1988 Conference (32nd), February 8-11, 1988, Melbourne, Australia
From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
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- 171163: Alphabetical Index To Papers Presented At 32nd Annual AAES Conference

- Unknown
- 171162: Australian Agricultural Economics Society, 1988 Annual Conference: Programme

- Unknown
- 171161: AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS SOCIETY 32nd ANNUAL CONFERENCE La Trobe University, 1988 List Of Registrants

- Unknown
- 144379: Development of Township Enterprise in China

- Z.Y. Zhou, John L. Dillon and Guanghua Wan
- 144378: Environmental Degradation in the Murray-Darling Basin: An Evaluation of Some Options

- Ralph Young
- 144377: Policy Formulation in the Australian Dairy Industry

- Christopher J. Wilcox
- 144376: Price Expectation Formulation in the Queensland Tomato Growing Industry

- Whybrow, E. (Ted) and John W. Longworth
- 144374: A Generic Crop Simulation Model for Agricultural Planning

- Malcolm K. Wegener
- 144373: Changing Perspectives in Fisheries Management

- Geoffrey Waugh and J. Brown
- 144372: Computer Modelling of Rangeland Regeneration in the Arid Zone of Western Australia

- K.M. Wang, Ronald B. Hacker, Robert K. Lindner and G.S. Richmond
- 144370: Factors Affecting the Variability of Chinese Foodgrain Production

- Guanghua Wan
- 144369: World Agricultural Trade Distortions - Measurement and Recent Trends

- Agnes Walker
- 144366: The Efficiency of Price Discovery at Wool Auctions

- Chris Vlastuin
- 144365: Strategic Interaction in International Commodity Markets

- David Vanzetti and John Kennedy
- 144363: Diversification and Stability Implications of New Crop Varieties: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence

- Clement Tisdell and Mohammad Alauddin
- 144362: Financial Deregulation and Rural Credit in the 1980s

- Hock Tan and Peter Minnis
- 144361: Prospects for Managing Production Risk in New Zealand Agriculture

- S. Sriramaratnam
- 144360: Land Condition, Crop Productivity, And The Adoption Of Soil Conservation Measures

- Jack A. Sinden and David A. King
- 144359: The Future of Chinese Wool Production

- Phil Simmons, B. Trendle and K.R.W. Brewer
- 144358: The Importance of Hidden Gains and Losses a Case Study of Australian Wool

- Phil Simmons and Jan Arthur
- 144357: Human Nutrition and Income in Rural Semi-Arid Tropical Andhra Pradesh, India

- K.C. Sharma and John L. Dillon
- 144356: Export Pricing Strategies and World Grain Markets

- Andrew Schmitz
- 144355: Privatisation in Agricultural Marketing: The Recent New Zealand Experience

- Ronald A. Sandrey
- 144354: Pooling

- John Quiggin
- 144352: Benefit Cost Analysis of Forest Creek Project

- P.F. Penman
- 144351: An Economic Evaluation of Waterponding

- P.F. Penman
- 144350: An Economic Evaluation of Soil Conservation Programmes

- P.F. Penman
- 144173: A Stochastic Model for Tactical Herbicide Decision Making

- David Pannell
- 144165: Systems Modelling and Technology Evaluation: An Application

- Sushil Pandey and Jock Anderson
- 144157: Risk-Efficient Irrigation Strategies for Wheat

- Sushil Pandey
- 144048: Assessing the Impact of Lamb Price Stabilisation on Producer Welfare

- Christopher O'Donnell
- 144047: Policy Co-Ordination and World Economic Growth

- D.T. Nguyen and Lindsay I. Hogan
- 144046: The Impact of Land Tenure on Farming and Soil Conservation in the Upper Brantas River Basin, East Java, Indonesia

- Moch. Muslich Mustadjab
- 144045: The Effects of US Farm Policy on Australian Cotton Revenues

- Colin Mues and Phil Simmons
- 144044: Bilateral Trading Relationships: A Trade Flow Model of Australia-Japan and U.S.A. - Japan Trade in Three Primary Commodities - Coal, Beef, and Wheat

- Julian B. Morison
- 144043: Selection Strategies in Commercial Merino Flocks

- Bruce Mattinson
- 144042: Developments in Australian Agricultural Capital

- Will Martin and C.R. Savage
- 144041: Integrated Pest Management in Rice: Integrating Economics, Extension and Policy

- John Martin

- T. Gordon MacAulay, W.C. Thomas and Warren F. Musgrave
- 144039: Determinants of Employment in Australian Agriculture

- D. Luskin, David Poulter and Mark Nayar
- 144038: Prices and Employment in the US Farm Sector

- Philip E.T. Lewis and Warren P. Males
- 144037: Taxation, Cost of Capital and Investment in Australian Agriculture

- Philip E.T. Lewis, Nigel H. Hall, C.R. Savage and A.G. Kingston
- 144036: Prices of Characteristics for Knitted Products at Retail in Melbourne

- Inka Havrila and John J. Quilkey
- 144035: Impact of Agronomic and Economic Factors on Farm Profitability - Model Specification and Application (Tarlee Trials)

- B.R. Hansen and Mark A. Krause
- 144033: Supply Response in Broadacre Agriculture

- Nigel H. Hall, L. Fraser and A. Purtill
- 144032: Industrial Processing of Cereals in Australia

- David P. Godden
- 144031: Modelling the Australian Wool Corporation's Costs and Revenues Under the Reserve Price Scheme for Wool

- Max Foster
- 144030: The resurgence of the Tea Industry in China

- Dan M. Etherington and Keith Forster
- 144029: An Economic Analysis of a Plant Density Experiment for Tea in China

- Dan M. Etherington
- 144028: A Policy Perspective on Coconut Processing in the South Pacific Islands

- Dan M. Etherington
- 144027: Inorganic Fertiliser Inputs to Himalayan Agriculture: Some Issues in Pricing

- J.M. Dixon
- 144026: Alternative Strategies for Development in Tonga

- Julie C. Delforce, J. Brian Hardaker and Euan M. Fleming
- 144025: Effects fo the Congressional Sales Tax Arrangements for Fruit Juice Beverages

- Scott V. Davenport and Ian Dalziell
- 143910: Potential Improvements in the Provision of Long Range Weather Forecasts: Are There Benefits for the Rural Sector?

- Ian R. Crellin
- 143794: Community-Based Land Tenure and Government Land Policy in Sarawak: A Study in Institutional Dissonance

- Rob A. Cramb and Ian R. Wills
- 143793: The Use and Productivity of Labour in Shifting Cultivation: An East Malaysian Case Study

- Rob A. Cramb
- 143791: Demand For Water in the Murray Valley, New South Wales: An Application of Linear Programming

- R.A. Chewings and Sean Pascoe
- 143790: The Long Term Peak Load Problem in Grain Storage

- Donna C. Brennan and Robert K. Lindner
- 143789: Quality/Quantity Trade-offs in the Demand for Beef and Lamb: A Cross-Sectional Time-Series Study

- Katrina Ball and Robert Sloane
- 143788: Fisheries Economics from the Economic Bureaucrat's Perspective

- Robert A. Bain, Jos Haynes, Sean Pascoe and Ray Trewin
- 143787: Priorities for Papua New Guinea Agricultural Research - An ACIAR Project

- George Antony, Gae Kauzi and Bob Prior
- 143786: The Impact of Subsidized Credit on Bangladesh Farming Households

- A. Ahmed and John Kennedy