2005 Annual meeting, July 24-27, Providence, RI
From American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (aesearch@umn.edu). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 19574: Strategic Interaction and Spatial Multiplier Effects in Local Growth Control Policies: The California Housing Market

- Brigitte S. Waldorf, Pillsung Byun and Raymond Florax
- 19573: Wealth Accumulation by Farm Households: Evidence from a National Survey

- Ashok Mishra and Hisham S. El-Osta
- 19572: An Examination of the Impacts of Exchange Rate Volatility on Sectoral Trade in the Mercosur

- Donald W. Larson, Mauricio Bittencourt and Stanley Thompson
- 19571: Snowblind: the importance of climate information for recreational real estate

- Daniel E. Osgood
- 19570: Value Added What??...Horizontal versus Vertical Expansion in Iowa Production Agriculture

- Joshua D. Roe
- 19569: Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Biotech Foods in China

- William W. Lin, Agapi Somwaru, Francis Tuan, Jikun Huang and Junfei Bai
- 19568: A Bayesian Examination of Anchoring Bias and Cheap Talks in Constructed Markets

- David Aadland and Arthur Caplan
- 19567: Comparing Heterogeneous Consumption in US and Japanese Meat and Fish Demand

- Glynn Tonsor and Thomas Marsh
- 19566: The Impacts of Off-Farm Income on Farm Efficiency, Scale, and Profitability for Corn Farms

- Richard F. Nehring and Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo
- 19565: The Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity in Chinese Agriculture

- Zhuo Chen, Wallace E. Huffman and Scott Rozelle
- 19564: Demand behavior of U.S. high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and its implication for the U.S. sweetener market: a cointegration analysis

- Dae-Seob Lee and P. Lynn Kennedy
- 19563: Effect of Urbanization on the Adoption of Environmental Management Systems in Canadian Agriculture

- Deaton, Brady J.,, Udith K. Jayasinghe-Mudalige, Donna Theresa J. Ramirez, Michael Trant and Alfons Weersink
- 19562: Racial Minority Lending Trends at the Farm Service Agency

- Cesar Escalante, James Epperson, Forrest E. Stegelin and Rodney L. Brooks
- 19561: How Should We Value Agricultural Insurance Contracts

- Robert Myers, Yanyan Liu and Steven D. Hanson
- 19560: Two-Part Tax Controls for Forest Density and Rotation Time

- J. Bradley Brown
- 19559: Attitudes Towards and Satisfaction with Cooperatives in Alberta: A Survey Analysis

- Henry A. Dakurah, Ellen Goddard and Nicholas Osuteye
- 19558: In Search of the "Bank Lending Channel": Causality Analysis for the Transmission Mechanism of U.S. Monetary Policy

- David Bessler, David Leatham and Juan Yang
- 19557: Consumer Knowledge, Food Label Use and Grain Consumption

- Biing-Hwan Lin and Steven T. Yen
- 19556: Exploring Consumer Valuation and Preference Heterogeneity for Functional Foods Using a Choice Experiment: A Case Study of Tomato Juice Containing Soy in Ohio

- Ratapol P. Teratanavat and Neal H. Hooker
- 19555: Effects of Information on Consumer Risk Perception and Willingness to Pay for Non-Genetically Modified Corn Oil

- Taku Terawaki
- 19554: Intellectual Property Rights on Research Tools: Incentives or Barriers to Innovation?

- Carl E. Pray and Anwar Naseem
- 19553: Managing Economic Risk from Invasive Species: Bug Options

- Valerie Fournier, Mark Manfredo, Timothy Richards and James Eaves
- 19552: Programs, Student-Advisor Matches, initial Job Placements and Early Career Productivity for Agricultural Economics Ph.D.s from 1987-2000

- Christiana E. Hilmer and Michael J. Hilmer
- 19551: Vulnerabilities and Economic Wellbeing of Hispanics in Non-Metro Missouri

- Corinne Valdivia and Pedro V. Dozi
- 19550: Complex Choices: Producers Risk Management Strategies

- Joost Pennings, Olga Isengildina, Scott Irwin, Darrel L. Good, Philip Garcia, Julieta Frank and W. Erno Kuiper
- 19549: Reputations, Market Structure, and the Choice of Quality Assurance Systems in the Food Industry

- Miguel Carriquiry and Bruce Babcock
- 19548: An Econometric Test of the Endogeneity of Institutions: Water Markets in the Western United States

- Kristiana Hansen, Richard E. Howitt and Jeffrey Williams
- 19547: Hedonic Housing Prices and Agricultural Pollution: An Empirical Investigation on Semiparametric Models

- Christophe Bontemps, Michel Simioni and Yves R. Surry
- 19546: Extent, Location, and Characteristics of Land Cropped Due to Insurance Subsidies

- Roger Claassen, Ruben N. Lubowski and Michael Roberts
- 19545: An Ex post Evaluation of Economic Impacts of Foot-and-Mouth Disease on Taiwan Using a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model

- Shih-Hsun Hsu, Duu-Hwa Lee, Ching-Cheng Chang, Hsing-Chun Lin and Tzu-Chiang Yang
- 19544: Reelection Incentives and Political Corruption: Evidence from Brazilian Audit Reports

- Frederico Finan and Claudio Ferraz
- 19543: Product Quality and Grower Reputation: Dynamic Contracts With Adverse Selection

- Yanguo Wang and Edward Jaenicke
- 19542: The Role of Land Retirement Programs for Management of Water Resources

- Murat Isik
- 19541: Assessing the Impacts of Low Carbohydrate Related Health Information on the Market Demand for US Vegetables

- Laxmi Paudel, Murali Adhikari and Jack E. Houston
- 19540: Impacts of Budget Reconciliation on U.S. Crop Producers

- James Richardson, Joe Outlaw, J. Marc Raulston and George M. Knapek
- 19539: The Impacts of WTO and Water Policy Changes on Saudi Arabian Agriculture: Results from an Equilibrium Displacement Model

- Mahdi Al-Sultan and Stephen P. Davies
- 19538: Technology Adoption by Heterogeneous Producers to Regulate a Stock Externality

- Angels Xabadia, Renan Goetz and David Zilberman
- 19537: Valuing Strategic Alliances in the Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology Industry

- Kathryn McCulloch, Randy Jackson and Desmond W. Ng
- 19536: Rethinking Ecosystem Services from an Intermediate Product Perspective

- Scott M. Swinton and Wei Zhang
- 19535: Public Attitudes And Perceptions Of The Vulnerability Of The U.S Food Chain To Agroterrorism

- Benjamin M. Onyango, Calum Turvey and William K. Hallman

- Volker Beckmann and Justus Wesseler
- 19533: Will Special Agricultural Safeguards Advance or Retard LDC Growth and Welfare? A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis

- Agapi Somwaru and David W. Skully
- 19532: Optimal Timber Rotation on Multiple Stands with an Asymmetric Externality

- Emi Uchida
- 19531: Valuing the Option to Convert from Conventional to Organic Farming

- Nicolai Kuminoff and Ada Wossink
- 19530: Collective Action in Plant Breeding

- Eran Binenbaum and Philip Pardey
- 19529: Factors Affecting Grain Consumption: Evidence from 1999-2002 NHANES Survey Data

- Lisa Mancino and Andrea Carlson
- 19528: Political Violence and Farm Household Efficiency in Colombia

- Maria A. Gonzalez and Rigoberto Lopez
- 19527: Livestock in China: Commodity specific total factor productivity decomposition using new panel data

- Allan N. Rae, Hengyun Ma, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle
- 19526: Intertemporal Risk Management Decisions of Farmers under Preference, Market, and Policy Dynamics

- H. Holly Wang and Wen Du
- 19525: Recent Development in Infrastructure and Its Impact on Agricultural and Non-agricultural Trade

- Mi-Hee Park and Won W. Koo
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