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2013 Conference (57th), February 5-8, 2013, Sydney, Australia

From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
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160421: Bread and butter issues. Food, agriculture and competition policies in Norway Downloads
Ross Cullen
158378: Consumer attitudes and willingness to pay for attributes of food, in particular from New Zealand Downloads
Caroline Saunders, Meike Guenther, Peter Tait and John Saunders
152205: Handbook, 57th Annual Conference The Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney NSW 5-8 February 2013 Downloads
152204: Measuring Groundwater Irrigation Efficiency in Pakistan: A DEA Approach Using the Sub-vector and Slack-based Models Downloads
Muhammad Watto
152203: Pattern of investment allocation to chemical inputs and technical efficiency: A stochastic frontier analysis of farm households in Laguna, Philippines Downloads
Orlee Velarde and Valerien Pede
152202: El Niño Southern Oscillation and Primary Agricultural Commodity Prices: Causal Inferences from Smooth Transition Models Downloads
David Ubilava
152201: Evaluating environmental auctions Downloads
Steven G.M. Schilizzi
152200: An Analysis of International Raisin Trade: A Gravity Model Approach Downloads
Bülent Miran, Ela Atiş, Zerrin Bektaȿ, Ece Salalı and Murat Cankurt
152199: Sequential decision-making: Theory and evidence for irrigator water allocation trade participation and volumetric choices Downloads
Adam Loch
152198: Comparing models of unobserved heterogeneity in environmental choice experiments Downloads
Marit Kragt
152197: Costs and benefits of crop residue retention in a Chinese subsistence farming system Downloads
Adam M. Komarek
152196: Climate change and adaptation in Australian wheat dominant agriculture: a real options analysis Downloads
Greg Hertzler, Todd Sanderson, Timothy Capon, Peter Hayman and Ross S. Kingwell
152195: The Market for Essays Downloads
Michael Burton and Dan Rigby
152193: Economic comparison between Conventional and No-Tillage farming systems in Morocco Downloads
Mohamed Boughlala, O. El Gharras and R. Dahan
152192: How has the high Australian dollar impacted agrifood exports?: “A qualitative perspective” Downloads
Brian Kearns, S. Baud, S. Fraval and Nicki Marks
152191: Economics of Prioritising Environmental Research Downloads
Scott Jeffrey and David Pannell
152190: Global Water Withdrawal Trends: Does Democracy Matters? Downloads
Meilanie Buitenzorgy and Tiho Ancev
152189: The challenge of renewable energy policy in Australia: Insights from Australian sugar industry experience Downloads
Malcolm Wegener
152188: Coping with Climate Change: A Food Policy Approach Downloads
Charles Timmer
Ross Garnaut
152186: Development Strategies for a Premium Wine Region of Australia: an application of value chain modelling Downloads
Vilaphonh Xayavong, Manju Radhakrishnan and Ross S. Kingwell
152185: Framing and managing the adoption of practice change for NRM by farmers Downloads
Vic Wright, Brigette Keeble and Geoff Kaine
152184: Are short rotation coppices an alternative to traditional agricultural land use in Germany? A real options approach Downloads
Matthias Wolbert Haverkamp and Oliver Musshoff
152183: The limitations of applying benefit transfer to assess the value of ecosystem services in a “generic” peri-urban, coastal town in Australia Downloads
Jill Windle and John Rolfe
152182: Trade and agricultural employment linkages in general equilibrium modelling Downloads
David Vanzetti and Ralf Peters
152181: Production Efficiency and Technology Gap in Irrigated and Rain-fed Rice Farming Systems in Sri Lanka: Non Parametric Approach Downloads
Manoj Thibbotuwawa, Amin Mugera and Ben White
152180: Trends in total factor productivity of five key Commonwealth managed fisheries Downloads
Mary Stephan
152179: Decomposing the drivers of profibility in two key Commonwealth prawn fisheries Downloads
Maggie Skirtun
152178: Economic assessment of technologies aimed at reducing air pollution in rice-wheat farming system in north-west India Downloads
Jason Crean, Nick Milham and Rajinder Singh
152177: Drink More Milk: Policies Supporting the Indonesian Dairy Industry Downloads
David Vanzetti, Nur Rakhman Setyoko and Rina Oktaviani
152176: Calibration of values in benefit transfer to account for variations in geographic scale and scope: Comparing two choice modelling experiments Downloads
John Rolfe, Jill Windle, Jeffrey Bennett and Kasia Mazur
152175: The Effect of Export Tax on Indonesia’s Cocoa Export Competitiveness Downloads
Amzul Rifin and Dahlia Nauly
152174: Effects of U.S. Public Agricultural R&D on U.S. Obesity and its Social Costs Downloads
Julian Alston, Abigail Okrent and Joanna Parks
152173: Upstream-downstream benefit analysis of policy on water use by upstream tree plantations Downloads
Thomas L. Nordblom, I.H. Hume, J.D. Finlayson, David Pannell and J. Holland
152172: Intensification of lowland rice-based farming systems in Laos in the context of diversified rural livelihoods Downloads
J.C. Newby, Vongpaphane Manivong and R.A. Cramb
152171: Tradeoff between Non-farm Income and on-farm conservation investments in the Semi-Arid Tropics of India Downloads
S. Nedumaran
152170: The Future Productivity and Competitiveness Challenge for Australian Agriculture Downloads
John Mullen and Mick Keogh
152169: Pragmatic Selection of R,D&E Investments in Primary Industries Downloads
Anthea McClintock, Bill Malcolm, Jason Crean, Tom Jackson and James Heath
152168: Strategic Breeding Investments for Legume Expansion: Lessons Learned from the Comparison of Groundnut and Pigeonpea Downloads
Kai Mausch, L. Chiwaula, A. Irshad, Ma Cynthia S. Bantilan, S. Silim and M. Siambi
152167: Community values for the benefits of carbon farming: a choice experiment study Downloads
G. Massam, Marit Kragt and Michael Burton
Graham Marshall
Thomas Marsh and Nicholas Piggott
152164: Regional, sectoral and temporal differences in carbon leakage Downloads
James Lennox, James Turner, Adam Daigneault and Kanika Jhunjhnuwala
152163: The Non-Market Value of Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand: A Choice Modelling Application Downloads
Peter Lee, Sue M. Cassells and John Holland
152162: Relative Performance Payment in Cooperatives – A Model-Theoretical Analysis Downloads
Roland Zieseniss and Rainer Kuehl
152160: Strategic positioning of international agricultural research centres: Comparative advantage and trade-offs from a transaction cost economics perspective Downloads
Josey Kamanda, Regina Birner and Ma Cynthia S. Bantilan
152159: The potential of food waste reduction through the green purchasing Downloads
Hiroyuki Iwamoto
152158: Broadacre farm productivity trajectories and farm characteristics Downloads
Nazrul Islam, Ross S. Kingwell, Vilaphonh Xayavong, Lucy Anderton, David Feldman and Jane Speijers
152156: A Thirst for Efficiency: Finding the Relationship between Water Trading and Agricultural Water Use Efficiency in the Murray-Darling Basin Downloads
Roger Hassan
152155: The effects of experience on preference uncertainty: theory and empirics for environmental goods Downloads
Mikolaj Czajkowski, Nick Hanley and Jacob LaRiviere
152154: Hedge Effectiveness for Western Australia Crops Downloads
Zhibo Guo, Ben White and Amin Mugera
152153: Estimating the supply of on-farm biodiversity conservation services by north Australian pastoralists: design of a choice experiment Downloads
Romy Greiner and Julie Ballweg
152152: Mining Booms and the Exchange Rate Downloads
John Freebairn
152151: Using Attribute Importance Rankings within Discrete Choice Experiments: An Application to Valuing Bread Attributes Downloads
Kelvin Balcombe, Michael Bitzios, Iain Fraser and Janet Haddock-Fraser
152149: Considering the Economic Value of Natural Design Elements at City Scale Downloads
Omniya el- Baghdadi, Cheryl Desha and Karlson Hargroves
152148: Informing policy design for water quality improvements in the sugarcane industries adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef: a case study approach Downloads
Brooke Edwards, Robert Sluggett and Miriam East
152147: The Relationship between Religious Persuasion and Climate Change Attitudes in Australia Downloads
Mark Morrison, Roderick Duncan, Kevin Parton and Chris Sherley
152146: Investigating the effects of sample heterogeneity on the travel cost model for coral diving in Southeast Asia Downloads
Amar Doshi and Sean Pascoe
152144: Willingness to Pay for Private Labels, National Brands, and Local Designations at the Retail Level Downloads
Ryan C. Bosworth, DeeVon Bailey and Kynda Curtis
152142: An Example of How Chemical Regulation is Affecting Biosecurity Policy-Making: Mediterranean Fruit Fly in Western Australia Downloads
David C. Cook, Robert Fraser and Andrew S. Weinert
152141: Development and Diffusion of Sorghum Improved Cultivars in India: Impact on Growth and Variability in Yield Downloads
D. Kumara Charyulu, Ma Cynthia S. Bantilan and A. Rajalaxmi
152140: Invasive species management in the Pacific using survey data and benefit-cost analysis Downloads
Adam Daigneault and Phil Brown
152137: An investigation into the use of experienced utility scores to assess multi-attribute changes in environmental quality Downloads
Chris Batstone, Jonathan Moores, James Baines and Sharleen Harper
152136: An Analysis of Marketing Preferences of Sultana Producers in Turkey in Terms of Sustainable Market Power Downloads
Ela Atiş, Bulent Miran, Zerrin Bektaȿ, Kenan Ciftci and Selcuk Karabat
152134: Emerging Economies, Productivity Growth, and Trade with Resource-Rich Economies by 2030 Downloads
Kym Anderson and Anna Strutt
152133: Estimating the cost of air pollution in South East Queensland: An application of the life satisfaction non-market valuation approach Downloads
Christopher L. Ambrey, Andrew Yiu-Chung Chan and Christopher M. Fleming
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