86th Annual Conference, April 16-18, 2012, Warwick University, Coventry, UK
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- 135521: Intrahousehold Power: the Role of Women’s Share of Asset and Social Capital on Household Food and Nonfood Expenditures

- Evita Hanie Pangaribowo
- 135517: Adapting Agri-Environment Schemes for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation – Observations from U.K. and U.S. Experience

- David Blandford and Ian Hodge
- 135515: Meeting multiple policy objectives under GHG emission reduction targets

- Richard N. Boisvert and David Blandford
- 135124: Determinants of Food Security in Kenya, a Gender Perspective

- Menale Kassie, Simon Ndiritu and Bekele A. Shiferaw
- 135123: The measurement of energy performance

- Stéphane Blancard and Elsa Martin
- 135122: Policy capacity for the transition to a biofuels economy: a comparative study of the EU and USA

- Adrian Kay and Rob Ackrill
- 135119: World and Bangladesh Rice Market Integration: An Application of Threshold Cointegration and Threshold Vector Error Correction Model (TVECM)

- Mohammad Jahangir Alam and Ismat Ara Begum
- 135111: Developing climate-smart livestock systems in Inner Mongolia, China

- Frank Koslowski, Andreas Wilkes and Dominic Moran
- 135093: Regulatory impact assessment of food safety policies: A preliminary study on alternative EU interventions on dioxins

- Maddalena Ragona, Mario Mazzocchi and Martin Rose
- 135090: Design of optimum private insurance schemes as a means to reduce water overexploitation during drought events. A case study in Campo de Cartagena (Segura River Basin, Spain)

- Carlos Dionisio Perez Blanco and Carlos Gomez
- 135074: Kyoto and the EU CEP 2020: A Dynamic Study of the impacts on the Agricultural Sector in Spain

- Jack Childs
- 135073: Using Choice Experiments to Measure Consumers’ Preferences for Functional Dairy Products in Germany: Are Willingness-To-Pay Estimates Affected by Starting Point Bias?

- Kai-Brit Bechtold and Awudu Abdulai
- 135069: Food Quality Verifications and Consumer Trust

- Jill Hobbs, Brian G. Innes, Adrian D. Uzea and Jing Zhang
- 135067: The EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement: What is on the Table for Agriculture?

- William Kerr
- 135066: Do Preferential Trade Agreements Increase Members’ Agri-food Trade?

- Zahoor Ul Haq, Karl Meilke and David Orden
- 134994: Investigating Livelihood Security in Poor Settlements in Bangladesh

- Shaheen Akter and Sanzidur Rahman
- 134990: More New Wine in the same Old Bottles? The evolving nature of the CAP reform debate in Europe, 2010-11, and prospects for the future

- Cordula Rutz, Janet Dwyer and Jorg Schramek
- 134989: What would farmers’ strategies be in a no-CAP situation? An illustration to France

- Laure Latruffe, Aurelia Dupuy and Yann Desjeux
- 134988: Efficient Procurement of Ecosystem Services – Adverse versus Beneficial Selection

- Noel Russell and Johannes Sauer
- 134987: Evaluating conservation auctions with unknown bidder costs: the Scottish fishing vessel decommissioning program

- Steven Schilizzi and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- 134984: Landscape Valuation: Choice Experiments or Contingent Valuation

- Diane Burgess, Graham Finney, David Matthews and Myles Patton
- 134977: The Determinants of Compliance on Environmental Tax: The Insights of Theoretical and Experimental Approaches Motivated by the Case of Indonesia

- Deden Dinar Iskandar, Tobias Wuenscher and Anik Badhuri
- 134968: Land fragmentation, market integration and farm efficiency: empirical evidence from Kosovo

- Johannes Sauer, Sophia Davidova and Matthew Gorton
- 134965: Estimating the Elasticity of Demand and the Production Response for Nitrogen Fertiliser on Irish Farms

- James P. Breen, Daragh Clancy, Trevor Donnellan and Kevin F. Hanrahan
- 134961: Estimating technical efficiency under technological heterogeneity in Hungarian crop sector

- Lajos Baráth and Imre Fertő
- 134956: Contract enforcement in Hungarian agri-food chain: the case of small and medium enterprises

- Imre Fertő
- 134954: Farmland Rental Rate and Marginal Return to Land: A French FADN Perspective

- Pierre Dupraz and Chalachew Temesgen
- 134783: Behavioural Change through Agri-Environmental Policies ? – A Distance Function based Matching Approach

- Johannes Sauer, John Walsh and David Zilberman

- Maria Sassi and Alberto Cardaci
- 134775: Managing Environmental Risk in Presence of Climate Change: The Role of Adaptation in the Nile basin of Ethiopia

- Salvatore Di Falco and Marcella Veronesi
- 134770: The comparison of investment behaviors of Kazakhstani and German farmers: An experimental approach

- Dulat Tubetov, Syster Christin Maart and Oliver Musshoff
- 134765: What causes asymmetric price transmission in agro-food sector? Meta-analysis perspective

- Zoltán Bakucs, Jan Falkowski and Imre Fertő
- 134759: Using Attribute Importance Rankings within Discrete Choice Experiments: an application to Valuing Bread Attributes

- Kelvin Balcombe, Michael Bitzios, Iain Fraser and Janet Haddock-Fraser
- 134755: Heterogenous Impact of ‘Rice for the Poor’ Program in Indonesia

- Evita Hanie Pangaribowo
- 134754: The Contribution of Agricultural Economics to Price transmission Analysis and Market Policy in Sub-Sahara Africa: What Does the Literature Say?

- Joseph Amikuzuno and Kolawole Ogundari
- 134740: Transaction costs, information technologies, and the choice of marketplace amongst farmers in northern Ghana

- Giacomo Zanello, Bhavani Shankar and Chittur Srinivasan
- 134734: On the Value of Agricultural Biodiversity

- Salvatore Di Falco
- 134728: Survival Analysis of Cereal Crop Variety Innovations in the UK

- Chittur Srinivasan and Greenwell Matchaya

- Olaide Rufai Akande
- 134723: Land Constraints in Kenya’s Densely Populated Rural Areas: Implications for Food Policy and Institutional Reform

- Thomas Jayne and Milu Muyanga
- 134720: The regional price of junk foods relative to healthy foods in the UK: indirect estimation of a time series, 1997-2009

- Sara Capacci, Mario Mazzocchi and Bhavani Shankar
- 134718: What multipliers don’t tell you: A spatial analysis of farm household linkages

- Kate Pangbourne and Deborah Roberts
- 134717: Linkages between the energy, biofuel and agricultural sectors

- Myles Patton, Julian C.R. Binfield, In Seck Kim, Lichun Zhang and John Davis
- 134712: Assessing the economic costs of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease on Brittany: A dynamic computable general equilibrium

- Alexandre Gohin and Arnaud Rault
- 134710: Applying the concept of sustainable intensification to Scottish Agriculture

- Andrew Barnes and C.E.Z. Poole
- 134706: Sugar and Spice and all things nice? Assessing the Impact of the 2006 EU sugar regime reforms

- Alan Renwick, Cesar Revoredo-Giha, George Philippidis, Michael Bourne, Mark Reader and Ben Lang