87th Annual Conference, April 8-10, 2013, Warwick University, Coventry, UK
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- 158870: The role of trust in contractual relationships

- Lajos Zoltan Bakucs and Imre Fertő
- 158868: A comparison of the Total Energy Requirements of Rural and Urban Households in Scotland: a SAM Multiplier Analysis

- Yan Xu, Deborah Roberts and Ken Thomson
- 158867: Psychological Constructs toward Agricultural Technology Adoption: Evidence from Eastern India

- Takashi Yamano, Srinivasulu Rajendran and Maria Luz Malabayuabas
- 158865: Efficient Innovation in Dairy Production - Empirical Findings for Germany

- J. Sauer and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- 158864: Migration and Agricultural Efficiency in Kosovo

- J. Sauer, Sophia Davidova and Matthew Gorton
- 158862: Evolvement of Market Integration between EU and World Agricultural Markets

- Siyi J. Feng and Myles Patton
- 158861: Revisiting the Traditional Irrigation System for Sustainability of Farm Production: Evidences from Bihar (India)

- Shyam Sunder Prasad Sharma and U. Hemantha Kumar
- 158860: An Ex-Ante Assessment of CAP Income Stabilisation Payments using a Farm Household Model

- Sébastien Mary, Fabien Santini and Pierre Boulanger
- 158859: Privatization of Crop Breeding in the UK: Lessons for Other Countries

- Viktoriya Galushko and Richard Gray
- 158858: Potential for Second Generation Biofuel Feedstock from English Arable Farms

- N. J. Glithero, S. J. Ramsden and P. Wilson
- 158857: Understanding the economy-wide impacts of CAP decoupling: An assessment of alternative CGE model specifications

- Nico Vellinga, Yan Xu and Deborah Roberts
- 158856: On The Efficiency of Management-Based Regulation: A Case Study of the UK Poultry Inspection Regime

- Mohamud Hussein, Marian Garcia Martinez and Andrew Fearne
- 158855: The Predicted Impacts of the Proposed Greening Measures of the 2014 CAP Reform on Farming Businesses in North Cornwall

- Matthew Brown and James Jones
- 158854: Modelling Inter-temporal Differential Returns to Agricultural and Forestry Land Use using the Forest Investment and Valuation Estimator (FIVE)

- Mary Ryan, Cathal O'Donoghue, Vincent Upton, Henry Phillips and Niall Farrelly
- 158853: Climate Change and Agricultural Policy Coherence: Agricultural Growth and GHG Emissions in Ireland

- T. Donnellan, K. Hanrahan, James P. Breen and P. Gillespie
- 158851: Combining Likert scale attitudinal statements with choice experiments to analyze pref-erence heterogeneity for functional dairy products

- Kai-Brit Bechtold and Awudu Abdulai
- 158850: Open or Not Open? (Open Innovation in the Hungarian Wine Industry)

- Jozsef Toth, Liesbeth Dries and Stefano Pascucci
- 158849: Hidden Underemployment Among Irish Farm Holders 1996-2011

- Jason Loughrey and Thia Hennessy
- 158848: Environmental Efficiency of Traditional Farming with Consideration of Grassland Biodiversity: Implication for the Ukrainian Carpathians

- Irina Solovyeva and Ernst-August Nuppenau
- 158847: Vertical Intra-Industry Trade and the EU Accession: The Case of Hungarian Agri-Food Sector

- Imre Fertő and Attila Jambor
- 158846: Intra-industry trade for agri-food products in the enlarged European Union

- Imre Fertő
- 158709: Visual Attention and Attribute Attendance in Multi-Attribute Choice Experiments

- Kelvin Balcombe, Iain Fraser and Eugene McSorley
- 158707: Evaluating the role of financial flexibility in farmers' investment decisions using latent class analysis

- Friederike Anastassiadis and Oliver Musshoff
- 158706: Measuring the impact of improved animal health practices on the economic efficiency of Irish dairy farms

- E.J. Dillon and T. Hennessy
- 158705: Are on-farm investment decisions dependent on the life-cycle stage of the owners?

- Elke Plaas and Holger Bergmann

- Doris Marquardt, Judith Möllers and Ulrich Koester
- 158702: A decomposition analysis of the EU farm gate milk price

- Dennis Bergmann, O’Connor, Declan and Andreas Thümmel
- 158701: Eradication vs. Control in Biosecurity Policy-Making: Mediterranean Fruit Fly in Western Australia

- David C. Cook, Robert Fraser and Andrew S. Weinert
- 158700: Household Food Demand in Nigeria: an Application of Multivariate Double-hurdle Model

- Dare Akerele, R. Tiffin and Chittur Srinivasan
- 158699: State Dependence and Preference Heterogeneity: The Hand of the Past on Breakfast Cereal Consumption

- Dániel Békési, Jens-Peter Loy and Christoph Weiss
- 158698: The Employment Effects of Food Harvest 2020 in Ireland

- Ana Miller, Alan Matthews, Trevor Donnellan and O’Donoghue, Cathal
- 158696: On Market Liberalisation and Efficiency: A Structural VECM Analysis of Dry Beans Markets in Malawi

- Christone R.J Nyondo, Sophia Davidova and Alastair Bailey
- 158695: A Choice Experiment Analysis of the Management of the Stray Dog Population in the UK

- Christina Siettou, Iain Fraser and Rob Fraser
- 158694: Retail Pricing Patterns and Driving Factors of Price Variation

- Chenguang Li and Richard Volpe
- 158691: Distributional Impacts of Food Price Changes on Romanian Households following EU Accession

- Carmen Hubbard
- 158690: Myths and Maths of Water Efficiency: An Analytical Framework to Assess the Real Outcome of Water Saving Technologies in Irrigation

- Carlos Gomez and Carlos Dionisio Perez Blanco
- 158689: Reducing the impact of sclerotinia disease by determining optimum crop rotations using dynamic programming

- Bouda Vosough Ahmadi, Fiona J. Burnett, Caroline S. Young, Mark P. McQuilken and Alistair W. Stott
- 158688: Reducing Waste In Public Expenditure - The Potential Within The Common Agricultural Policy

- Berkeley Hill
- 158686: Tools and polices for agricultural risk management

- Benjamin Breen, Thia Hennessy, Trevor Donnellan and Kevin Hanrahan
- 158685: Determinants to Leave Agriculture and Change Occupational Sector: Evidence from an Enlarged EU

- Barbara Tocco, Alastair Bailey and Sophia Davidova
- 158684: Intra-industry agri-food trade of the Baltic Countries

- Attila Jambor and Aron Torok
- 158683: Optimal Regional Policies to Control Manure Nutrients to Surface and GroundWaters

- Antti Iho
- 158682: The long-run behaviour of the terms of trade between primary commodities and manufactures: A panel data approach

- Ana Iregui and Jesus Otero
- 158681: Greening agricultural payments in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy

- Alan Matthews
- 158381: Assessing consumer preferences and willingness to pay for NZ food attributes in China, India and the UK

- Caroline Saunders, Meike Guenther, Peter Tait and John Saunders
- 157758: Efficiency innovation and dairy production: a multi-market case study

- Robert Jolly, Georgeanne Artz, David Colman, David E. Beever and James Drackley
- 151972: The hazard function of sales: An analysis of UK supermarket food prices

- Hao Lan, Tim A. Lloyd and C. Wyn Morgan