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2010 AAAE Third Conference/AEASA 48th Conference, September 19-23, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa

From African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)
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96808: Support for pro-poor agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in Eastern Cape Downloads
Robert Dzivakwi and Peter T. Jacobs
96805: Factors influencing adoption and intensity of adoption of orange flesh sweetpotato varieties: evidence from an extension intervention in Nyanza and Western province, Kenya Downloads
Wachira Kaguongo, Gerald F. Ortmann, Edilegnaw Wale, Mark A.G. Darroch and Jan W. Low
96801: The Efficiency of Small-Scale Agriculture in Limpopo Province of South Africa Downloads
Majory O. Meliko, K. Chauke Phinea and Stephen A. Oni
96800: Analysis of Costs and Returns to Maize-Cowpea Intercrop Production in Oyo state, Nigeria Downloads
A.O. Segun-Olasanmi and A.S. Bamire
96798: The Anthropometric Status of Farming households in Kogi State, Nigeria Downloads
Matthew Olaniyi Adewumi, Raphael O. Babatunde and Ayodele Olufunke
96797: Contribution of Agriculture to the Economy of Limpopo Province Downloads
Majory O. Meliko and Stephen A. Oni
96651: The Impact of Certification on Smallholder Coffee Farmers in Kenya: The case of ‘UTZ’ certification program Downloads
Mercy W. Kamau, Lawrence Obae Mose, Ricardo Fort and Ruerd Ruben
96650: What are the Dynamic Effects of Fertilizer Subsidies on Household Well‐being? Evidence from Malawi Downloads
Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and Thomas Jayne
96649: Of What Merit is Improved Inputs use in Uganda's Maize Productivity? Downloads
Geofrey Okoboi
96648: Decomposing Total Factor Productivity Change of Cotton Cultivars (Barakat-90 and Barac (67)B) in the Gezira Scheme (1991 – 2007) Sudan Downloads
Mohamed O.A. Bushara and Hoyam E. Barakat
96646: Maize prices in South Africa: Can the producer increase his revenue by marketing grain through cattle? Downloads
Frikkie A. Mare, Wilhelm T. Nell and B.J. Willemse
96645: Analysis of the Governance Structure used by Eksteenskull Raisin Producers: Is there a need for more Vertical Coordination? Downloads
Henry Jordaan and Bennie Grove
96644: Measuring Integration and Efficiency in Maize Grain Markets: The Case of South Africa and Mozambique Downloads
Lulama Traub, Robert Myers, Thomas Jayne and Ferdinand H. Meyer
96643: Structure, Conduct and Performance in the South African Potato Processing Industry Downloads
J.W. Hanekom, B.J. Willemse and D.B. Strydom
96642: Best fit model selection for spatial differences (regression) in the profitability analysis of precision phosphate (P) application to winter cereals in Precision Agriculture (PA) Downloads
Ella Christina Hough, Wilhelm T. Nell, Ntsikane Maine, Jan A. Groenewald and M. van der Rijst
96641: Transaction Costs and Cattle Farmers' Choice of Marketing Channels in North-Central Namibia Downloads
T. Shiimi, Pieter R. Taljaard and Henry Jordaan
96640: Enhancing food and livelihood security in the context of the food and financial crisis: challenges and opportunities for small scale rainwater harvesting and conservation Downloads
Mompati N. Baiphethi, Machiel F. Viljoen, Godfrey Kundhlande and N.G. Ralehlolo
96639: The Determinants of Agricultural Export Growth in South Africa Downloads
Ernst Idsardi
96437: South African Farmers’ Perceptions of the Benefits and Costs of Complying with EUREPGAP to Export Fresh Citrus to the European Union (EU) Downloads
Mark A.G. Darroch
96436: Household Food Insecurity, Rapid Food Price Inflation and the Economic Downturn Downloads
Peter T. Jacobs
96435: Budget Allocation for Rural Agricultural Development in the NWP: A Multiple Criteria Analysis Downloads
J.D. van der Merwe, Philip C. Cloete and Herman D. van Schalkwyk
96434: Measuring Asymmetric Price and Volatility Spillover in the South African Broiler Market Downloads
I.D. Uchezuba, Andre Jooste and Johan Willemse
96433: The Current State of Agribusiness Education and Training in Africa Downloads
Edward T. Mabaya, Ralph D. Christy and Maureen Bandama
96432: Comparative advantage of potato production in seven regions of South Africa Downloads
Christo J. Joubert, N.H. Phahlane, Andre Jooste, C. Dempers and Louise Kotze
96430: Potential of Sorghum and Finger Millet to Enhance Household Food Security in Zimbabwe's Semi-arid Regions: A Review Downloads
P. Mukarumbwa and Abbyssinia Mushunje
96429: Extension and adoption of biofortified crops: Quality protein maize in East Africa Downloads
Hugo De Groote, Nilupa S. Gunaratna, Kebebe Ergano and Dennis Friesen
96425: The Potential Impact of Increased Irrigation Water Tariffs in South Africa Downloads
Tania Gill and Cecilia Punt
96423: Determinants for Use of Certified Maize Seed and the Relative Importance of Transaction Costs Downloads
Munyua Bernard, Jonathan Hellin, Rose Adhiambo Nyikal and John G. Mburu
96419: Economic Analysis of Alternative Maize Storage Technologies in Kenya Downloads
Simon Chege Kimenju and Hugo De Groote
96417: Sensory Evaluation and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Quality Protein Maize (QPM) using Experimental Auctions in Rural Tanzania Downloads
Christine G. Kiria, Hester Vermeulen and Hugo De Groote
96197: Assessing rural consumers’ WTP for orange, biofortified maize in Ghana with experimental auctions and a simulated radio message Downloads
Hugo De Groote, Keith Tomlins, Joyce Haleegoah, Manfred Awool, Benedicta Frimpong, Abijit Banerji, Shyamal K. Chowdury and J.V. Meenakshi
96196: Volatility Spill-over in a Customs Union: The Case of South Africa Sheep Import from Namibia Downloads
Olubukola Ayodeju Oyewumi and Rakhal Sarker
96195: Technical efficiency of olive oil manufacturing and efficacy of modernization programme in Tunisia Downloads
Kenichi Kashiwagi, Nadhem Mtimet, Lokman Zaibet and Masakazu Nagaki
96194: The quality turn in South Africa: insights from a comprehensive investigation into the food quality behaviours, perceptions and knowledge of South African consumers with a focus on middle and upper socioeconomic groups Downloads
Hester Vermeulen and Estelle Bienabe
96193: Does the environment in which ICT-based market information services (MIS) projects operate affect their performance? Experiences from Kenya Downloads
Julius Juma Okello and Lydia K. Ndirangu
96192: Determinants of the Speed of Adoption of Soil Fertility-Enhancing Technologies in Western Kenya Downloads
Martins Odendo, Gideon A. Obare and Beatrice Salasya
96191: Assessment of developing-country urban consumers’ willingness to pay for quality of leafy vegetables: The case of middle and high income consumers in Nairobi, Kenya Downloads
Marther W. Ngigi, Julius Juma Okello, Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, Nancy Karanja and John G. Mburu
96189: Participatory Farmer Evaluation of Stem borer Resistant Maize varieties in three maize growing ecologies of Kenya Downloads
James Okuro Ouma, Martins Odendo, Charles Bett, Hugo De Groote, Stephen Mugo, Charles Mutinda, James Gethi, Stephen Njoka, S. Ajanga and J. Shuma
96188: Awareness and use of m-banking services in agriculture: The case of smallholder farmers in Kenya Downloads
Oliver Kirui, Julius Juma Okello and Rose Adhiambo Nyikal
96187: Measuring and Explaining Technical Efficiency of Dairy Farms: A Case Study of Smallholder Farms in East Africa Downloads
Ayele Gelan and Beatrice Muriithi
96186: Adoption et Impact Socio-Esonomique de la semi-mecanisation du Procede de Transformation des Amandes de Karite en Beurre au Nord-Benin Downloads
Morenike Cendrine Ahouandjinou, Patrice Ygue Adegbola, Jacob Afouda Yabi and Souleimane Adeyemi Adekambi
96185: Willingness to pay for extension services in Uganda among farmers involved in crop and animal husbandry Downloads
Francis Mwaura, Fred Roland Muwanika and Geofrey Okoboi
96184: Country and border effects in the transmission of maize prices in Eastern Africa: evidence from a semi-parametric regression model Downloads
Rico Ihle, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel and Sergiy Zorya
96183: Catastrophic Drought Insurance based on the Remotely Sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe Downloads
Ephias Makaudze and Mario Miranda
96182: Ex-ante Evaluation of Cassava Research for Development in Malawi: A Farm Household and Random Utility Modeling Approach Downloads
Joseph Rusike, S. Jumbo, Pheneas Ntawuruhunga, J.M. Kawonga, Braima James, R. Okechukwu and Victor M. Manyong
96181: Economics of Meat Production from the Springbuck in the Eastern Cape Karoo Downloads
Thula S. Dlamini and Gavin C.G. Fraser
96179: “Supply and demand trends for fertilizer in Zimbabwe: 1930 to date”: Key drivers and lessons learnt Downloads
Isaac J. Minde, Kizito Mazvimavi, Conrad Murendo and Patrick V. Ndlovu
96177: Dairy Cattle Productivity after the Post Election Crisis in Uasin Gishu District of Kenya Downloads
M.K. Korir, J. Kibet, Mary J. Kipsat, P.M. Nyangweso and M. Rirei
96176: Revisiting the "Cotton Problem:" A Comparative Analysis of Cotton Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Claire Delpeuch, Anneleen Vandeplas and Johan Swinnen
96174: Sub-Saharan African Cotton Policies in Retrospect Downloads
Claire Delpeuch and Antoine Leblois
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