation'
- Maria Ramos and Melih Nemli
- Discussion of 'Stock Market Volatility and Monetary Policy: What the Historical Record Shows'
- Robert McCauley
- Discussion of 'Strategies for Controlling Inflation'
- Josh Felman
- Discussion of 'The Australian Business Cycle: A Coincident Indicator Approach'
- Chris Caton
- Discussion of 'The Australian Financial System in the 1990s'
- Thomas M Hoeing
- Discussion of 'The Australian Labour Market in the 1990s'
- Barry Hughes
- Discussion of 'The Case for a Basket, Band and Crawl (BBC) Regime for East Asia'
- Edward Surendran Robinson and Takatoshi Ito
- Discussion of 'The Case for Inflation Targeting in East Asian Countries'
- Alejandro Werner
- Discussion of 'The Debate on Alternatives for Monetary Policy in Australia'
- Ian McDonald
- Discussion of 'The Determinants of Long-Run Growth'
- Bharat Trehan
- Discussion of 'The Evolution of Monetary Policy: From Money Targets to Inflation Targets'
- Barry Hughes
- Discussion of 'The Evolution of Risk and Risk Management – A Prudential Regulator’s Perspective'
- Jenny Corbett
- Discussion of 'The Evolving Structure of the Australian Financial System'
- Vince FitzGerald
- Discussion of 'The Exchange Rate and Macroeconomic Policy in Australia'
- David Gruen
- Discussion of 'The Exchange Rate and the Current Account'
- Arthur Grimes
- Discussion of 'The Rise in US Household Indebtedness: Causes and Consequences'
- Christopher Carroll
- Discussion of 'The Rise of Household Indebtedness'
- Jack Selody
- Discussion of 'The Role of Institutional Investors in the Evolution of Financial Structure and Behaviour'
- Jeffrey Carmichael
- Discussion of 'The Role of the Exchange Rate in Monetary Policy - the Experience of Other Countries'
- Mohammad Pesaran and Philip Lowe
- Discussion of 'The Smoothing of Official Interest Rates'
- David E Lindsey
- Discussion of 'The Sub-prime Crisis: Causal Distortions and Regulatory Reform'
- John Laker and Brian Cahill
- Discussion of 'The Unfolding Turmoil of 2007–2008: Lessons and Responses'
- Richard Portes and Grant Spencer
- Discussion of 'Three Australian Asset-price Bubbles'
- David Merrett
- Discussion of 'Trade, Multinationals and Labour'
- Judith Sloan and Kym Anderson
- Discussion of 'Unemployment and Income Distribution'
- Claudia Goldin
- Discussion of 'What Caused the Decline in US Business Cycle Volatility?'
- David Wilcox
- Discussion of 'What Went Right in the 1990s? Sources of American and Prospects for World Economic Growth'
- William R White
- Discussion of 'What Works Among Active Labour Market Policies: Evidence from OECD Countries' Experiences'
- Bruce Chapman
- Discussion of 'When the US Sneezes, Do We Need to Catch a Cold? Historical and Future Linkages between the Australian and US Business Cycles'
- Andrew Stone
- Discussion of 'Which Monetary-policy Regime for Australia?', 'The Welfare Effects of Alternative Choices of Instruments and Targets for Macroeconomic Stabilisation Policy' and 'The Australian Government's Current Approach to Monetary Policy?: An Evaluation'
- Glenn Stevens
- Discussion of 'Will China Eat Our Lunch or Take Us to Dinner? Simulating the Transition Paths of the US, EU, Japan and China'
- Wen Jiandong
- Discussion of A Factor Model Analysis of the Effects of Inflation Targeting on the Australian Economy
- Marcelle Chauvet
- Discussion of A Rebalancing Chinese Economy: Challenges and International Implications
- Xingdong Chen