1992 Conference (36th), February 10-13, 1992, Canberra, Australia
From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
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- 147357: Expert Judgement on the Effects of the Grain Marketing System on Grain Production in China: A Survey

- Zhangyue Zhou
- 147356: Fibre Substitution in the United Kingdom Worsted Spinning Sector

- John Zeitsch and Denis Lawrence
- 147355: Pricing of Research: What will the Market Bear?

- Ralph Young, Bob Garrett and Chris Walsh
- 147354: Effects of Increasing Resource Management Costs on Pressure For Structural Adjustment in the Sheppparton Region

- Michael Young and Oliver Gyles
- 147353: Conversion from Conventional to Organic Agriculture

- Els Wynen
- 147352: The Measurement of Land Degradation to Assess Losses in Agricultural Production

- Sandra C. Walpole
- 147351: Research Payoff in an Imperfect Market: The Case of Animal Disease Vaccine in Australia

- Thomas Jan P. Voon
- 147350: Assessing the Impacts of Production Technology Adoption in the Australian Prime Lamb Industry

- David T. Vere, Garry R. Griffith and B.W. Bootle
- 147349: The Potential Contributions of Natural Resource Accounting to the Sustainable Development Debate

- Estela A. Varua
- 147338: Wheat export cartels

- David Vanzetti
- 147336: Imperfect Competition and Trade Reforms in Australia and Japan: Implications for Agriculture

- Rodney Tyers and Peter Gibbard
- 147335: Soviet grain import demand

- Vivek Tulpule, Jayantha Kottege and Graeme Tie
- 147333: Efficiency Aspects of Transferable Dairy Quotas in NSW: A Linear Programming Approach

- Peter Tozer
- 147332: The equity implications of alternative water pricing policies

- John Tisdell and Stephen R. Harrison
- 147328: A Case for Reform in State Dried Fruits Legislation

- David Thurtell
- 147327: Pasture Development for Salinity Control in the Kyeamba Valley of New South Wales: An Economic Appraisal

- Pat Thorne and Sam Walker
- 147325: Cost Effective Lice Control Strategies in NSW and the Value of Extension

- M. Taleb and D. Collins
- 147324: A Survey of Recreational Fishing Activity in Coffin Bay; January to June 1990

- Andrew J. Staniford and Sherilyn K. Siggins
- 147323: A Review of Environmental Valuation in Australia

- Jack A. Sinden
- 147322: Estimation of Opportunity Costs of Land Degradation in New South Wales: Preliminary Findings

- Jack A. Sinden and T.P. Yapp
- 147320: Estimation the Welfare Gains from the "Flywise" Programme

- Richard Simmer and David Collins
- 147319: A model of wheat supply response in Australia's mainland states

- Ian Shaw, Anh Bui-Lan and Nicholas A. Linacre
- 147316: Farm Labour Contracts and Labour Quality: Empirical Evidence From South Asia (Nepal and India)

- Shiva Sharma, Jadu Pradhan and John J. Quilkey
- 147313: A Review of Salinity Management Planning in Victoria

- Binhur Sappideen, Richard Gross and Neil Barr
- 147312: Irrigators' Expectations of Supply Reliability and Irrigation Investment

- J. Sandall and Geoff Kaine
- 147307: Changes in native forest management policy

- Roger N. Rose
- 147254: A general equilibrium analysis of macroeconomic and trade policy changes in Taiwan: Implications for commodity markets

- Gil Rodriguez, H. Don B.H. Gunasekera and Gwo-Jiun M. Leu
- 147253: A Market Approach to Sustainable Land Management

- Ian Reeve and Geoff Kaine
- 147252: The Value of Coastal Land: An Application of Travel Cost Methodology on the North Coast of N.S.W

- Michael W. Pitt
- 147251: Some Old Truths Revisited

- Roley R. Piggott
- 147250: Measuring the Demand Response to Advertising in the Australian Meat Industry

- Nicholas Piggott and Garry R. Griffith
- 147093: The Effects of Policy Changes on the Production and Sales of Milk in New South Wales

- M.V. Perich, Ross G. Drynan and Robert L. Batterham
- 147092: Optimum Farm Plans for a Central West Irrigation Property

- W.C. Perich, Robert L. Batterham and Ross G. Drynan
- 147091: Analysis of Rangeland Degradation Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming

- J.G. Passmore and Colin G. Brown
- 147088: A Farm-Level Approach to Examining Supply Shifts and Research Benefits

- Kevin A. Parton and Melissa J. O'Brien
- 147087: A Simultaneous Equations Model with Endogenous Switching: The Demand for Australian Wool

- Christopher O'Donnell
- 146553: Promoting People's Participation in Projects: A Case Study of a Pilot Watershed Area Development Project in Burma

- Tin Hta Nu and J. Brian Hardaker
- 146552: The Impact of Property Size on Whole Property Profitability in Western Queensland Grazing Areas

- P.A. Newman
- 146551: Impact of Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors on Food Away from Home Consumption in the United States

- Rodolfo Nayga and Oral Capps
- 146550: Time Series Econometrics and Commodity Price Analysis

- Robert Myers
- 146549: Measuring Productivity Growth in Australian Broadacre Agriculture

- John D. Mullen, Thomas L. Cox and William Foster
- 146548: The Willingness to Pay for Attributes of Lamb

- John D. Mullen and Michael Wohlgenant
- 146547: The Japanese Beef Market Following the Start of Trade Liberalisation in June 1988

- Hiroshi Mori, Doren Chadee and Ian S. Jarratt
- 146546: Economic Reform n Former Communist Systems: The Problems of Privatisation

- Robert F. Miller
- 146545: Estimating the Gains of Strategic Internal Parasite Control in Sheep

- Ross McLeod, D.J. Collins, E.H. Barnes and R.J. Dobson
- 146544: GATT, Preferential/Regional Trading Blocks and Agricultural Trade

- Alex F. McCalla
- 146543: Future of Agricultural Statutory Marketing Arrangements in Australia

- Roger G. Mauldon
- 146542: The Beef Cattle Transportation and Processing Industry of Northern New South Wales

- Stephen R. Marlor
- 146541: Returns to Quality-Enhancing and Cost-Reducing Research: The Case of Moisture Content in Philippine Copra

- Minda C. Mangabat and Geoff W. Edwards
- 146540: A Case for Statutory Marketing Arrangements

- Warren P. Males