Books from Upjohn Press
From W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
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- A Future of Good Jobs? America's Challenge in the Global Economy

- Edited by Timothy Bartik and Susan n. Houseman
- Adequacy of Earnings Replacement in Workers' Compensation Programs: A Report of the Study Panel on Benefit Adequacy of the Workers' Compensation Steering Committee - NASI

- Edited by H. Allan Hunt
- Advances in Economic Forecasting

- Matthew L. Higgins
- Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth

- Carolyn J. Hill, Harry J. Holzer and Henry Chen
- Alternative Economic Indicators

- C. Hueng
- Are Participants Good Evaluators?

- Jeffrey Smith, Alexander Whalley and Nathaniel Wilcox
- Assisting Workers Displaced by Structural Change: An International Perspective

- Duane E. Leigh
- Back to Work: Testing Reemployment Services for Displaced Workers

- Howard S. Bloom
- Banking the Furnace: Essays on the Economics of Discrimination

- Edited by Emily P. Hoffman
- Banking the Furnace: Restructuring of the Steel Industry in Eight Countries

- Trevor Bain
- Bargaining for Competitiveness: law, Research, and Case Studies

- Edited by Richard N. Block
- Bidding for Business: The Efficacy of Local Economic Development Incentives in a Metropolitan Area

- John Anderson and Robert Wassmer
- By a Thread: How Child Care Centers Hold On to Teachers, How Teachers Build Lasting Careers

- Marcy Whitebook and Laura Sakai
- Carve-Outs in Workers' Compensation: An Analysis of the Experience in the California Construction Industry

- David Levine, Frank W. Neuhauser, Richard Reuben, Jeffrey S. Petersen and Cristian Echeverria
- Causes of Litigation in Workers' Compensation Programs

- Evangelos Falaris, Charles Link and Michael E. Staten
- Changes in Income Inequality within U.S. Metropolitan Areas

- Janice F. Madden
- Classrooms in the Workplace: Workplace Literacy Programs in Small- and Medium-Sized Firms

- Kevin Hollenbeck
- Comunities and Workforce Development

- Edited by Edwin Melendez
- Confronting Policy Challenges of the Great Recession: Lessons for Macroeconomic Policy

- Edited by Eskander Alvi
- Counting Working-Age People with Disabilities: What Current Data Tell Us and Options for Improvement

- Edited by Andrew J. Houtenville, David C. Stapleton, Robert R. Weathers and Richard Burkhauser
- Data Science in the Public Interest: Improving Government Performance in the Workforce

- Edited by Joshua D. Hawley
- Disabiltiy, Work, and Cash Benefits

- Edited by Jerry L. Mashaw, Virginia Reno, Richard Burkhauser and Monoroe Berkowitz
- Disasters in the United States: Frequency, Costs, and Compensation

- Vera Brusentsev and Wayne Vroman
- Do Community Colleges Respond to Local Needs? Evidence from California

- Duane E. Leigh and Andrew Gill
- Does "Trickle Down" Work? Economic Development and Job Chains in Local Labor Markets

- Joseph Persky, Daniel Felsenstein and Virginia Carlson
- Does Training Work for Displaced Workers? A Survey of Existing Evidence

- Duane E. Leigh
- Economic Conditions and Welfare Reform

- Edited by Sheldon H. Danziger
- Economic Restructuring and Emerging Patterns of Industrial Relations

- Edited by Stephen R. Sleigh
- Education Reform and the Limits of Policy: Lessons from Michigan

- Michael F. Addonizio and C. Philip Kearney
- Emerging Giants and Lessons for Development: China, India, and Their Different Paths to Progress

- Edited by Eskander Alvi and Wei-Chiao Huang
- Employee Benefits and Labor Markets in Canada and the United States

- Edited by William Alpert and Stephen Woodbury
- Employment Growth from Public Support of Innovation in Small Firms

- Albert Link and John T. Scott
- Ensuring Health and Income Security for an Aging Workforce

- Edited by Peter P. Budetti, Richard Burkhauser, Janice M. Gregory and H. Allan Hunt
- Evaluating Business Development Incentives
- Kenneth E. Poole, George A. Erickcek, Donalad T. Iannone, Nancy McCrea and Pofen Lin Salem
- Evaluating social Programs at the State and Local Level: The JTPA Evaluation Design Project

- Edited by Ann Bonar Blalock
- Evolving Approaches to the Economics of Public Policy: Views of Award-Winning Economists

- Edited by Jean Kimmel
- Exalted and Assaulted: Conflicted Sentiments about the Profession of Classroom Teaching in America

- Michael F. Addonizio
- Excellence at Work

- Edited by Evelyn Ganzglass
- Exploring the Underground Economy

- Edited by Susan Pozo
- Extending Work LIfe: Can Employers Adapt When Employees Want to Delay Retirement?

- Robert Clark and Melinda Morrill
- Food Stamps and the Working Poor

- Peter Mueser, David Ribar and Erdal Tekin
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Magnitudes and Location Choice of New Manufacturing Plants

- Jan Ondrich and Michael Wasylenko
- From Preschool to Prosperity: The Economic Payoff to Early Childhood Education

- Timothy Bartik
- From Socialism to Market Economy

- Edited by William S. Kern
- Globalization and International Development: Critical Issues of the 21st Century

- Edited by Sisay Asefa
- Grease or Grit? International Case Studies of Occupational Licensing and Its Effects on Efficiency and Quality

- Edited by Morris M. Kleiner and Maria Koumenta
- Growing State Economies: How Taxes and Public Services Affect Private-Sector Performance
- Timothy Bartik
- Growth in Disability Benefits: Explanations and Policy Implications

- Edited by Kalman Rupp and David C. Stapleton
- Guild-Ridden Labor Markets: The Curious Case of Occupational Licensing

- Edited by Morris M. Kleiner
- Helping Working Families: The Earned Income Tax Credit

- Saul D. Hoffman and Laurence S. Seidman