2007 Second International Conference, August 20-22, 2007, Accra, Ghana
From African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 52878: Benefit-Cost Analysis and Socio-Economic Considerations of Trypanosomiasis Control and Treatment in Northern Ghana

- S. Wahab and Samuel Asuming-Brempong
- 52218: Designing Regional Systems of Biotechnology Regulation A Transaction Cost Approach to Regulatory Governance

- Regina Birner and Nicholas A. Linacre
- 52217: Agriculture for Food and Nutrition Security: A Must For Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa

- Saa Dittoh, Abdul-Razak Abizari and Margaret Akuriba
- 52216: Household Food Security in a Subsistence Economy: Application of Translog Cost Function to Cross-sectional data in Vihiga District, Kenya

- P.M. Nyangweso, Mark O. Odhiambo, Odunga and A.k Serem
- 52215: Opportunities for African Small Farmers in Ethical Foods Markets: An Entrepreneurial Perspective

- Vincent Amanor-Boadu
- 52214: Politiques D’ajustement Et Securite Alimentaire En Afrique

- Fidele Tshingombe Mulubay
- 52213: Giving Chance to Indigenous Knowledge In Developing Sustainable Nutrition Improvement Interventions

- Charles Nanchukwa Kondwani
- 52212: Principaux facteurs qui affectent l’état nutritionnel et de santé des enfants exposés à l’aflatoxine au Bénin: Application du model Probit

- R. Allomasso, Ousmane Coulibaly, I. Glitho and Kerstin Hell
- 52204: Foreign Development Assistance to Agriculture and Food Security in Africa in the last Decade: Lessons for Tomorrow

- Simeon K. Ehui and Iheanacho Okike
- 52203: Food Security and Poverty of the Rural Households In Kwara State, Nigeria

- O.A. Omotesho, Matthew Olaniyi Adewumi and K.s Fadimula
- 52202: Impact Des Politiques D’alphabetisation Sur La Production Et La Securite Alimentaires Au Togo

- Egnonto M. Koffi-Tessio, Kpotogbe Homevor and Komi Kouma
- 52198: Development and Dissemination of Improved Cassava Varieties in Uganda: Analysis of Adoption Rates, Variety Attributes and Speed of Adoption

- Steffen Abele, Edgar Twine, Pheneas Ntawuruhunga, Yonah Baguma, Charles Kanobe and Anthony Bua
- 52195: Livelihood Strategies of Resource-Poor Farmers in Striga-Infested Areas of Western Kenya

- Victor M. Manyong, Arega D. Alene, George D. Odhiambo, H.D. Mignouna, M. Bokanga, G. Omanya and S.J. Nindi
- 52192: Perception de la Dégradation des Terres et Adoption des Technologies de Conservation des Eaux et des Sols au Nord du Burkina Faso: le cas du Zaï et des Cordons Pierreux

- Modeste L. Kinane, Michel Kone and Amadou Sidibe
- 52191: Relationship between Social Capital and Livelihood Enhancing Capitals among Smallholder Farmers in Uganda

- Annet Abenakyo, Pascal Sanginga, Jemimah M. Njuki, Susan Kaaria and Robert J. Delve
- 52190: Effects Of EU’s Common Agricultural Policy Reforms On Prospects For Eastern And Southern Africa’s Trade With The EU Under The Economic Partnership Agreements

- Protase N. Echessah
- 52187: Structure, Coûts Des Transactions Et Integration Spatiale Des Marches Des Produits Alimentaires Au Togo

- Egnonto M. Koffi-Tessio, Kossi Sedzro, Kokou A. Tossou and Koffi Yovo
- 52186: Unexploited Agricultural Growth: The Case of Crop–Livestock Production Systems in Zimbabwe

- Sabine Homann and Andre van Rooyen
- 52185: Labor requirements and profitability of alternative soil fertility replenishment technologies in Zambia

- Oluyede Ajayi and Festus K. Akinnifesi
- 52184: Striga Management through Herbicide Resistance: A Public-Private Partnership in Action

- Paul L. Woomer and Canon N. Savala
- 52183: Institutional Innovations for Smallholder Compliance with International Food Safety Standards: Experiences from Kenya, Ethiopian and Zambian Green Bean Growers

- Julius Juma Okello, Clare Narrod and Devesh Roy
- 52182: Vegetable Production and Pesticide Use in Ghana: Would GM Varieties Have an Impact at the Farm Level?

- J. Daniela Horna, Samuel E. Timpo, Ramatu M. Al-Hassan, Melinda Smale and Jose Benjamin Falck-Zepeda
- 52181: Determinants of Selected Agricultural Export Crops in Nigeria: An Ecm Approach

- Sina A. Yusuf and W.A. Yusuf
- 52180: Gender, Food Security and Livelihoods: The Case of Plan Ghana And Sissala

- J.A. Bediako and Kofi Debrah
- 52179: Agricultural Growth, Rural Poverty and Hunger In Africa

- Zipora Awuor Otieno
- 52166: Measuring Irrigation Water Efficiency with a Stochastic Production Frontier: An Application for Citrus Producing Farms in Tunisia

- Boubaker Dhehibi, Lassaad Lachaal, Mohamed Elloumi and Emna B. Messaoud
- 52162: Food Drying/ Production Plant

- Maria Kasozi and William Mwegombi
- 52161: Heterogeneous Impacts Of Cooperatives On Smallholders’ Commercialization Behavior: Evidence From Ethiopia

- Tanguy Bernard, Eleni Z. Gabre-Madhin and Alemayehu Taffesse
- 52160: The Prevalence of Under-Nourished Child Obese Mother Phenomenon in Rural Areas: Evidence from Central Province of Kenya

- John G. Mburu and Julius Juma Okello
- 52159: Rural Household Labour Demand, Contract Choice, Hoarding Cost and Poverty: Evidence from Western Kenya

- E. Gathungu and M.P. Musyoka
- 52158: The Impact of Drought on Household Food Security in the Limpopo Basin of Semi Arid Southern Africa: The Case of Kgatleng District in Botswana

- Benjamin K. Acquah
- 52156: Gendered Impact of Irrigated Rice Schemes’ Governance on Farmers’ Income, Productivity and Technical Efficiency in Benin

- Florent M. Kinkingninhoun-Medagbe, Aliou Diagne, Afiavi R. Agboh-Noameshie and Patrice Ygue Adegbola
- 52155: A Discriminant Analysis of Factors Associated with The Adoption Of Certified Organic Farming By Smallholder Farmers in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

- Maggie Kisaka-Lwayo
- 52154: Does Participation in Microfinance Programs Improve Household Incomes: Empirical Evidence From Makueni District, Kenya

- Joy M. Kiiru, John G. Mburu and Flohberg Klaus
- 52153: Evaluation de la diffusion et de l’adoption des variétés de riz NERICA en Guinée

- Aliou Diagne, Marie-Josee Sogbossi, Sekou Diawara, Abdoulaye Sadio Diallo and Alpha Bacar Barry
- 52152: Non-Credit Services of Group-Based Financial Institutions: Implications for Smallholder Women’s Honey Income in Arid and Semi Arid Lands of Kenya

- Peter Shimon Otieno, Rose Adhiambo Nyikal and Fred Inuani Mugivane
- 52151: Effects of Ill Health and Weather Variability on Savings

- Lydia K. Ndirangu
- 52150: The Economics of Biotechnology (Gmos) and the Need for A Regional Policy: The Case for COMESA Countries

- Isaac J. Minde and Mazvimavi Kizito
- 52149: Assessing Rural Women Food Producers Capacity to Adopt Modern ICTs – A case Study of the Mfantsiman District of Ghana

- D.D. Sampong, Irene Susana Egyir and Osei-Asare Yaw
- 52148: Gender Contribution and Constrains to Rural Agriculture and Household Food Security in Kenya: Case of Western Province

- J.N. Omwoha
- 52147: Empirical Analysis of Agricultural Growth and Unemployment in Nigeria

- Opeyemi Eyitayo Ayinde, Kayode Ayinde, I. J. B. Memudu and V.I. Ojehomon
- 52146: A Game Theoretic Approach to Analyse Cooperation between Rural Households in Northern Nigeria

- M. Gerichhausen, Ezra D. Berkhout, H.J.m Hamers and Victor M. Manyong
- 52145: Linking Mara Fruits and Vegetable Growers to Serengeti National Park Tourist Hotels Market

- Adventina Babu, Han van de Meerendonk and C. Maganga
- 52144: Linking Farmers to Markets: The Case of Grain Marketing Information in Western Kenya

- Martins Odendo and Hugo De Groote
- 52131: Recent Developments in the Rwandan Agriculture: The Challenges of Attaining Food Security and Abolishing Absolute Poverty

- Ariyappillil Mathai Jose
- 52130: L’impact socio-économique du VIH/SIDA sur les familles rurales ET SUR l’éducation des jeunes AU CAMEROUN

- Robert Nkendah
- 52129: Science in Agricultural Relief and Development Programs: The Case of Conservation Farming In Zimbabwe

- Kizito Mazvimavi, Steve Twomlow, Conrad Murendo and Tawedzegwa Musitini
- 52128: Farmers’ Perceptions and Willingness to Pay for Metarhizium-based Biopesticide to Control Cotton Bollworms in Benin (West Africa)

- Sounkoura Adetonah, Ousmane Coulibaly, Theodore Nouhoheflin, C. Kooyman and D. Kpindou
- 52127: Tea Farming Enterprise Contribution to Smallholders’ Well Being In Kenya

- Francis Mwaura and Ogise Muku
- 52125: Les Marges De Commercialisation Et L’équité Du Commerce Des Produits Alimentaires Au Togo

- Egnonto M. Koffi-Tessio, Kokou A. Tossou and Etsri Homevoh
Papers sorted by number 52878 52124