2009 Conference (53rd), February 11-13, 2009, Cairns, Australia
From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 109594: Web-based surveys and sample frame bias in choice experiment

- Peter Tait, Kathryn Bicknell and Ross Cullen
- 50898: Estimating State-Allocable Production Technologies When There are Two States of Nature and State Allocations of Inputs are Unobserved

- Christopher O'Donnell and Sriram Shankar
- 49923: Conservation impediments and incentives – progressing the understanding of linkages between the adoption of conservation practices and the motivational orientation of graziers in the tropical savannas

- Daniel Gregg and Romy Greiner
- 48378: Offsets the Queensland Way Development of the Queensland Government Environmental Offsets Policy

- Sally Driml, Beth Clouston and Amy Bortman
- 48191: GM technology and the Australian canola

- William Taing and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
- 48190: Evaluating alternatives for mitigating Cryptosporidium risk and generating environmental service benefits in water supply catchments

- John Kandulu and Brett Bryan
- 48189: Testing Different Types of Benefit Transfer in Valuation of Ecosystem Services: New Zealand Winegrowing Case Studies

- Ramesh Baskaran, Ross Cullen and Sergio Colombo
- 48172: An agro-economic model to analyse climate change impacts on farmers' income

- Qiang Jiang
- 48171: Predicting the performance of conservation tenders when information on bidders's costs is limited

- Steven Schilizzi and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- 48170: The tariff reduction on Agricultural sector in Iran

- Mashallah Salarpour and Hadi Hasanpour
- 48169: Measuring the benefits from R&D investment beyond the farm gate: the case of the WA wine industry

- Manju Radhakrishnan, Nazrul Islam and Glynn Ward
- 48168: Building aggregate timber supply models from individual harvest choice

- Maksym Polyakov, David N. Wear and Robert Huggett
- 48167: Cattle breeding in Northern Australia: Revealing how consumers react to new technologies

- Johanna M. Pluske, Michael Burton, Dan Rigby and Philip E. Vercoe
- 48166: The value of refugia in managing anthelmintic resistance: a modelling approach

- Caris L. Pech, Graeme Doole and Johanna M. Pluske

- Thelma R. Paris, Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen, Joyce Luis, Truong Thi Ngoc Chi, Chaicharn Wongsanum and Donald Villanueva
- 48164: Valuing a Clean River: A case study of Musi River, Hyderabad, India

- Gayathri Mekala, Madar Samad, Brian Davidson and Anne-Maree Boland
- 48163: Forest and Forest Land Valuation: How to Value Forests and Forest Land to Include Carbon Costs and Benefits

- Richard Meade, Gabriel Fiuza, Andrea Lu, Glenn Boyle and Lewis Evans
- 48162: Low Emission Farming Systems: A whole-farm analysis of the potential impacts of greenhouse policy

- Ross S. Kingwell and Tess Metcalf
- 48161: An analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of greenhouse gas emissions by agriculture in Western Australia and the opportunities for agroforestry offsets

- Ross S. Kingwell and Keely Harris-Adams
- 48160: What Next in Decision Analysis for Agricultural and Resource Economics?

- J. Brian Hardaker and Gudbrand D. Lien
- 48159: Non adoption of improved maize varieties in East Timor

- Daniel Gregg
- 48158: Biosecurity Economics: Conflicting results in evaluation criteria

- Sarah L. Goswami
- 48157: Policy responses to invasive native species: issues of social and private benefits and costs

- Robert J. Farquharson, Jason A. Kelly, Pam Welsh, Kasia Mazur and Jeffrey Bennett
- 48156: Favoritism and allocative efficiency: a game theoretic approach

- Moe Farida and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
- 48155: Using participatory based mapping to identify links between special places ‘on country’ and Indigenous well-being: a case study of the Mullunburra-Yidinji people

- Aurelie Delisle
- 48154: Competition Policy Reform in Agriculture: A Comparison of the BRICs Countries

- Scott V. Davenport, Rajesh Chadha and R. Gale
- 48153: Biological control of invasive plant species: stochastic economic analysis

- Morteza Chalak-Haghighi, Arjan Ruijs and Ekko van Ierland
- 48152: Climate Change and the Asia-Pacific Food System

- Walter J. Armbruster and William T. Coyle
- 48151: Revised Benefits and Costs of Eradicating the Red Imported Fire Ant

- George Antony, Joe C. Scanlan, Alex Francis, Karl Kloessing and Yen Nguyen
- 48150: Agricultural Decision Analysis: The Causal Challenge

- Kevin A. Parton

- L. Emilio Morales, Garry R. Griffith, Vic Wright, Wendy Umberger and Euan M. Fleming
- 48062: Uncertainty and technical efficiency in Finnish Agriculture

- Celine Nauges, Christopher O'Donnell and John Quiggin
- 48061: Living on the margin: Assessing the economic impacts of Landcare in the Philippine uplands

- Jonathan C. Newby and Rob A. Cramb
- 48060: Evidence for increasing concentration in plant breeding industries in the United States and the European Union

- Elizabeth Nolan and Paulo Santos
- 48059: The value of recreational fishing along the Capricorn Coast: A pooled revealed preference and contingent behaviour model

- Prabha Prayaga, John Rolfe and Natalie Stoeckl
- 48058: Using choice experiments to value river and estuary health in Tasmania with individual preference heterogeneity

- Marit Ellen Kragt and Jeffrey Bennett
- 48057: Integrating economic values and catchment modelling

- Marit Kragt and Jeffrey Bennett
- 48056: Assessing potential efficiency gains in irrigated water use in New Zealand

- Stuart Ford, Simon Harris and Murray Doak
- 48055: Pollution and the State: The Role of the Structure of Government

- Ramon Lopez, Gregmar Galinato and Asif Islam
- 48054: The development of periphery in an industrialised country: the case of Basso Ferrarese in Italy

- Nicola Melloni, Giovanni Palmeri and Anna Soci
- 48053: Economics of Alternative Crop Production in Arid Regions

- Kynda Curtis, Carol Bishop and Thomas R. Harris
- 48052: Management of Water Reservoirs (Embungs) in West Timor, Indonesia

- Deepa Pradhan, Tiho Ancev, Ross G. Drynan and Michael Harris
- 48051: Food Miles, Carbon Footprinting and their potential impact on trade

- Caroline M. Saunders, Andrew Barber and Lars-Christian Sorenson
- 48050: Terroir rising? Varietal and quality distinctiveness of Australia’s wine regions

- Kym Anderson
- 48049: Global Distortions to Agricultural Markets: New Indicators of Trade and Welfare Impacts, 1955 to 2007

- Peter Lloyd, Johanna L. Croser and Kym Anderson
- 48047: Contract Design for Biodiversity Procurement

- Peter Bardsley and Ingrid Burfurd
- 48044: Identification of substitute muscle groups for retail beef demand and supply equations

- Terence C. Farrell
- 48042: Grandfathering and greenhouse: the role of compensation and adjustment assistance in the introduction of a carbon emissions trading scheme for Australia

- Flavio Menezes, John Quiggin and Liam Wagner
- 48039: Urban Water Restrictions: Unbundling Motivations, Compliance and Policy Viability

- Bethany Cooper and Lin Crase
- 48038: Fishing for more understanding: a mixed logit-error component model of freshwater angler site choice

- Stephen Beville and Geoffrey N. Kerr
Papers sorted by number 109594 48036