Bank of Finland Scientific Monographs
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- Analysis of financial risks in a GARCH framework, vol E:11

- Monica Ahlstedt
- Approaches to deposit pricing: a study in the determination of deposit interest and bank service charges, vol E:2

- Juha Tarkka
- Automated teller machine network market structure and cash usage, vol E:38

- Heli Snellman
- Banks and the Finnish credit cycle 1986-1995, vol E:7

- Vesa Vihriälä
- Bubbles in the Finnish and US equities markets, vol E:35

- Katja Taipalus
- Central bank tenders: Three essays on money market liquidity auctions, vol E:26

- Tuomas Välimäki
- Demand for money in inflation-targeting monetary policy, vol E:13

- Antti Ripatti
- Deposit insurance: Pricing and incentives, vol E:6

- Eelis Hein
- Detecting asset price bubbles with time-series methods, vol E:47

- Katja Taipalus
- Diagnostics for the financial markets: computational studies of payment system: Simulator Seminar Proceedings 2009-2011, vol E:45

- Edited by Matti Hellqvist and Tatu Laine
- Dynamics of inflation expectations in the euro area, vol E:40

- Maritta Paloviita
- Edge: A model of the euro area with applications to monetary policy, vol E:23

- Mika Kortelainen
- Effects of moral hazard and monitoring policy transmission, vol E:24

- Jukka Topi
- Empirical studies on the private value of Finnish patents, vol E:41

- Charlotta Grönqvist
- Essays on empirical macroeconomics, vol E:34

- Aaron Mehrotra
- Essays on financial contracting, vol E:30

- Jukka Vauhkonen
- Essays on financial crises in emerging markets, vol E:29

- Tuomas Komulainen
- Essays on macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy rules, vol E:33

- Jukka Railavo
- Essays on Russia's economic transition, vol E:36

- Laura Solanko
- Essays on small open economy macroeconomics, vol E:43

- Hanna Freystätter
- Essays on the economics of climate change and networks, vol E:49

- Juha V.A. Itkonen
- Essays on the limits of borrowing, vol E:48

- Risto Herrala
- Evidence about the transmission of monetary policy, vol E:53

- Olli-Matti Laine
- Exchange rates in european monetary integration, vol E:9

- Sinimaaria Ranki
- Financial depth, debt, and growth, vol E:51

- Pasi Ikonen
- Fiscal policy and private consumption: Saving decisions: European evidence, vol E:8

- Anne Brunila
- Fiscal-monetary policy coordination and central bank independence, vol E:12

- Olli Castrén
- Foreign capital and Finland: central government's firstperiod of reliance on international financial markets 1862-1938, vol E:37

- Mika Arola
- Ilmoitusvelvollisten osakeomistus ja -kaupat Helsingin Pörssissä, vol E:16

- Juha Kasanen
- Information and credit cycles: Causes and consequences of financial instability, vol E:52

- Aino Silvo
- Intraday liquidity needs in a modern interbank payment system: A simulation approach, vol E:14

- Risto Koponen and Kimmo Soramäki
- Kilpailukyky, ulkomaankaupan rakenne ja taloudellinen kasvu, vol E:5

- Juhana Hukkinen
- Liquidity, risks and speed in payment and settlement systems: a simulation approach, vol E:31

- Edited by Harry Leinonen
- Measuring exchange market pressure and central bank intervention, vol E:17

- Mikko Spolander
- Models of currency crises with banking sector and imperfectly competitive labor markets, vol E:21

- Jian-Guang Shen
- Monetary policy in transition: Essays on monetary policy transmission mechanism in China, vol E:46

- Tuuli Koivu
- On robust ESACF identification of mixed ARIMA models, vol E:27

- Heikki Hella
- Pankkisääntely ja valvonta: Oikeuspoliittinen tutkimus säästöpankkien riskinotosta, vol E:15

- Liisa Halme
- Performance of international securities markets, vol E:28

- Heiko Schmiedel
- Price setting behavior in an open economy and the determination of Finnish foreign trade prices, vol E:25

- Hanna Freystätter
- Quantitative analysis of financial market infrastructures: further perspectives on financial stability, vol E:50

- Edited by Tatu Laine
- Realignment expectations in the ERM: Causes and measurement, vol E:4

- Sinimaaria Ranki
- Simulation analyses and stress testing of payment networks, vol E:42

- Edited by Harry Leinonen
- Simulation studies of liquidity needs, risks and efficiency in payment networks: Proceedings from the Bank of Finland Payment and Settlement System Seminars 2005-2006, vol E:39

- Edited by Harry Leinonen
- Stochastic modeling of financing longevity risk in pension insurance, vol E:44

- Vesa Ronkainen
- Studies in time series analysis of consumption, asset prices and forecasting, vol E:22

- Kari Takala
- Tax incentives and corporate borrowing: Evidence from finnish company panel data, vol E:10

- Kimmo Virolainen
- Technological transformation and retail banking competition: Implications and measurement, vol E:20

- Jukka Vesala
- Testing for competition in banking: Behavioral evidence from Finland, vol E:1

- Jukka Vesala
- The microeconomics of innovation: Oligopoly theoretic analyses with applications to banking and patenting, vol E:18

- Karlo Kauko
- The political economy of monetary policy and wage bargaining: Theory and econometric evidence, vol E:19

- Juha Kilponen
- The role of expectations in euro area inflation dynamics, vol E:32

- Maritta Paloviita
- Wage determination, taxes, and employment: evidence from Finland, vol E:3

- Timo Tyrväinen