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Advances in Spatial Science

From Springer
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Introduction: A Handbook on Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA)
Eduardo Medeiros
John R. Roy
Space and Time are Inextricably Interwoven
Michael Beenstock and Daniel Felsenstein
Regional Disparities and Regional Convergence Problems in the EMU: Introduction
Juan Cuadrado-Roura and Marti Parellada
The State-of-the-Art in Building Residential Location Models
Francesca Pagliara and Alan Wilson
Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis
Luc Anselin and Sergio J. Rey
Introduction: Cross Atlantic Perspectives in Methods and Models Analysing Transport and Telecommunications
Aura Reggiani and Laurie A. Schintler
Stilianos Alexiadis
Overview of Reliability and Vulnerability in Critical Infrastructure
Alan T. Murray and Tony H. Grubesic
Clusters and Competition as Engines of Innovation—An Introduction
Johannes Bröcker, Dirk Dohse and Rüdiger Soltwedel
Introduction: Resilience—Concepts and Geography
Teresa Noronha, Eric Vaz and Hugo Pinto
Riccardo Crescenzi and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
Ed F. Nozeman and Arno J. Vlist
Employment Location Models: An Overview
Alan Wilson and Francesca Pagliara
Geoffrey Hewings, Michael Sonis and David Boyce
Essential Statistical Concepts, Definitions, and Terminology
Roberto Benedetti, Federica Piersimoni and Paolo Postiglione
Location Modeling and Covering Metrics
Richard L. Church and Alan Murray
Dimitris Ballas, Graham Clarke, Stephen Hynes, Karyn Morrissey and Cathal O’Donoghue
Logit Models for Spatial Interaction: Background
Sven Erlander
Harry W. Richardson and Chang-Hee Christine Bae
Yasuhide Okuyama and Stephanie E. Chang
Spatial Dynamics of European Economic Integration: Prologue
Manfred Fischer and Peter Nijkamp
From Forecasts to Quantitative Foresights: Territorial Scenarios for an Enlarged Europe
Roberta Capello and Roberto Camagni
Yee Leung
Peter Forsyth, Jürgen Müller, Hans-Martin Niemeier and Eric Pels
Geoffrey Hewings, Michael Sonis, Moss Madden and Yoshio Kimura
GeoComputational Modelling — Techniques and Applications: Prologue
Manfred Fischer and Yee Leung
Brian Wixted
Advances in Spatial Analysis
Manfred Fischer and Arthur Getis
Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling: Where Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Interaction Modelling Meet
Roberto Patuelli and Giuseppe Arbia
Yee Leung
Regional Development Reconsidered: A Prologue
Manfred Fischer and Gündüz Atalik
Correction to: Rethinking Input-Output Analysis
Jan Oosterhaven
Advances in Spatial and Economic Modeling of Disaster Impacts: Introduction
Yasuhide Okuyama and Adam Rose
Editorial Introduction: Space in Action: Action in Space
Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit and Robert Stimson
Introduction: New Frontiers in Modelling Spatial and Economic Systems
Aura Reggiani
Riccardo Crescenzi and Marco Percoco
Economic Growth, Innovation and Competitiveness in a Knowledge-Based World Economy: Introduction
Peter Nijkamp, Iulia Siedschlag and Donal Smith
Globalization and Regional Economic Modeling: Analytical and Methodological Challenges
Kieran P. Donaghy
Correction to: Resilience and Regional Dynamics
Hugo Pinto, Teresa Noronha and Eric Vaz
Demographic Change in a Complex World
Cristina Martinez and Tamara Weyman
The Socio-Economic Impact of Cultural Heritage: Setting the Scene
Elisa Panzera
Perspectives on Regional Economic Development
Robert J. Stimson, Roger R. Stough and Brian H. Roberts
Introduction: Importance Interindustry Relations and Overview
Jan Oosterhaven
Tönu Puu
Tönu Puu
Econometrics for Spatial Models: Recent Advances
Luc Anselin, Raymond Florax and Sergio J. Rey
Transportation Systems and Tourism
M. R. Dileep and Francesca Pagliara
Innovation, Dynamic Regions and Regional Dynamics
Charlie Karlsson, Åke E. Andersson, Paul Cheshire and R. R. Stough
Systems of Innovation: An Attractive Conceptual Framework for Comparative Innovation Research
Manfred Fischer, Javier Revilla Diez and Folke Snickars
Page updated 2024-09-07
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