2018 Annual Meeting, August 5-7, Washington, D.C.
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- 276052: Food System Transformation in Mozambique: An Assessment of Changing Diet Quality in the context of a Rising Middle Class
- Jenny Cairns Smart, David Tschirley and Francis Smart
- 275667: Agricultural Irrigation’s Responses to Federal Crop Insurance in the United States
- Prasenjit Ghosh and Ruiqing Miao
- 274847: The Role of Incidental Learning on Reducing Household Food Waste in Free-Living Condition
- Danyi Qi, Brian Roe, John W. Apolzan, H. Raymond Allen and Corby K. Martin
- 274846: Multi-Credit Market, Landowners’ Responses, and Cost-Effectiveness of Credit Stacking Policy
- Pengfei Liu and Stephen K. Swallow
- 274845: Intertemporal Trading Ratios for Nutrient Pollution Control
- Aaron Cook and James Shortle
- 274844: Tackling Wicked Problems when Teaching Applied Economics: An Application to the Bears Ears National Monument
- Amanda Harker Steele and John Bergstrom
- 274843: Tackling Wicked Problems in Applied Economics: An Application to the Bears Ears National Monument
- Amanda J. Harker Steele and John Bergstrom
- 274842: Incorporating Co-Benefits and Environmental Data into Corporate Decision-Making
- France Guertin, Thomas Polzin, Martha Rogers and Betsy Witt
- 274841: Spatial Price Transmission, Transaction Costs, and Econometric Modelling: How Inference Can Be Improved When Transaction Costs Are Observed?
- Pedro Celso Machado Junior and Chanjin Chung
- 274840: Projecting the Provision and Value of Water from National Forests in Southern California under Ecological Change
- Lorie Srivastava, Michael Hand, John Kim and José J. Sánchez
- 274506: Curriculum-sanctioned and informal approaches to shape entrepreneurial attitudes among students from urban and rural environments
- Angelika Andrzejczyk and Wojciech J. Florkowski
- 274505: How Can Authentic Business Models Improve Negative Student Attitudes about Group Assignments?
- Roger M. Brown, Jordan Shockley and Na Zuo
- 274504: Using Speed Rounds to Balance Classroom Debate Participation across Personality Types
- Julianne Treme
- 274503: Teaching Competition Topics in Undergraduate Courses in Agribusiness Programs: Applications of Seller Market Power
- Yuliya Bolotova
- 274502: Tailoring extension effort for promotion of diversified crop rotation system
- Tong Wang, Bishal Kasu, Jeffrey Jacquet and Sandeep Kumar
- 274501: Developing a training program for farm labor supervisors
- Fritz M. Roka
- 274500: Tackling Wicked Problems when Teaching Applied Economics: An Application to the Bears Ears National Monument
- Amanda J. Harker Steele and John Bergstrom
- 274499: Rural forest-based communities, economic shocks, and economic trajectories
- Kathleen Bell, Mindy Crandall, Darla Munroe, Chris Colocousis and Anita Morzillo
- 274498: An Unconditional Quantile Analysis of the Determinants of Self-Employed Income across Regional Economies: An Initial Assessment
- David Brian Willis, David Hughes and Kathryn Boys
- 274497: Modeling the Local Input-Output Network using County-Level Production and Consumption Estimates, and National Input-Output Table
- Yicheol Han and Stephan Goetz
- 274496: Can rural extension reduce the income differential in rural Brazil?
- Carlos Otávio Freitas, Felipe Figueiredo Silva, Mateus Neves and Marcelo Braga
- 274495: Indemnity Payouts, Learning from others and Index Insurance Uptake
- Anne G. Timu, Christopher Gustafson, Munenobu Ikegami and Nathaniel Jensen
- 274494: Improving Diet Quality through Off-Farm Work: Empirical Evidence from India
- Alwin Dsouza, Ashok Mishra and Amarnath Tripathi
- 274493: The Effect of Rural Hospital Closure on the Health Status and Access to Care of the Aging Population in five states of the United States
- Lucia Y. Ona
- 274492: How standardized testing affects students’ college readiness in Texas
- Meng Jiang, Ariun Ishdorj and Rebekka Dudensing
- 274491: Exploring the Feasibility of Rural Broadband Expansion via the Cooperative Business Model
- Todd Schmit and Roberta M. Severson
- 274490: Tax Increment Financing and Spatial Spillovers
- Anita Yadavalli and Michael Delgado
- 274489: Bringing HUD’s Moving To Work Demonstration to Rural Small Housing Authorities: Prospects and Barriers
- Han Bum Lee, Andrew Greenlee and Paul McNamara
- 274488: The Impact of Super Center Stores on the Availability of SNAP-approved stores
- Michael Ollinger, Michele Ver Ploeg and Christopher W. Dicken
- 274487: A Two-way Fixed Effects Approach to Analyzing the Value-Added Producer Grant Program
- Alexis Solano, Kandace Kimber and Honie Turner
- 274486: Will access to internet affect the subjective well-being of rural residents in China?
- Jianmei Zhao
- 274485: Finding the Bottom 40 Percent: Experimental Test of Community-Based Targeting Approaches in Conflict-Prone Rural Eastern DRC
- Serge G. Adjognon
- 274484: Local Foods as a Catalyst of Rural Manufacturing: The Role of New and Small Food Innovators in Employment Dynamics
- Marcelo J. Castillo, Sarah Low and Dawn Thilmany
- 274483: Knowledge Spillover in China: A Firm Level Study
- Shicong Xu and Abdoul G. Sam
- 274482: Development and Inclusive Businesses in Colombia? A Case Study From The Oil Palm Supply in the Orinoquía
- Emiliano López Barrera and James M. Lowenberg-DeBoer
- 274481: Tail-dependent Rainfall Risk and Demand for Index based Crop Insurance
- Digvijay Negi
- 274480: Insurance and American Options in Intra-season Cropping Choices with Applications
- Asa Watten, David Hennessy and Jinhua Zhao
- 274479: Systemic Risk, Geography and Area Insurance
- Xuche Gong, Hongli Feng and David Hennessy
- 274478: Farmers’ valuation of changes to crop insurance coverage level – a test of third generation prospect theory
- Mary Doidge, Hongli Feng and David Hennessy
- 274477: Better understanding of Demand for Weather Index Insurance among Smallholder Farmers under Prospect Theory
- Soye Shin
- 274476: Insurance Demand over Varying Coverage Levels: Experimental Evidence From China
- Ran Huo and Gregory Colson
- 274475: Production Decision Making under Price Ambiguity: An Experimental Evidence
- Yu Na Lee, Marc Bellemare and David Just
- 274474: What Drives (No) Adoption of New Irrigation Technologies: A Structural Dynamic Estimation Approach
- Haoyang Li and Jinhua Zhao
- 274473: Weather Fluctuation, Expectation Formation, and the Short-run Behavioral Responses to Climate Change
- Xinde Ji and Kelly M. Cobourn
- 274472: Climate Change, Agricultural Risk and the Development of Cooperatives
- Jianqing Ruan, Huayan Zhang and Shuai Chen
- 274471: The Downside of Good Rains: Drought Risk and WTP for Maize with Weather Contingent Advantages
- Laura A. Paul
- 274470: A Game-Theoretic Model of Crop Flood Indemnity in South Florida
- Christina E. Brown and Mahadev Bhat
- 274469: Extreme Events and Serial Dependence in Commodity Prices
- Eunchun Park and Josh Maples
- 274468: Does Crop Insurance Enrollment Exacerbate the Negative Effects of Extreme Heat? A Farm-level Analysis
- Madhav Regmi and Jesse Tack
- 274467: Farm Level Risk Balancing Behavior and the Role of Latent Heterogeneity
- Aderajew AS Tamirat, Andres Trujillo-Barrera and Joost M. E. Pennings
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