2013 Fourth International Conference, September 22-25, 2013, Hammamet, Tunisia
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- 161474: Smallholder Demand for Maize Hybrids and Selective Seed Subsidies in Zambia

- Melinda Smale and Ekin Birol
- 161473: The response of global agricultural supply to prices and price variability: a panel data analysis

- Mekbib Haile and Matthias Kalkuhl
- 161472: How does food supply respond to high and volatile international food prices? An empirical evaluation of inter- and intra- seasonal global crop acreage response

- Mekbib Haile, Matthias Kalkuhl and Joachim von Braun
- 161471: Smallholder Choice of Compliance Arrangements: The Case GlobalGAP adoption by French Bean Farmers in Kirinyaga, Mbooni and Buuri/Laikipia Districts

- Mary Nthambi, John I. Mburu and Rose Nyikal
- 161470: Off-farm Income and Fertilizer Investments by Smallholder Farmers in Kenya

- Mary K. Mathenge and Melinda Smale
- 161469: Urban Demand for Smallholder Crops; the Case of Fruits and Vegetables in Nairobi, Kenya

- Mary K. Bundi, Jonathan M. Nzuma and O.L.E. Mbatia
- 161468: Shocks, livestock assets and climate change adaptation in Kenya

- Marther W. Ngigi and Regina Birner
- 161467: Gender differentiated motivation for coastal forest conservation: the case of Lower Tana River Forest

- Marther W. Ngigi and Julius J. Okello
- 161466: Agricultural trade for food security in Africa: A Ricardian model approach

- Mandiaye Diagne, Steffen Abele, Aliou Diagne and Papa Abdoulaye Seck
- 161465: Factors Affecting the Hedging Decision of Maize Farmers in Gauteng Province

- Maine Mofokeng and Nick Vink
- 161464: Price Variability, Co-integration and Leadership in the Market for Locally Produced Rice: A Case Study of Southwest Zone of Nigeria

- Taiwo Mafimisebi, B.O. Agunbiade and O.E. Mafimisebi
- 161463: Exploring use of livestock wealth and social capital by pastoral and agro-households in ASALs as insurance against 1 climate change and variability risks: A case study of Samburu District in Kenya

- Stanley Karanja Nganga, Erwin Bulte, Ken Giller, Mariana C. Rufino and Mario Herrero
- 161462: Fundamentals of Cattle Marketing in Southwest, Nigeria: Analyzing Market Intermediaries, Price Formation and Yield Performance

- Taiwo Mafimisebi, O.M. Bobola and O.E. Mafimisebi
- 161461: Scenario simulation of small farms’ production efficiencies in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

- Sunday Hosu, Melusi Sibanda and Abbyssinia Mushunje
- 161460: Do land ownership and contract farming matter? Evidence from a large-scale investment in Ghana

- Susanne Johanna Väth and Michael Kirk
- 161454: Impact of Information and Communication Technology-based Market Information Services on Smallholder Farm Input Use and Productivity: The Case of Kenya

- Sylvester O. Ochieng, Julius J. Okello and David J. Otieno
- 161451: Interaction patterns determining improved information and knowledge sharing among smallholder farmers participating in field-based learning alliances in eastern Zimbabwe

- T. Mashavave, P. Mapfumo, F. Mtambanengwe, R. Chikowo, T. Gwandu, H. Nezomba and S. Siziba
- 161450: The Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) and its Impacts on marketed crops: Data Analysis of the Kano-Katsina-Maradi Pilot Learning Site

- Luke O. Olarinde, Adeolu B. Ayanwale, Olufemi A. Oladunni, Kaku S. Nokoe, Adewale A. Adekunle and Oluwole Fatunbi
- 161449: Value Chain Analysis of Indigenous Vegetables from Malawi and Mozambique

- Takemore Chagomoka, Victor Afari-Sefa and Raul Pitoro
- 161448: Asymmetric price transmission in food markets in the highlands of central Kenya

- Lucy W Ngare, Stephen K Wambugu, Jonathan M. Nzuma and Chris Shisanya
- 161447: Analysis of Effectiveness of Modern Information and Communication Technologies on Maize Marketing Efficiency in Selected Markets of Malawi

- Sarah Tione, Samson P. Katengeza and Julius H. Mangisoni
- 161446: Urbanization and Poverty Reduction – The Role of Rural Diversification and Secondary Towns

- Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Yasuyuki Todo

- Lilian Kirimi, Raphael Gitau and Millicent Olunga
- 161444: Drivers of Technology Adoption in a Subsistence Economy: The case of Tissue Culture Bananas in Western Kenya

- B.K. Langat, V.K. Ngéno, Philip M. Nyangweso, M. J. Mutwol, L. Gohole and S. Yaninek
- 161443: Factors affecting efficiency of field crop production among resettled farmers in Zimbabwe

- L. Musemwa, Abbyssinia Mushunje, V. Muchenje, F. Aghdasi and L. Zhou
- 161440: Analyse des systèmes de commercialisation de la corète potagère (Corchorus olitorius L.) produite à Agbédranfo au Sud-Ouest du Bénin (Département du Couffo)

- C. Komlan, Patrice Ygue Adegbola, Anselme Adegbidi, Sounkoura Adetonah and Mensah Guy-Apollinaire
- 161304: A cross-region study: climate change adaptation in Malawi's agro-based systems

- Maganga Mulagha Assa, Gebrelibanos Gebremariam and Lawrence D. Mapemba
- 161302: Determinants of food-poverty states and the demand for dietary diversity in Nigeria

- Kolawole Ogundari
- 161299: Assessing the Impacts of Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Vouchers Input Program

- Kizito Mazvimavi, Conrad Murendo, Isaac J. Minde and Machiweyi Kunzekweguta
- 161298: Can Biofortified Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato Make Commercially Viable Products and Help in Combatting Vitamin A Deficiency?

- Kirimi Sindi, Lilian Kirimi and Jan Low

- Thierry A. Kinkpe, Prosper Houessionon, Patrice Ygue Adegbola and Gauthier Biaou
- 161293: Problématique semencière dans la riziculture africaine: accès et demande des semences améliorées par les producteurs et perspectives pour améliorer le système

- Florent M. Kinkingninhoun-Medagbe, Aliou Diagne, Alice Bonou, Papa Abdoulaye Seck and E. Amovin-Assagba
- 161290: Who Benefits More From Nerica Varieties? Gender Differential Impact on Yield and Income in Benin

- Florent M. Kinkingninhoun-Medagbe, Aliou Diagne, Afiavi R. Agboh-Noameshie and J. C. Lokossou
- 161288: Viability Analysis of Smallholder Cotton Production under Contract Farming in Zimbabwe

- Kingstone Mujeyi
- 161285: Commercialization of Under-Utilized Plant Species in Zimbabwe: The Case of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) in Mutoko District

- Kingstone Mujeyi and Angeline Chamunorwa-Mujeyi
- 161283: Assessment of the influence of attitude and benefit-risk perceptions on yield variability among smallholder peri-urban commercial kale farmers in Wangige, Kenya

- Kelvin M. Shikuku, Carl Johan Largerkvist, Julius J. Okello, Nancy Karanja and Chris Ackello-Ogutu
- 161278: Hidden hunger or knowledge hunger? Nutritional knowledge, diet diversity and micronutrient intake in Rwanda: The case of Vitamin A

- Julius J. Okello, Kirimi Sindi, Jan Low and Kelvin M. Shikuku
- 161275: Explaining investments in sustainable land management: The role of various income sources in the smallholder farming systems of western Kenya

- Joseph Tanui, Rolf Groeneveld, Jeroen Klomp, Jeremiahs Mowo and Ekko van Ierland
- 161272: The Rice Market in East Africa

- Joseph Nzomoi and Ian Anderson
- 161269: Infrastructure, services, and smallholder income growth: evidence from Kenyan panel data

- Jordan Chamberlin
- 161266: Do Source and Quality matter in the Demand for Imported Rice in Côte d’Ivoire?

- Jeanne Y. Coulibaly
- 161264: What are the effects of input subsidy programs on equilibrium maize prices? Evidence from Malawi and Zambia

- Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Nicole M. Mason, Thomas Jayne, Francis Addeah Darko and Solomon Tembo
- 161263: The impact of Migrant Remittances on the Technical Efficiency of Arable Crop Farm Households in South Eastern Nigeria

- Onwuchekwa Raphael Iheke, Jude Chukwudi Nwaru and C. E. Onyenweaku
- 161261: Impact de l’utilisation des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication sur la commercialisation du riz local au Bénin

- Gildas M. Adjovi, Patrice Ygue Adegbola, Souleimane Adeyemi Adekambi and Aliou Diagne
- 161210: Determinants and Extent of Use of Minimum Tillage Practices among Zambian Smallholder Crop Farmers from 2008 to 2012

- Hambulo Ngoma, Brian Mulenga and Thomas Jayne
- 160688: Estimating the Efficiency of Maize Farmers in Ghana

- Gifty Sienso, Samuel Asuming-Brempong and Ditchfield P. K. Amegashie
- 160687: Rethinking Africa's Food Policy in Terms Rights

- Gbolagade Babalola Ayoola
- 160685: Economic Efficiency and Subsidized Farm Inputs: Evidence from Malawi Maize Farmers

- Francis Addeah Darko and Jacob Ricker-Gilbert
- 160683: Evaluation économique de la dégradation de l’eau d’irrigation Etude de cas: La région de Korba

- Fouzai Ayoub, Mohamed Salah Bachta, Marwa Ben Brahim and Rajhi Eya
- 160682: Determinants of participation in identified institutional arrangements in Kenya’s export French bean sector

- Florence N. Ondieki-Mwaura, Lawrence M. Njoroge, Julius J. Okello and Judith M. Bahemuka
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