1995 Conference (39th), February 14-16, 1995, Perth, Australia
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- 171160: Index: List of papers/posters presented to the 1995 AAES Conference, Perth WA

- Unknown
- 171158: Ontario Beef Producers' Attitudes about Artificial Insemination

- Wayne H. Howard and John Cranfield
- 171157: Internet Uses For Agricultural Economists

- Andrew Arch
- 171156: Food Aid: A Substitute for Domestic Production and Commercial Imports?

- Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani and Christopher Locke
- 171154: The Shepparton Irrigation Region Strategic Plan - The Next Five Years

- Michael E. S. Young
- 171152: The Economic Evaluation of Environmental 'Goods' And 'Bads': A Comparison of Alternative Techniques

- Christine H. Williams
- 171151: Lender Liability: Apportioning the Cost of Environmental Remediation

- Stephen Whelan
- 171150: Agricultural Performance During Structural Transformation

- James Weatherford
- 171148: Factor Demand and Technical Change in Philippine Agriculture

- Peter Warr
- 171145: Grazing Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded Rangeland in Western Australia

- King Min Wang
- 171141: Gatt: Implications for Farmers in the Northern Wheatbelt of WA

- Cameron Tubby, Roy Murray-Prior and Amir Abadi
- 171139: Analysis of Growth and Stabilisation Policies for the Indonesian Livestock Sector - A Linked Modelling Approach

- Ray Trewin, Mark Rosegrant and Erwidodo
- 171130: Developments And Emerging Problems In The Chinese Grain Economy

- Wei-Min Tian, Jock Fletcher and Zhang-Yue Zhou
- 171126: A Stochastic Analysis of Selected Drought Preparedness Strategies in NSW

- Nicola Tapp, Nick Milham, Bob Douglas and Jim Hoadley
- 171115: A Structured Analysis of the UK Food and Drink Industry

- John Strak, Wyn Morgan and Rosie Simpson

- Roland Stanmore and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
- 171107: A Pilot Study of Farmers' Perceptions of Soil Conservation in the Gunnedah Shire, New South Wales

- J. Fiona Scott and Phil Simmons
- 171100: The role and value of herbicide resistant lupins in Western Australian agriculture

- Carmel P Schmidt and David Pannell
- 171094: Why Do Farmers Do What They Do? A Heuristic Modelling Case Study In Mexico

- Steven G. M. Schilizzi
- 171091: Selecting wheat varieties in a stochastic environment

- Stephen D. Robinson
- 171086: PRISM: a MIDAS-like farm model for the southeastern Australian cropping zone

- Brett Robinson, Giles Butler and Brian Kearns
- 171080: Production, Risk and Survey Data

- Johanna Pluske and Robert Fraser
- 171075: Trends In Community Support For Soil Conservation 1985-1994

- M. W. Pitt, J. A. Sinden and T. P. Yapp
- 171067: Non Market Valuation of Public Land - A Study At Arakoon State Recreation Area, NSW

- M. W. Pitt
- 171063: Are We Risking Too Much? Perspectives on Risk in Farm Modelling and Farm Management

- David Pannell, Bill Malcolm and Ross S. Kingwell
- 171059: Time lags to adoption: Acquisition of variety information by West Australian wheat growers

- John Noonan and Bryan Gorddard

- J. Nash, A. Southwell and N. Milham
- 170987: The Impost Of Government Taxes And Charges On Farm Business - A Case Study Analysis

- J. Nash, R. A. Douglas, N. Tapp and J. Hoadley
- 170986: Trends In Public Research Expenditure Australian Agriculture

- J. D. Mullen, Karen Lee and S. Wrigley
- 170976: Some Issues in Agriculture Welfare Policy

- Nick Milham and Scott Davenport
- 170974: Reforms In Agriculture In Western Australia: The South West Irrigation System

- P.B. McLeod and E. J. Roberts

- Sandra Martin
- 170966: The Adoption Of Lupins In Western Australia: Did Extension Make A Difference?

- Sally P. Marsh, David Pannell and Robert K. Lindner
- 170946: A Framework for developing an integrated modelling system for water policy analysis

- Thilak Mallawaarachchi and Nigel Hall
- 170941: Any more Bids? Deciding How Much to Pay for Farmland

- B. J. Madden and L. R. Malcolm
- 170927: Incorporating Atmoshperic Environmental Degredation In Research Evaluation Of Options For The Replacement Of Methyl Bromide: A project development assessment: The replacements for methyl bromide in timber for quarantine fumigation: ACIAR PN9406

- Godfrey Lubulwa, Jim Desmarchelier and Jeff Davis
- 170921: Agricultural Trade Under The Overhang: A Quantitative Analaysis Of The International Debt Crisis

- Christopher Locke and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
- 170902: Kinked Terms of Trade in GE Modelling

- Chris Lightfoot
- 170898: Dynamics of Agricultural Production on Thailand

- W. Krasachat and Timothy Coelli
- 170893: Applying benefit cost analysis to the evaluation of mating strategies in beef production enterprises

- H. M. Klieve
- 170890: Technical Factors Influencing Investment in Crop Sowing Machinery

- Ross S. Kingwell
- 170888: The Ord River Irrigation Project, past, present and future: an economic evaluation

- Scott W. Keyworth, M. Lack and F. Lynn
- 170886: How High is the Step? Regulatory Thresholds and the Growth and Efficiency of Small Agribusiness Firms in Australia

- Cecelia Kelly, Nick Milham, Bob Douglas and Natasha Moldrich
- 170883: Benefits from Improved Soil-Water-Nutrient Management Research: The Case of Groundnut Production Technology

- P.K. Joshi and Ma Cynthia S. Bantilan
- 170880: Price Equalisation in the Rice Industry and the Development of A Spatial Eqquilibrium Model

- Randall Jones, Carolynne James and T. Gordon MacAulay
- 170878: Further Thoughts on Constitutions, Institutions and Collective Decision Making

- R. W. M. Johnson
- 170876: A Review of Developments in Competition Policy

- Carolynne James and Scott Davenport
- 170875: Survey Methods of Valuing the Conservation of Endangered Species

- K. M. Jakobsson, John Kennedy and M. Elliott
- 170870: On Optimal Economic Policy Making Using Stochastic Methods

- Nazrul Islam, Salilesh Mukhopadhyay and Jadunath Pradhan
- 170868: Identifying Farm Management 'Best Practices' in Canada: Heuristics and Insights from Qualitative

- Wayne H. Howard, George L. Brinkman and Remy Lambert
Papers sorted by number 171160 170864