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1996 Conference (40th), February 11-16, 1996, Melbourne, Australia

From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
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156598: Crop Insurance: The Relationship Between Indemnity Price and Expected Output Price Downloads
Charles E. Hyde
156595: Management of Sheep Grazing Annual Pastures in Western Australia: Pasture deferment and optimal stocking rate Downloads
Teto Sugharto and David Pannell
156593: Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Inc. 40th Annual Conference, 1996, Index Downloads
156592: Responses of New England Wool Producers to the Risks Associated with Producing and Marketing Wool Downloads
Roy Murray-Prior and Vic Wright
156591: An Economic Evaluation of the Impact of ACIAR-Funded Agricultural Research Based in Africa Downloads
Godfrey Lubulwa
156590: Estimating Grain Supply Response for China with Panel Data Downloads
Zhang-Yue Zhou, Guanghua Wan and Liang-Biao Chen
156589: The Competitive Structure of the Australian Meat and Livestock Industries Downloads
Xueyan Zhao, Garry R. Griffith and John D. Mullen
156588: Functional Forms and Economic Surplus Changes Downloads
Xueyan Zhao, John D. Mullen and Garry R. Griffith
156587: Obsolescent Technology and the Time Horizon for Benefits in Benefit-Cost Analysis Downloads
Ralph Young
156586: Economics of Water Allocation for the Environment: A Case Study in the Gwydir Wetland, NSW Downloads
Tissa Yatawara and Christine M. Hill
156585: Impact on Australian Broadacre Agriculture of Widespread Adoption of Organic Farming: Some Preliminary Estimates Downloads
Els Wynen
156584: The Socioeconomic Variables and Food Consumption Expenditure: An Analysis of Taiwan's Family Income and Expenditure Survey Data in 1992 Downloads
Ming-Ming Wu
156583: The Environment, Information and the Precautionary Principle Downloads
Ian Wills
156582: Alternative Strategies for Funding Rural Research and Development in Australia Downloads
Stephen Whelan, Robyn G. Munro, T. Gordon MacAulay, Robert L. Batterham and David P. Godden
156581: Variety Selection in Sugarcane: Assistance from economics and modelling Downloads
M. K. Wegener
156580: BCA and GIS: Integration of Economic and Environmental Indicators to Aid Land Management Decisions Downloads
S.C. Walpole and J.A. Sinden
156579: Hedging With Crop Yield Insurance Futures Downloads
Tomislav Vukina, Dong-feng Li and Duncan M. Holthausen
156462: Toward an Analytical Framework for Resource Allocation in Fisheries with Multiple Users Downloads
M.S. van Bueren, Robert K. Lindner and P.B. McLeod
156461: Linkages Between Indonesian Grains, Livestock and Agribusiness Policies, and Opportunities for Australian Investment and Trade Downloads
Ray Trewin
156460: Forecasting Farm Performance: Simulating Non-Normal Distributions Downloads
Peter Tozer and Geoff Kaine
156458: The Economics of Developing a Tagasaste Plantation for Beef Cattle Production on a Farm in Western Australia Downloads
E.G. Taylor and R. Murray-Prior
156457: Comparing Measures of Productivity Growth for Australian Broadacre Agriculture Downloads
L. Strappazzon, J.D. Mullen and T.L. Cox
156456: Teaching on risk and the adoption of rural innovations: a role for simulation games? Downloads
Vanessa A. Stewart, Amir K. Abadi Ghadim and Ross S. Kingwell
156455: An Economic Analysis of Potential Changes to a Rice Breeding Program Downloads
Inder Pal Singh and John P. Brennan
156453: Modelling the Impact of Water Policy Reforms on Dairy Farm Performance in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin Downloads
M. Scoccimarro, Jane Branson, L. Wall and Thilak Mallawaarachchi
156452: The Marketing of Australia's Live Cattle: An Interregional Trade Modelling Approach Downloads
A. Rutherford
156450: Valuing International Rainforests: A Choice Modelling Approach Downloads
John Rolfe and Jeffrey Bennett
156449: Why the Costs of Performance Matter for Contingent Valuation Studies Downloads
John Rolfe
156448: The Precautionary Principle for Environmental Management: Economic Analysis of a Moral Injunction Downloads
M.F. Rogers, J.A. Sinden and T. De Lacy
156447: Profitability and Salinity: The Role of Agroforestry in Maintaining Sustainable Cropping Systems in Northern NSW Downloads
I. Patrick, Mike Bryant and J. Fargher
156446: On Assessing Some of the Net Effects of IPM Downloads
Paola Parigi and Bill Malcolm
156445: Evaluation Issues for Multi-Project Research Activities: An Application of Rhizobium Research in the Philippines Downloads
Tirso B. Parts, Nora Carambas and Jeff S. Davis
156444: Sensitivity Analysis of Normative Economic Models: Theoretical Framework and Practical Strategies Downloads
David Pannell
156443: A Disequilibrium Econometric Model of the Australian Raw Wool Market Downloads
Eddie Oczkowski
156442: Assessing the Value of Trees on Farms in the Harnham Landcare Group District Downloads
Kate O'Brien and Kevin A. Parton
156441: The Technical Efficiency of Small Agricultural Producers in Central Ethiopia Downloads
Midlaster D. Nsanzugwanko, George E. Battese and Euan M. Fleming
156440: Tiered Regulations and Business Behaviour in the Australian Agribusiness Sector Downloads
N. Milham, R. Douglas and Cecelia Kelly
156439: An Economic Analysis of Affordability of Irrigation Systems in LDCs: Evidence from a Field Study in the Hills of Nepal Downloads
Rabi K. Maskey and Guanghua Wan
156436: Does Extension Pay? A Case Study Looking at the Adoption of Lupins in Western Australia Downloads
Sally P. Marsh, David Pannell and Robert K. Lindner
156433: Risk Attitude, Planting Conditions and the Value of Climate Forecasts to a Dryland Wheat Grower Downloads
Graham Marshall and K.A. Parton
156432: Research Assessment in Multistage Production Systems with Quality-Differentiated Markets Downloads
Minda C. Mangabat and Geoff W. Edwards
156431: Determining Optimal Intensity of Irrigation for Representative Farms in the Murray Valley Downloads
J.C. Madden, S.A. Prathapar, I. Hume and G. McLeod
156430: Trade Distortions and Policy Instruments: How should the effects be measured? Downloads
Donald MacLaren
156429: A Role of Covenants in Markets for Natural Resources Downloads
T. Gordon MacAulay
156428: Price Risk Reduction for Wool Growers Using the New Wool Futures Contract Downloads
Milly Lubulwa, Stephen Beare, Max Foster and Anh Bui-Lan
156427: Human Nutrition: Research Evaluation Methodology and Some Applications Downloads
Godfrey Lubulwa
156426: Implications of the Debt Overhang for International Agricultural Trade Downloads
Christopher G. Locke and Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
156425: Potential Welfare Gains from Rural-Urban Water Reallocation in Southern Alberta, Canada Downloads
Lynda J. Lo and Theodore M. Horbulyk
156424: Economic Evaluation of the Floor and Ceiling Price Policy for Maize in Ghana Downloads
Yaw Kyei and Kevin Parton
156422: The On-Farm Value of Animal Welfare Downloads
Ross S. Kingwell
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