CREATES Research Papers
From Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University Bibliographic data for series maintained by (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2022-12: Estimation of continuous-time linear DSGE models from discrete-time measurements

- Bent Jesper Christensen, Luca Neri and Juan Parra-Alvarez
- 2022-11: Reallocation of Mutual Fund Managers and Capital Raising Ability

- Yue Xu
- 2022-10: Parametric Estimation of Long Memory in Factor Models

- Yunus Emre Ergemen
- 2022-09: A Neural Network Approach to the Environmental Kuznets Curve

- Mikkel Bennedsen, Eric Hillebrand and Sebastian Jensen
- 2022-08: Cluster-Robust Inference: A Guide to Empirical Practice

- James MacKinnon and Morten Nielsen
- 2022-07: Truncated sum-of-squares estimation of fractional time series models with generalized power law trend

- Javier Hualde and Morten Nielsen
- 2022-06: Betting on mean reversion in the VIX? Evidence from ETP flows

- Ole Linnemann Nielsen and Anders Merrild Posselt
- 2022-05: The Prior Adaptive Group Lasso and the Factor Zoo

- Kristoffer Pons Bertelsen
- 2022-04: Inference on the dimension of the nonstationary subspace in functional time series

- Morten Nielsen, Won-ki Seo and Dakyung Seong
- 2022-03: Spillovers of Senior Mutual Fund Managers’ Capital Raising Ability

- Yue Xu
- 2022-02: Fractional integration and cointegration

- Javier Hualde and Morten Nielsen
- 2022-01: A parsimonious test of constancy of a positive definite correlation matrix in a multivariate time-varying GARCH model

- Jian Kang, Johan Stax Jakobsen, Annastiina Silvennoinen, Timo Teräsvirta and Glen Wade
- 2021-15: Long and short memory in dynamic term structure models

- Salman Huseynov
- 2021-14: Estimating the Variance of a Combined Forecast: Bootstrap-Based Approach

- Ulrich Hounyo and Kajal Lahiri
- 2021-13: Four Australian Banks and the Multivariate Time-Varying Smooth Transition Correlation GARCH model

- Anthony Hall, Annastiina Silvennoinen and Timo Teräsvirta
- 2021-12: Inference and forecasting for continuous-time integer-valued trawl processes and their use in financial economics

- Mikkel Bennedsen, Asger Lunde, Neil Shephard and Almut Veraart
- 2021-11: The incremental information in the yield curve about future interest rate risk

- Bent Jesper Christensen, Mads Markvart Kjær and Bezirgen Veliyev
- 2021-10: Adjustment coefficients and exact rational expectations in cointegrated vector autoregressive models

- Soren Johansen and Anders Ryghn Swensen
- 2021-09: Economic vulnerability is state dependent

- Leopoldo Catania, Alessandra Luati and Pierluigi Vallarino
- 2021-08: Modelling and Estimating Large Macroeconomic Shocks During the Pandemic

- Luisa Corrado, Stefano Grassi and Aldo Paolillo
- 2021-07: Is U.S. real output growth really non-normal? Testing distributional assumptions in time-varying location-scale models

- Matei Demetrescu and Robinson Robinson Kruse-Becher
- 2021-06: Expecting the unexpected: economic growth under stress

- Gloria Gonzalez-Rivera, Carlos Vladimir Rodríguez-Caballero and Esther Ruiz
- 2021-05: Asset Pricing Using Block-Cholesky GARCH and Time-Varying Betas

- Stefano Grassi and Francesco Violante
- 2021-04: Semiparametric Tests for the Order of Integration in the Possible Presence of Level Breaks

- Fabrizio Iacone, Morten Nielsen and Robert Taylor
- 2021-03: A machine learning approach to volatility forecasting

- Kim Christensen, Mathias Siggaard and Bezirgen Veliyev
- 2021-02: Now- and Backcasting Initial Claims with High-Dimensional Daily Internet Search-Volume Data

- Daniel Borup, David E. Rapach and Erik Christian Montes Schütte
- 2021-01: The New Keynesian Model and Bond Yields

- Martin M. Andreasen
- 2020-19: Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Fundamentals: Evidence of Instabilities from Time-Varying Factor Loadings

- Eric Hillebrand, Jakob Mikkelsen, Lars Spreng and Giovanni Urga
- 2020-18: A statistical model of the global carbon budget

- Mikkel Bennedsen, Eric Hillebrand and Siem Jan Koopman
- 2020-17: Linking retirement age to life expectancy does not lessen the demographic implications of unequal lifespans

- Jesús-Adrián Álvarez, Malene Kallestrup-Lamb and Søren Kjærgaard
- 2020-16: Temperature Anomalies, Long Memory, and Aggregation

- J. Eduardo Vera-Valdés
- 2020-15: Air pollution and mobility in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area, what drives the COVID-19 death toll?

- Carlos Vladimir Rodríguez-Caballero and J. Eduardo Vera-Valdés
- 2020-14: Origins of Mutual Fund Skill: Market versus Accounting Based Asset Pricing Anomalies

- Charlotte Christiansen, Ran Xing and Yue Xu
- 2020-13: To infinity and beyond: Efficient computation of ARCH(1) models

- Morten Nielsen and Antoine Noël
- 2020-12: Roughness in spot variance? A GMM approach for estimation of fractional log-normal stochastic volatility models using realized measures

- Anine E. Bolko, Kim Christensen, Mikko S. Pakkanen and Bezirgen Veliyev
- 2020-11: Optimal control of investment, premium and deductible for a non-life insurance company

- Bent Jesper Christensen, Juan Parra-Alvarez and Rafael Serrano
- 2020-10: Optimal Asset Allocation for Commodity Sovereign Wealth Funds

- Alfonso A. Irarrazabal, Lin Ma and Juan Parra-Alvarez
- 2020-09: Predicting bond return predictability

- Daniel Borup, Jonas Nygaard Eriksen, Mads M. Kjær and Martin Thyrsgaard
- 2020-08: Adaptive Inference in Heteroskedastic Fractional Time Series Models

- Giuseppe Cavaliere, Morten Nielsen and Robert Taylor
- 2020-07: Truncated sum of squares estimation of fractional time series models with deterministic trends

- Javier Hualde and Morten Nielsen
- 2020-06: Wild Bootstrap and Asymptotic Inference with Multiway Clustering

- James MacKinnon, Morten Nielsen and Matthew Webb
- 2020-05: Estimation of heterogeneous agent models: A likelihood approach

- Juan Parra-Alvarez, Olaf Posch and Mu-Chun Wang
- 2020-04: Tree-based Synthetic Control Methods: Consequences of moving the US Embassy

- Nicolaj N. Mühlbach
- 2020-03: Targeting predictors in random forest regression

- Daniel Borup, Bent Jesper Christensen, Nicolaj N. Mühlbach and Mikkel S. Nielsen
- 2020-02: Risk Matters: Breaking Certainty Equivalence

- Juan Parra-Alvarez, Hamza Polattimur and Olaf Posch
- 2020-01: Designing a sequential testing procedure for verifying global CO2 emissions

- Mikkel Bennedsen
- 2019-23: Wavelet Estimation for Dynamic Factor Models with Time-Varying Loadings

- Duván Humberto Cataño, Carlos Vladimir Rodríguez-Caballero and Daniel Peña
- 2019-22: The move towards riskier pensions: The importance of mortality

- Anne G. Balter, Malene Kallestrup-Lamb and Jesper Rangvid
- 2019-21: Modeling, Forecasting, and Nowcasting U.S. CO2 Emissions Using Many Macroeconomic Predictors

- Mikkel Bennedsen, Eric Hillebrand and Siem Jan Koopman
- 2019-20: Insight into Stagnating Life Expectancy: Analysing Cause of Death Patterns across Socio-economic Groups

- Malene Kallestrup-Lamb, Søren Kjærgaard and Carsten P. T. Rosenskjold
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