2010 Annual Meeting, July 25-27, 2010, Denver, Colorado
From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (aesearch@umn.edu). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 271513: Integrating Economic Analysis with a Randomized Controlled Trial: Willingness-to-Pay for a New Maternal Nutrient Supplement

- Katherine P. Adams, Stephen A. Vosti, Travis Lybbert and Emmanuel Ayifah
- 271512: Reaching Far into the Woods: Impact of Roads on Forest Structure in China

- Karen Sullivan, Xiangzheng Deng, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Helen F. Farnsworth and John Gibson
- 271511: Encouragement Designs and Heterogeneous Effects in Agricultural Insurance: Challenges for Impact Evaluations in Agricultural Insurance Interventions

- Conner Mullally, Steve Boucher and Michael Carter
- 101723: The USDA/Land Grant Extension Outlook Program -- A History and Assessment

- John Ferris
- 93540: Consumer Demand for Branded Beef Programs (PowerPoint)

- Mark McCully
- 93539: Factors Influencing the Price of Value-Added Calves at Superior Livestock Auctions (PowerPoint)

- Lance C. Zimmerman
- 93537: Assessing the Cost of Beef Quality Revisited (PowerPoint)

- Maro A. Ibarburu-Blanc, John D. Lawrence, Darrell Busby and Daryl Strohbehn
- 93536: Adding Value with Fixed-time AI and High Accuracy Sires (PowerPoint)

- Joe Parcell, David J. Patterson, Michael F. Smith and Scott Poock
- 93534: Vertical Coordination in the Evolving High Quality Beef Market (PowerPoint)

- Ted Schroeder
- 93225: The Agricultural Economics Profession at 100 Years: A Profile and Projections for the Future

- Gregory Perry
- 92639: The Global Supply and Demand for Agricultural Land in 2050: A Perfect Storm in the Making?

- Thomas W. Hertel
- 91713: The Effects of Children's Time Use and Home and Neighborhood Quality on their Body Weight and Cognitive/Behavioral Development

- Mark D. Agee, Scott Atkinson and Thomas D. Crocker
- 91378: Visualizing Risk Premiums in Commodity Futures Markets

- Marin Bozic and T. Randall Fortenbery
- 91155: Monitoring of Compliance in Western Australian Conservation Contracts

- Bronwyn Crowe, Ben White and David Pannell
- 90906: Factors Influencing the Green House Gas Footprint of US Dairy Farms

- Jennie S. Hughes Popp, Greg Thoma, Rick Ulrich, Marty B. Matlock, W. Kellogg, Z. Clayton-Niederman, Nathan Kemper, R. Pilgrim, D. Shonnard and F. Adom
- 90853: Using Best-Worst Scaling to Determine Market Channel Choice by Small Farmers in Indonesia

- Wendy Umberger, Randy Stringer and Simone C. Mueller
- 90849: Examining the Reliability of Logistic Regression Estimation Software

- Lijia Mo, Jason Bergtold and Allen Featherstone
- 90848: Total Economic Value for Protecting and Restoring Hawaiian Coral Reef Ecosystems

- David J. Chapman, Eric J. Horsch, Richard C. Bishop, Barbara Kanninen and Norman F. Meade
- 90700: An Unbalanced Nested Error Component Model for Estimating Pest Damage Functions and the Value of Rootworm Bt Corn

- Zhe Dun and Paul Mitchell
- 90633: The Potential for Mobile Markets to Improve Food Access and Affordability: A Market Basket Analysis

- George Frisvold
- 90549: Economic Prospects For Fonio Development in West Africa

- Jeremy Foltz
- 62188: Adaptation to Climate Change in a Rural Economy with Missing Markets

- David S. Kraybill
- 62185: Poverty Impacts of India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh

- Yanyan Liu and Klaus Deininger
- 62182: Using Enrollment Discontinuities to Estimate the Effect of Voluntary Conservation on Local Land Values

- Jacob N. Brimlow and Michael Roberts
- 62125: Political Reservation and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from Local Governments in Rural India

- Songqing Jin, Fang Xia, Klaus Deininger and Hari K. Nagarajan
- 62062: Managing Producer Price Risk in Mexico with Quantos and Dual Risk Commodity-Foreign Exchange Hedges

- Leslie J. Verteramo and Calum Turvey
- 62028: Who Really Benefits from Agricultural Subsidies? Evidence from Field-Level Data

- Barrett Kirwan and Michael Roberts
- 62014: Evaluating the Unilateral Price and Variety Effects of Horizontal Mergers

- Geoffrey M. Pofahl and Jared Carlson
- 62013: A stochastic dominance approach to program evaluation with an application to child nutritional status in arid and semi-arid Kenya

- Felix Naschold and Christopher Barrett
- 62012: A Race to Develop: A Competing Risk Examination of the Pattern and Timing of Land Development in an Exurban County

- Douglas Wrenn
- 62011: Valuing Monitoring Networks for Invasive Species: The Case of Soybean Rust

- Stephen Aultman, Terrance M. Hurley, Frances R. Homans and Robert G. Haight
- 62010: U.S. Potential Biofuel Trade: A Worldwide Country-Pair

- Osei Yeboah Agyeman, Saleem Shaik and Obed Quaicoe
- 62008: The Determinants of Survival of Spanish Consumers Fronting the BSE Crisis

- Amr Radwan, Jose Maria Gil and Teresa Serra
- 62007: Willingness to Pay for Organic versus Conventional Orange Juice

- Lisa House, Zhifeng Gao and Danielle Thomas Hausmann
- 62006: Do Elevators Need a Bigger Umbrella? The Economic Value to Agribusiness Firms of Improved Multi-Commodity Risk Management

- Dmitry Vedenov and Gabriel Power
- 61990: Local Buyer Market Power and Horizontally Differentiated Manufacturers

- Shinn-Shyr Wang, Christian Rojas and Nathalie Lavoie
- 61911: A spatial analysis of land use change and water quality in Lake Biwa, Japan

- Katsuya Tanaka and JunJie Wu
- 61909: A century of crop yield density estimation with perspectives

- Aude Liliana Pujula, David Isaias Maradiaga, Hector O. Zapata and Michael R. Dicks
- 61907: How high is too high? Soaring Interest Rates and the Elasticity of Demand for Microcredit

- Gabriela L. Salazar, Calum Turvey, Vicki Bogan and Lourdes Cubero
- 61906: Integrated watershed economic model for non-point source pollution management in the Upper Big Walnut Creek watershed, OH

- Sujithkumar Surendran Nair, Brent Sohngen, Kevin W. King, Norman R. Fausey, Jonathan D. Witter and Douglas Southgate
- 61904: The role of acculturation, context of reception and capitals in the economic integration of Latino newcomers to the Midwest in 2009

- Corinne Valdivia and Pedro V. Dozi
- 61903: Aflatoxin Contamination and Consumer Valuation of Maize in Western Kenya

- Vivian Hoffmann, Samuel Mutiga, Rebecca Nelson, Ken Gatobu, Michael Milgroom and Jagger Harvey
- 61902: Easy money in FTR auctions

- Devendra Canchi, Paul Preckel, Douglas J. Gotham and F.T. Sparrow
- 61899: Agricultural Productivity and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Aziza Kibonge Naik
- 61898: Conflict, Aid and Poverty: Cause, Effect and Prediction

- Shahriar R. Kibriya, David Bessler, Edwin Price and Rajorshi Sen Gupta
- 61897: Consumer Apple Variety Choices Based On National Household-Level Data

- Qiujie Zheng, Vicki McCracken and Mykel Taylor
- 61895: Effect of NAFTA on Mexico's Income Distribution in the Presence of Migration

- Rafael Garduno-Rivera
- 61894: China's Melamine in Milk Scandal: Failures All Around

- Changbai Xiu and Kurt K. Klein
- 61893: The Boundary Water Treaty After 100 Years: Examining the Montana – Alberta Dispute

- Kurt K. Klein, Danny G. Le Roy and Tatiana Cook
- 61892: Evaluating Vector-Virus-Plant Interaction in Regional Supply of Peas and Lentils: A Limited Dependent Variable Analysis

- Levan Elbakidze, Liang Lu and Sanford Eigenbrode
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