2006 Conference (50th), February 8-10, 2006, Sydney, Australia
From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 139901: Applying MBIs for sustainable natural resource and environmental management in South Australia: Challenges and opportunities

- Tian Shi
- 139900: Measuring Productivity Growth in the Bahraini Agriculture and Fisheries Sector

- Bassim Shebeb
- 139899: Estimating intergenerational utility distribution preferences

- Helen Scarborough and Jeffrey Bennett
- 139898: Evaluating the Potential of VineAccess to Improve Supply Chain Efficiency in Australian Viticulture and Perennial Horticulture

- Glenn Ronan, Stephen Blacketer and Lyndal Sterenberg
- 139896: Estimating Values for Recreational Fishing at Freshwater Dams in Queensland

- John Rolfe and Prabha Prayaga
- 139895: Assessing the incentives needed to improve riparian management in grazing systems: Comparing experimental auctions and choice modelling approaches

- John Rolfe, Jill Windle, Andrew Reeson and Stuart Whitten
- 139894: Improving Market Access for Smallholders: Challenges and Opportunities

- Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen and J. Brian Hardaker
- 139893: Analysis of Price and Product Competition from Imports in the Preserved Mushrooms Market in Australia

- Trudi Rodgers, Euan M. Fleming and Renato Villano
- 139892: Neither the rock nor the hard place: using payment thresholds to balance the politics and the economics of emissions control

- John Pezzey
- 139891: Wholesale and retail price integration in the live reef food fish trade

- Elizabeth H. Petersen and Geoffrey Muldoon
- 139890: Determining the Role of Social Capital in Linking Smallholders with Agribusiness

- Ian Patrick, Graham Marshall, Muktasam Abdurrahman and I Gusti Agung Ayu Ambarawati
- 139889: A framework to select policy tools for dryland salinity

- David Pannell and Anna M. Ridley
- 139885: AI and its Impact on the Indonesian Economy: a CGE Approach

- Rina Oktaviani
- 139884: One size fits all? – The relationship between the value of genetic traits and the farm system

- Mark Neal and William Fulkerson
- 139883: Market chain analysis for the trade in live reef food fish

- Geoffrey Muldoon and Bill Johnston
- 139882: MANAGING CHANGE: Lessons for water

- James C. McColl and Michael Young
- 139881: Social costs of herbicide resistance: the case of resistance to glyphosate

- Sally P. Marsh, Rick S. Llewellyn and Stephen B. Powles
- 139880: Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Accelerated R&D

- Robert K. Lindner
- 139879: Risk and economic sustainability of crop farming systems

- Gudbrand D. Lien, J. Brian Hardaker and Ola Flaten
- 139878: Weighing Up the Cost: Economic Impact of Water Scarcity and Environmental Targets

- Lisa Lee, Tiho Ancev and Willem Vervoort
- 139796: An Economic Analysis of Ugandan Agricultural Constraints

- Adam M. Komarek and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
- 139795: Integrating Triple Bottom Line Thinking Into Primary Sector Strategic Planning and Resource Management

- Olessya Karamysheva and Rob Esvelt
- 139794: Agribusiness Assets in Investment Portfolios

- Michael Johnson, Ian O'Connor and Bill Malcolm
- 139793: Selling raw wool by forward contract: A qualitative analysis of the pros and cons

- Elizabeth Jackson, Mohammed Quaddus, Nazrul Islam, Zohurul Hoque and John Stanton
- 139792: Effects of Exchange Rates on World Prices of Australian Wool

- Nazrul Islam, MoonJoong Tcha and John Stanton
- 139791: Small Holders under Risk

- Greg Hertzler and T. Gordon MacAulay
- 139790: The First, and Still Best, Method for Non-market Valuation

- Greg Hertzler
- 139789: Investment and Change in the Coconut Industry of North Sulawesi: An Equilibrium Displacement Analysis

- Benjamin B. Henderson, Lynn A. Henry and T. Gordon MacAulay
- 139788: A multi-agent simulation model of fishery fleet dynamics for the Queensland coral reef line fishery

- John Hawkins, Rodney Beard and Stuart McDonald
- 139787: Policy Responses to Threats to Rural Household Incomes: the Case of Fiji

- Sakiusa Tubuna, Henry Haszler, Phillip Hone and Waisiki Gonemaituba
- 139786: Achieving Sustainable Development in Poverty-Stricken Mountainous Areas in Rural China: Issues and Countermeasures

- Han Jin, Zhou Zhang-Yue and Natalie Stoeckl
- 139785: Taking a closer look at multiple criteria analysis and economic evaluation

- Stefan Hajkowicz
- 139769: Investment in irreversible irrigation technology under uncertainty

- Ahmed Hafi, Anna Heaney and Stephen Beare
- 139768: Debt-for-conservation swaps – a possible financial incentive for on-farm biodiversity conservation?

- Romy Greiner and Allyson Lankester
- 139739: Protected Areas and the Management of Fisheries: An Institutional Perspective

- Jared W. Greenville and T. Gordon MacAulay
- 139738: A Bioeconomic Analysis of Protected Area use in Fisheries Management

- Jared W. Greenville and T. Gordon MacAulay
- 139737: The Dynamics of Poverty in Urban Ethiopia

- Tesfaye A. Gebremedhin
- 139735: Comparing Indian Irrigation Institutions: What Determines Institutional Behaviour and Performance? Preliminary Empirical Observations

- Vasant P. Gandhi, Lin Crase and Gamini Herath
- 139733: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Export Taxes in the Australian Wool Industry

- Iain Fraser and Robert Waschik
- 139729: On the Choice of Tax Base to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Context of Electricity Generation

- Robert Fraser
- 139727: Corruption and economic development: A critical review of literature

- Mohamad Farida and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
- 139726: The Impact of the European Enlargement and Common Agricultural Policy Reforms on Agricultural Markets: Much Ado about Nothing?

- Jacinto F. Fabiosa, John Beghin, Fengxia Dong, Amani Elobeid, Frank H. Fuller, Holger Matthey, Simla Tokgoz and Eric J. Wailes
- 139725: Natural Resource Management and Indigenous Well Being

- Brenda Dyack and Romy Greiner
- 139524: Costs and consequences of the expropriation of FDI by host governments

- Roderick Duncan
- 139523: Numerical Optimisation of Multiple-Phase Systems Incorporating Transition Costs

- Graeme J. Doole
- 139522: Do U.S. Agricultural Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Result in Trade Diversion?

- Colin Carter and Caroline Gunning-Trant
- 139520: Trial recommendations for the amelioration of a degraded chromosol landscape: Duri District, Northern NSW

- Peta Derham and Pam Welsh
- 139351: A linear-quadratic model to estimating market power in the Indonesian palm oil industry

- Diana Chalil and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
- 137992: Irrigation infrastructure charging: Non-rival access, cost sharing and exclusion

- Stephen Beare, Anna Heaney and Lili Pechey
- 137989: Willingness to adopt soil conservation measures: A case study of Fijian cane farmers

- John Asafu-Adjaye

- Matthew Arthur
- 137984: Jointly achieving profitability and environmental outcomes: methane abatement from genetic improvement in the Australian beef industry

- Andrew R. Alford, Oscar Cacho, Garry R. Griffith and Roger S. Hegarty
- 137981: An Economic Analysis of Improved Water Quality

- Khorshed Alam, John Rolfe and Peter Donaghy
- 137977: State-contingent modelling of the Murray Darling Basin: implications for the design of property rights

- David Adamson, Thilak Mallawaarachchi and John Quiggin
- 137976: The China Resources Boom

- Ross Garnaut
- 137967: Energy and minerals in the Australian economy

- Karen Schneider
- 137964: In Australia’s services-dominated economy, should policymakers take any notice of agriculture?

- Mick Keogh
- 137963: Perspectives on international climate policy

- Melanie Ford, Anna Matysek, Guy Jakeman, Andrew Gurney and Brian S. Fisher
- 137961: Is Hanrahan sort of right? Will climate change ruin us all?

- Ross S. Kingwell
- 137791: Climate Change: Consensus or Controversy?

- Neville Nicholls
- 137789: Some Empirical Implications of State-Contingent Production Models

- Robert Chambers

- Christopher O'Donnell
- 137782: On Price Dynamics in International Wheat Markets

- Tatevik Zohrabyan and David Bessler

- John Kerin
- 137772: Natural Resources and the Environment

- David P. Godden and Matthew Skellern
- 137771: 50th Anniversary of Agricultural and Resource Economics Society

- M. John Phillips
- 137764: Precaution: principles and practice in Australian environmental and natural resource management

- Deborah C. Peterson
- 137760: Sustainability– Searching for Grand Principles, or Just Looking for Clues at the Scene of the Crime?

- Alan Randall
- 109595: Some External Costs of Dairy Farming in Canterbury

- Peter Tait and Ross Cullen
Papers sorted by number 174722 139901