Economic and Market Information
From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 235204: An Overview of the Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food System 2016

- Unknown
- 126215: Farm Income, Financial Conditions and Government Assistance Data Book, 2011

- Unknown
- 126214: Medium Term Outlook for Canadian Agriculture 2011-2021

- Unknown
- 126213: An Overview of the Canadian Agriculture and Agri‑Food System 2012

- Unknown
- 115680: Farm Income, Financial Conditions and Government Assistance - Data Book, 2010

- Unknown
- 103186: Medium Term Outlook for Canadian Agriculture International and Domestic Markets

- Pierre Charlebois, Stephan Gagne and Carole Gendron
- 103047: An Overview of the Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food System 2011

- Unknown
- 94750: The Consequences of a Strong Depreciation of the U.S. Dollar on Agricultural Markets

- Pierre Charlebois and Nathalie Hamann
- 59885: An Overview of the Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food System 2009

- Unknown
- 59883: Medium Term Outlook for Canadian Agriculture - International and Domestic Markets

- Pierre Charlebois
- 55322: European Union Agricultural Policy Institutions and Decision Making Processes

- Odette Vaughan, Luc Tanguay and Brad Gilmour
- 55321: NAFTA: Outcomes, Challenges and Prospects

- Aleksandar Jotanovic and Brad Gilmour
- 55304: Traceability in the Canadian Red Meat Sector

- Jill Hobbs
- 55303: Traceability in the Canadian Dairy Processing Sector

- Spencer J. Henson, David Sparling, Deepananda P.B. Herath and Simon Dessureault
- 55302: A Statistical Profile of the Pork Supply Chain

- Samuel Bonti-Ankomah
- 55301: A Qualitative Assessment of the Benefits and Costs of On-Farm Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plans in the Dairy Sector

- Jean-Philippe Gervais, Bruno Larue, Jill Hobbs, William Kerr and Richard Gray
- 55300: A Qualitative Assessment of the Benefits and Costs of On-Farm Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plans in the Grain Sector

- Richard Gray, Mark Ferguson, Bill Martin, Jill Hobbs, William Kerr, Bruno Larue and Jean-Philippe Gervais
- 55299: A Qualitative Assessment of the Benefits and Costs of On-Farm Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plans in the Beef Sector

- William Kerr, Chad R. Wasylyniuk, Jill Hobbs, Bruno Larue, Jean-Philippe Gervais and Richard Gray
- 55298: A Qualitative Assessment of the Benefits and Costs of On-Farm Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plans in the Pork Sector

- Jill Hobbs, Jean-Philippe Gervais, Richard Gray, William Kerr and Bruno Larue
- 55297: On-Farm Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plans: A Conceptual Framework for Identifying and Classifying Benefits and Costs

- Jill Hobbs, Jean-Philippe Gervais, Richard Gray, William Kerr and Bruno Larue
- 55296: Overview of the Development and Applications of a Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Benefits and Costs of On-Farm Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plans

- Jill Hobbs, Jean-Philippe Gervais, Richard Gray, William Kerr, Bruno Larue and Chad R. Wasylyniuk
- 54496: A Methodology to Evaluate the Impact of Cost Recovery in Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Chains

- Cameron Short
- 54474: A Market Analysis of a Set-aside Program by the Five Major Grain and Oilseed Exporting Countries

- Pierre Charlebois and Mitch Wensley
- 54465: Characteristics of Canada's Diverse Farm Sector

- Deborah Niekamp
- 54461: Farm Cost Allocation Based on the Maximum Entropy Methodology - The Case of Saskatchewan Crop Farms

- Ludo Peeters and Yves R. Surry
- 53933: Farm Income Issues Data Source Book

- Unknown
- 53932: Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Awareness Study

- Pierre Aubin, Genevieve Auger and Claude Perreault
- 53931: Cropland Values in Canada

- Deborah Sussman
- 53905: Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Agricultural Management Strategies on Environmental Indicators

- Lori Heigh and Bruce Junkins
- 53770: Inventory and Methodology for Assessing the Impacts of Environmental Regulations in the Agricultural Sector

- Jean Nolet, Claude Sauve, Amelie Geoffroy and Richard Sanchez
- 53769: Financial Situation and Performance of Canadian Farms 2009

- Deborah Niekamp
- 53768: The Competitiveness of the Beef Sector in Argentina and Canada

- Victoria Cano Lamy, María Recalde and Ariel Barraud
- 53132: Farm Financial Survey Highlights - 2008

- John Caldwell
- 53101: Overview of Farms Participating in the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, 2004

- Fabrice Nimpagaritse
- 53100: Total Income of Canadian Farm Operators, 2003

- Cally Abraham
- 53099: A Portrait of Participants in Crop Insurance Programs

- Fabrice Nimpagaritse
- 52728: Environmental and Economic Impact Assessments of Environmental Regulations for the Agriculture Sector: A Case Study of Potato Farming

- Ian Craven
- 52727: Environmental and Economic Impact Assessments of Environmental Regulations for the Agriculture Sector: A Case Study of Hog Farming

- Cher Brethour, Beth Sparling, Terri-lyn Moore and Delia Bucknell
- 52726: Corporate Income Tax Rate Database - Canada and the Provinces, 1960-2005

- Sean A. Cahill
- 52708: Long Term Challenges and Opportunities: Future Competitiveness and Prosperity of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry

- Unknown
- 52707: Report on Long Term Challenges and Opportunities for Future Competitiveness and Prosperity of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry - Chapter 1: Primary Agriculture

- Unknown
- 52706: Report on Long Term Challenges and Opportunities for Future Competitiveness and Prosperity of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry - Chapter 2: Structure and Performance of the Canadian Food Processing Industry

- Unknown
- 52705: The Estimation of Food Demand Elasticities in Canada

- Ruth Pomboza and Msafiri Daudi Mbaga
- 52704: Bioproducts Development Survey: Analysis of the Summary Results

- David Sparling, John Cranfield, Spencer J. Henson and Pamela Laughland
- 52703: Summary of the Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals Survey

- Unknown
- 52701: The Nature and Extent of Innovation in the Canadian Food Processing Industry

- Samuel Bonti-Ankomah
- 52069: Agriculture in Brazil and China: Key findings from the OECD

- Unknown
- 52068: Brazil Agriculture Policy Review

- Jose Quiroga, Jonathan Brooks and Olga Melyukhina
- 52067: Ukraine's Agriculture Policy Review

- Andrzej Kwiecinski
- 52066: China Agriculture Policy Review

- Hugh Deng and Andrzej Kwiecinski
- 52065: South Africa's Agriculture Policy Review

- Tania Polcyn and Václav Vojtech
- 52054: Potential Contribution of Payments for Ecological Goods and Services to Farm Income

- Annie Royer and Daniel-Mercier Gouin
- 52051: South Korea Agriculture Policy Review

- Rajendra Kumar Gurung, Chung Pa and Hugh Deng
- 52050: Farm Income, Financial Conditions and Government Assistance - Data Book

- Unknown
- 52049: Current Rates of Return in Canadian Farming by Farm Type

- John Caldwell
- 51718: Medium Term Outlook for Canadian Agriculture - International and Domestic Markets

- Pierre Charlebois and Stephan Gagne
- 47133: Economic Analysis of the Liberalization of Red Meat Markets in the Pacific Region from 1988 to 2007

- Pierre Charlebois, Stephan Gagne and Carole Gendron
- 47132: The Impact of Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreaks in Taiwan and South Korea on the Red Meat Industries in Canada and the United States

- Pierre Charlebois and Stephan Gagne
- 47129: Medium Term Outlook for Canadian Agriculture

- Pierre Charlebois and Stephan Gagne
- 46805: An Overview of the Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food System

- Unknown
- 46689: Agriculture in a Water-Scarce World

- Brad Gilmour, Aleksandar Jotanovic, Rajendra Kumar Gurung, Tania Polcyn and Hugh Deng
- 46688: New Zealand Agriculture Policy Review

- Brad Gilmour and Rajendra Kumar Gurung
- 46671: Japan Agriculture Policy Review

- Brad Gilmour and Rajendra Kumar Gurung
- 46669: Australia Agriculture Policy Review

- Brad Gilmour and Rajendra Kumar Gurung
- 46511: Russia Agriculture Policy Review

- Olga Melyukhina, Luc Tanguay, Odette Vaughan and Aleksandar Jotanovic
- 46509: Mexico Agriculture Policy Review

- Carmel Cahill, Aleksandar Jotanovic and Cally Abraham
- 46456: India Agricultural Policy Review

- Brad Gilmour and Rajendra Kumar Gurung