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Impact Assessment Series (IAS)

From Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
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113252: Impact Assessment of ACIAR-funded Projects on Grain-market Reform in China Downloads
John D. Mullen
113251: Future Directions for ACIAR's Animal Health Research Downloads
113250: Management of Fruit Flies in the Pacific Downloads
Ross McLeod
113249: Impact Assessment of Research on the Biology and Management of Coconut Crabs on Vanuatu Downloads
Robert K. Lindner
113248: Improved Methods in Diagnosis, Epidemiology, and Information Management of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Southeast Asia Downloads
Ross McLeod
113247: ACIAR and Public Funding of R&D: Submission to Productivity Commission Study on Public Support for Science and Innovation Downloads
113227: Saving a Staple Crop: Impact of Biological Control of the Banana Skipper on Poverty Reduction in Papua New Guinea Downloads
Marcia Bauer, David Pearce and David P. Vincent
113226: Improved Methods for the Diagnosis and Control of Bluetongue in Small Ruminants in Asia and the Epidemiology and Control of Bovine Ephemeral Fever in China Downloads
Ross McLeod
113225: Assessment of Rodent Control Projects in Vietnam: Adoption and Impact Downloads
Florencia G. Palis, Zenaida M. Sumalde and Mahabub Hossain
113224: Genetics of, and Breeding for, Rust Resistance in Wheat in India and Pakistan Downloads
John P. Brennan and Kathryn J. Quade
113223: Acacia Hybrids in Vietnam Downloads
Martin van Bueren
113222: Water and Nitrogen Management in Wheat-Maize Production on the North China Plain Downloads
David N. Harris
113221: Eucalypt Tree Improvement in China Downloads
Martin van Bueren
113220: Review of ACIAR's Research on Agricultural Policy Downloads
David Pearce
113218: Shelf-life Extension of Leafy Vegetables: Evaluating the Impacts Downloads
Tingsong Jiang and David Pearce
113217: Research Into Conservation Tillage for Dryland Cropping in Australia and China Downloads
David T. Vere
113216: Identifying the Sex Pheromone of the Sugarcane Borer Moth Economic impact of ACIAR project CS2/1991/680 Downloads
David Pearce
113215: Review of the Returns to ACIAR's Bilateral R&D Investments Downloads
David A. Raltzer and Robert K. Lindner
113214: Impacts of Mud Crab Hatchery Technology in Vietnam Downloads
Robert K. Lindner
113213: Benefits to Australia from ACIAR-funded Research Downloads
David Pearce, Michael Monck, Kevin Chadwick and James Corbishley
113172: Zero Tillage for Weed Control in India: the Contribution to Poverty Alleviation Downloads
James Corbishley and David Pearce
113171: Benefits to Australia of selected CABI products Downloads
David Pearce and Michael Monck
113170: Water management in public irrigation schemes in Vietnam Downloads
David N. Harris
47698: Mama Lus Frut scheme: an assessment of poverty reduction Downloads
Robert Warner and Marcia Bauer
47697: Measuring the poverty impact of ACIAR projects: a broad framework Downloads
David Pearce
47696: Controlling Phalaris Minor in the Indian Rice-Wheat Belt Downloads
David P. Vincent and Derek Quirke
47695: Breeding and feeding pigs in Australia and Vietnam Downloads
Clement Tisdell and Clevo Wilson
47694: Control of Footrot in Small Ruminants of Nepal Downloads
Ross McLeod
47693: Use and management of grain protectants in China and Australia Downloads
Peter D. Chudleigh
47692: Improved drying of high moisture grains Downloads
Ross McLeod
47691: Breeding and quality analysis of rapeseed Downloads
Peter D. Chudleigh
47653: Economic benefits to Papua New Guinea and Australia from the biological control of banana skipper (Erionota thrax) Downloads
Doug F. Waterhouse, Birribi Dillon and David P. Vincent
47652: Postharvest R & D concerning tropical fruits Downloads
Peter D. Chudleigh
47502: Conservation tillage and controlled traffic Downloads
47501: Sulphur test KCl-40 and growth of the Australian canola industry Downloads
47500: Australian tree species selection in China Downloads
Daniel W. McKenney
47499: Reducing fish losses due to Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome - An Ex Ante Evaluation Downloads
Centre for International Economics
47498: Pigeonpea improvement Downloads
James G. Ryan
47194: Fruit fly in Malaysia and Thailand 1985-1993 Downloads
B.A. Collins and David J. Collins
47193: Raw wool production and marketing in China: ACIAR project 8811 Downloads
Alistair S. Watson
47192: Establishment of a protected area in Vanuatu Downloads
Centre for International Economics
47191: Increased efficiency of straw utilisation by cattle and buffalo Downloads
P.S. George
47190: Control of Newcastle Disease in Village Chickens Downloads
Centre for International Economics
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