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2008 Conference (52nd), February 5-8, 2008, Canberra, Australia

From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
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94283: Returns to investment in IPM research in lettuce by NSW DPI Downloads
Leanne M. Orr, Sandra McDougall, Tony Napier and John D. Mullen
6775: Supply Chains and Rural Development in the Asia Pacific Region Downloads
Walter J. Armbruster and William T. Coyle
6773: Biophysical Modelling and Performance Measurement Downloads
Mary Graham
6772: Bioeconomic meta-modelling of Indonesian agroforests as carbon sinks Downloads
Russell M. Wise and Oscar Cacho
6770: Some Distributional Issues in Greenhouse Gas Policy Design Downloads
John Freebairn
6249: Developing Environmental Service Policy for Salinity and Water: Experiments with Regulations and Markets Linking Watersheds with Downstream Water Users Downloads
Thomas L. Nordblom, Andrew Reeson, Stuart Whitten, John D. Finlayson, Jason A. Kelly and Iain H. Hume
6177: An Economic Evaluation of Conservation Farming Practices for the Central West of NSW Downloads
Terence C. Farrell
6048: Sugarcane smut: the political economy of biosecurity Downloads
George Antony
6047: Optimal Coverage of Installations in a Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Downloads
Todd Sanderson, Tiho Ancev and Regina Betz
6046: Jointly selecting for fibre diameter and fleece weight: A market-level assessment of the QPLU$ Merino breeding project Downloads
Stuart W. Mounter, Garry R. Griffith and John D. Mullen
6045: Uncertainty aversion in Australian regulation of agricultural gene technology Downloads
Emily M. Gray and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
6044: Do Sensitive Products Undermine Ambition? Downloads
David Vanzetti and Ralf Peters
6043: Corruption and economic growth in Lebanon Downloads
Moe Farida and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
6042: Emissions Trading and the Convergence of the Australian Electricity and Transport Markets Downloads
Luke Reedman and Paul W. Graham
6041: Using Environmental Offsets in Wetlands Management Downloads
Roderick Duncan and Mark Morrison
6040: Australian economic development and the environment: conflict or synergy? Downloads
Jeffrey Bennett, Robert Gillespie and Robert G. Dumsday
6039: The New Australian Government's Primary Industries Policies: Some Implications and Opportunities Downloads
Glenn Ronan and Carina Cartwright
6038: Land Heterogeneity, Agricultural Income Forgone and Environmental Benefit: An Assessment of Incentive Compatibility Problems in Environmental Stewardship Schemes Downloads
Robert Fraser
6037: Double trouble: The importance of accounting for and defining water entitlements consistent with hydrological realities (Conference title: Water Trading in the MDBC: How well is the market functioning?) Downloads
Michael Young and James C. McColl
6036: Measuring Regional Productivity Differences in the Australian Wool Industry: A Metafrontier Approach Downloads
Renato Villano, Euan M. Fleming and Pauline Fleming
6035: Institutional Constraints and Inter-jurisdictional Water Trade: The Case of the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales Downloads
Phil Pagan and Lin Crase
6034: Tariff Escalation in the Doha Talks--Bringing the Issue to Resolution Downloads
John Wainio and David Vanzetti
6033: Measuring assistance to the agricultural industry in Australia using a Production Assistance Index Downloads
Donald MacLaren and Peter Lloyd
6032: Water Trading within NSW Irrigation Industry: An Empirical Evaluation of Scale, Reasons and Attitudes Downloads
Inderpal Singh, Maksudul Bari and Noel J. Flavel
6029: Analysing options for the Red Gum Forests along the Murray River Downloads
Jeffrey Bennett, Robert G. Dumsday and Robert Gillespie
6028: Water quality trading programs: A comparison between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres Downloads
Suzie Greenhalgh and Mindy Selman
Jean-Marc Kutschukian
6024: Dynamic Contingent Valuation and Choice Modelling for Ecosystem Services Downloads
Greg Hertzler
6023: The welfare of small livestock producers in Vietnam under trade liberalisation-- Integration of trade and household models Downloads
Pham Thi Ngoc Linh, Michael Burton and David Vanzetti
6022: Market power and subsidies in the Indonesian palm oil industry Downloads
Diana Chalil
6021: The influence of weight and fat on lamb prices revisited Downloads
Charlie Hufton, Garry R. Griffith and John D. Mullen
6020: Evaluating Research, Development and Extension: Practical insights from the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries Downloads
Gretchen Carrigan, Fred Chudleigh and Trevor Wilson
6019: The on-farm impact of alternative grazing management options to improve sustainability in western Chinese grasslands Downloads
Randall E. Jones, David R. Kemp, David Michalk and Taro Takahashi
Miriam East and Wade Micke
6017: Continuous Improvement and Innovation as an Approach to Effective Research and Development: A 'Trident' Evaluation of the Beef Profit Partnerships Project Downloads
T.P. Madzivhandila, Izak Groenewald, Garry R. Griffith and Euan M. Fleming
6016: Has the Return on Australian Public Investment in Agricultural Research Changed? Downloads
Eran Binenbaum, John D. Mullen and Chang Tao Wang
6015: A bioeconomic model for determining the optimal response to a new weed incursion in Australian cropping systems Downloads
Rohan T. Jayasuriya and Randall E. Jones
6014: Three Reductions, Three Gains (3R3G) Technology in South Vietnam: Searching for Evidence of Economic Impact Downloads
Zenaida M. Huelgas, Deborah J. Templeton and Pamela Castanar
6013: Flood prone risk and amenity values: a spatial hedonic analysis Downloads
Oshadhi Samarasinghe and Basil M.H. Sharp
6012: Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Yellow-Eyed Penguin conservation measures Downloads
Jonah Busch and Ross Cullen
6011: Climate Change Impacts on Investment in Crop Sowing Machinery Downloads
Ross S. Kingwell and Imma Farre
6010: Estimating Urban Residential Water-Demand With Increasing Block Prices: The Case of Perth, Western Australia Downloads
Vilaphonh Xayavong, Michael Burton and Ben White
6009: Multi-Output Broadacre Agricultural Production: Estimating A Cost Function Using Quasi-Micro Farm Level Data From Australia Downloads
Duong T.M. Nguyen, Keith McLaren and Xueyan Zhao
6008: Upland crop technologies in Cambodia: economic evaluations and some adoption issues Downloads
Robert J. Farquharson, J. Fiona Scott and Chea Sareth
6007: Carbon markets, transaction costs and bioenergy Downloads
Oscar Cacho
6006: Economics of Global Warming Downloads
Robert Gillespie
6005: Urban water management: optimal price and investment policy under uncertainty Downloads
Neal Hughes, Ahmed Hafi, Tim Goesch and Nathan Brownlowe
6004: Measuring Environmental Performance of Irrigated Cotton Enterprises Downloads
Md Abdus Samad Azad, Monica Liem, Tiho Ancev and Lisa Lee
6003: Marine Reserves Switching under Uncertainty Downloads
Satoshi Yamazaki
6002: The role of grazier motivations and risk attitudes in the adoption of grazing best management practices Downloads
Romy Greiner, Owen Miller and Louisa Patterson
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