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88th Annual Conference, April 9-11, 2014, AgroParisTech, Paris, France

From Agricultural Economics Society
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173041: Policy Mixes for the Provision of Agri-environmental Public Goods and Additionality: Some country experiences Downloads
Tetsuya Uetake
170791: A spatially explicit national demand model for forest recreation in Ireland Downloads
Vincent Upton, Mary Ryan and O’Donoghue, Cathal
170787: Impact of cocoa agroforests on yield and household income: Evidence from Ghana Downloads
Victor Owusu and Frederick Kwabena Frimpong
170784: Assessing uncertainty in the cost-effectiveness of agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation Downloads
Vera Eory, Cairistiona F. E. Topp, Dominic Moran and Adam Butler
170560: Assessing Farmers' Willingness to Accept "Greening": Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Gremany Downloads
Uwe Latacz-Lohmann, Norbert Schulz and Gunnar Breustedt
170558: Big Data: Opportunities and challenges for policy, research and business Downloads
170557: Water use implications of bioenergy cropping systems in Eastern England Downloads
N. J. Glithero, P. Wilson and S. J. Ramsden
170549: The influence of landscape on farms’ economic efficiency – combining matching and DEA approaches in Styria, Austria Downloads
Jonathan Lenglet, Martin Franzel, Stefan Kirchweger, Martin Kapfer, Lena Schaller and Jochen Kantelhardt
170545: Structural Change and Farm Investment Support in Austria Downloads
Stefan Kirchweger and Jochen Kantelhardt
170542: Does crop diversity contribute to dietary diversity? Evidence from integration of vegetables into maize based farming systems in Tanzania Downloads
Srinivasulu Rajendran, Victor Afari-Sefa, Mateete Bekunda, Inviolate Dominick and Philipo Joseph Lukumay
170538: Assessing the costs of risk management tools: A crop insurance scenario based on a stochastic partial equilibrium model approach Downloads
Siyi Feng, Myles Patton, Julian C.R. Binfield and John Davis
170537: Are stockholders rational? An experimental approach to testing the competitive storage model Downloads
Simone Pfuderer
170536: An assessment of the post 2015 CAP reforms: winners and losers in Scottish farming Downloads
Shailesh Shrestha, Bouda Vosough Ahmadi, Steven G. Thomson and Andrew Peter Barnes
170529: Adoption of conservation agriculture technology in diversified systems and impact on productivity: evidence from three districts in Bangladesh Downloads
Shaheen Akter and Mahesh Kumar Gathala
170526: The Promise of Transferable Fishing Concessions on EU Fisheries Downloads
Zafer Kanik and Serkan Küçükşenel
170525: Incentive payments, food safety and moral hazard in the supply chain Downloads
Robert Fraser and Mohamud Hussein
170522: Impact of non-farm work and land tenancy contracts on soil conservation measures Downloads
Rakhshanda Kousar and Awudu Abdulai
170520: Government policies in changing climate and the demand for crop insurance Downloads
Petri Liesivaara and Sami Myyrä
170519: The Impact on the Farm Sector and Wider Rural Economy of Switching from Historic to Regional Single Farm Payments in North-East Scotland Downloads
Nico Vellinga, Keith Matthews, Deborah Roberts and Ken Thomson
170517: Adoption and Impact of Improved Cow Breeds on Household Welfare and Child Nutrition Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Uganda Downloads
Nassul Kabunga
170513: An examination of the drivers of spatial employment and population growth within the rural economy Downloads
Myles Patton and Siyi Feng
170509: Does Off-farm Income Alleviate Poverty and Income Inequality? Evidence from Rural Nigeria Downloads
M.K. Ibrahim and Chittur Srinivasan
170501: The development of farm-level sustainability indicators for Ireland using the Teagasc National Farm Survey Downloads
Mary Ryan, Cathal Buckley, Emma Jane Dillon, Trevor Donnellan, Kevin Hanrahan, Thia Hennessy and Brian Moran
170497: A behavioural analysis of the diet-health relationship in the older Italian population Downloads
Mario Mazzocchi, Xavier Irz, Lucia Modugno and W Bruce Traill
170491: EU agri-food trade with the BRICSs: The case of Brazil Downloads
Carmen Hubbard, Augusto Alvim, Ely de Mattos and Lionel Hubbard
170487: The Effects of Tax Policy on Alcoholic Beverage Trends and Alcohol Demand in Japan Downloads
Makiko Omura
170484: Climate Change, farm level adaption measures and Impacts on Crop productivity and market participation: Implications for sustainable synergy between African and European Agriculture Downloads
Luke O. Olarinde, Adebusola A. Adepoju and Muritala O. Jabaru
Luigi Cembalo, Stefano Pascucci, Carolina Tagliafierro and Francesco Caracciolo
170370: The contribution of agricultural landscapes to local development and regional competitiveness – an Analytical Network Process (ANP) in selected European Union and Candidate countries’ study regions Downloads
Lena Schaller, Jochen Kantelhardt, Valérie Bossi Fedrigotti, Stefano Targetti, Davide Viaggi, Manuel Ariaza, Tufan Bal, F. Handan Giray, Kati Häfner, Çağla Örmeci Kart, Edward Majewski, Agata Malak-Rawlikowska, Dimitre Nikolov, Jean-Christophe Paoli, Annette Piorr, Fabrizio Ungaro, Peter Verburg, A.J. Villanueva, Boris van Zanten and Ingo Zasada
170358: Adoption of greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture: an analysis of dairy farmers’ preferences and adoption behaviour Downloads
Klaus Glenka, Vera Eorya, Sergio Colombo and Andrew Peter Barnes
170354: Economic Aspects of Family Farming in the European Context Downloads
Kenneth J. Thomson and Sophia Davidova
170351: Building farmers’ capacity for innovation generation: what are the determining factors? Downloads
Justice A. Tambo and Tobias Wünscher
170345: Do experimental protocols in Conjoint Analysis matter in non Hypothetical settings? Downloads
A. Yangui, Faical Akaichi, M. Costa-Font and J. M. Gil
170341: On the Nexus between Economic and Obesity Crisis in Spain: Parametric and Nonparametric Analysis of the Role of Economic Factors on Obesity Prevalence Downloads
Amr Radwan and José M. Gil
169763: Are commodity futures markets short-term efficient? An empirical investigation Downloads
Khelifa Mazouz and Jian Wang
Jens-Peter Loy, Thore Holm, Carsten Steinhagen and Thomas Glauben
169761: The response of land markets to flood protection and flood experience: a hedonic price modeling on the Gironde estuary (France) Downloads
Jeanne Dachary-Bernard, Tina Rambonilaza and Marie Lemarié-Boutry
Jason Loughrey, F. Thorne, A. Kinsella, T. Hennessy, J. McDonnell, O’Donoghue, C. and X. Vollenweider
169759: Livestock product trade and highly contagious animal diseases Downloads
Jarkko K. Niemi and Heikki Lehtonen
169758: Transaction costs and the delivery challenge of Rural Development: reflections from Malta’s experience Downloads
Janet Dwyer and John Powell
169750: Determinants of Change and Household Responses to Food Insecurity: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria Downloads
Hyacinth Onuorah Edeh and Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong
169749: Supermarket Promotions and Food Prices Downloads
Hao Lan, T. A. Lloyd and C. W. Morgan
169748: Demand for carbon-neutral food – evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment for milk and apple juice Downloads
Gunnar Breustedt
169747: Willingness to pay for Drought Tolerance (DT) in Maize in Communal Areas of Zimbabwe Downloads
Girma Kassie, Awudu Abdulai, John F. MacRobert, Tsedeke Abate, Bekele Shiferaw, Amsal Tarekegne and Debrah Maleni
169746: Consumer willingness to pay for genetically modified potatoes in Ireland: an experimental auction approach Downloads
F. Thorne, D. Loughran, S. Fox, E. Mullins and M. Wallace
169745: A comparison of innovation in the Scottish livestock sector: the case of genetic selection techniques Downloads
F. A. Borthwick, Andrew Peter Barnes and Chrysa Lamprinopoulou-Kranis
169742: Modelling the Impact of Market Imperfections on Farm Household Investment in Stand-Alone Solar PV Downloads
Yakubu Abdul-Salam and Euan Phimister
169740: The Sustainable Intensification of the Irish Dairy Sector Downloads
Emma Jane Dillon, Thia Hennessy, Cathal Buckley, Trevor Donnellan, Kevin Hanrahan, Brian Moran and Mary Ryan
169739: Should we internalize intertemporal production externalities in the case of pest resistance? Downloads
Elsa Martin
Doris Lapple and Thia Hennessy
169736: Price Dynamics in Agricultural Markets: Relationships between the U.S. and Mexico Downloads
David Magaña Lemus and David Bessler
169734: GHG abatement welfare cost curves for Norwegian agriculture Downloads
David Blandford, Ivar Gaasland and Erling Vårdal
169733: Was Ricardo Right? Downloads
David Maddison and Katrin Rehdanz
169732: An exploration of the factors influencing well-being of farm and non-farm households
Ana Miller, Claire G. Jack and Duncan J. Anderson
169730: Retail Pricing Patterns and Driving Factors of Price Variation Downloads
Chenguang Li and Richard Volpe
169728: Assessing the Environmental Impact of Liberalising Agricultural Trade – With Special Reference to EU-Mercosur Downloads
Brian Revell, John Saunders and Caroline Saunders
169726: Agricultural Commodity Price Shocks and their Effect on Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Tony Addison and Atanu Ghoshray
169724: Intensify, diversify, opt-out: testing farmer stated intentions to past and future CAP reform scenarios Downloads
Andrew Peter Barnes, Luiza Toma, Keith Mathews, Lee-Ann Sutherland and Steven Thomson
169713: Something to grouse about? The cost-effectiveness of biodiversity measures in Scotland Downloads
Alistair McVittie, Zoe Austin, Piran White, Andrew Moxey, Davy McCracken and Dominic Moran
169687: Capital structure and financing decisions of agricultural cooperatives: Spanish evidence Downloads
Alicia Mateos-Ronco and Natalia Lajara-Camilleri
169059: Climate Change Challenges for Agriculture Downloads
Franck Lecocq
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