96th Annual Conference, April 4-6, 2022, K U Leuven, Belgium
From Agricultural Economics Society - AES Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (aesearch@umn.edu). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 321234: Customisable or local? Consumers’ preferences and willingness for the characteristics of fruit and vegetable box schemes in Scotland

- Faical Akaichi and Luiza Toma
- 321233: Food package information and the success of processed potato products in The UK

- Montserrat Costa-Font and Cesar Revoredo-Giha
- 321232: Implications of increasing fruits and vegetable consumption in Scotland

- Wisdom Dogbe
- 321231: Water management in agriculture under growing water scarcity: Comparing policy options and listening to stakeholders across Europe, Israel and China
- Juliane Haensch, Holger Bergmann, Gianni Quaranta, Rosanna Salvia, Dingqiang Sun, Funing Zhong and Elke Plaas
- 321230: Urbanization and Structural Transformation in the British Cattle Industry

- K Aleks Schaefer
- 321229: A network analysis of research on African agricultural development

- Dieter von Fintel and Nick Vink
- 321228: Anomalous Weather, Prices and the ‘Missing Middle’

- Dan Bebber, Han Lin, Tim Lloyd, Steve McCorriston and Varun Varma
- 321227: Agro-ecology and agricultural transformation: conceptual analysis and theoretical considerations

- Amy Faye
- 321226: The Struggle to Intensify Cocoa Production in Ghana: Making a Living from the Forest in Western North

- Joseph A. Yaro, Joseph Kofi Teye and Steve Wiggins
- 321224: Culture and Agricultural Biodiversity Conservation

- Yanbing Wang, Sergei Schaub, David Wuepper and Robert Finger
- 321223: The impact of agricultural subsidies on environmental pollution in the European Union

- Jeremias Balogh
- 321222: The FSEC-SSPs: Shared Socio-economic Pathways for global agricultural production and their implications for on-farm management decisions

- Claudia Hunecke
- 321220: Stated Farmers’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Climate Resilient Potato Varieties in Kenya: A Discrete Choice Experiment

- Sally Mukami Kimathi, Oscar Ingasia Ayuya and Benjamin Mutai
- 321219: Post-Harvest Losses and Climate Conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Daniele Curzi, Paolo Nota and Salvatore Di Falco
- 321218: Markups, Taste and Quality

- Oliver Haase, Daniele Curzi, Valentina Raimondi, Alessandro Olper and Roberto Solazzo
- 321217: CO2 Emission and Trade Policy in Agricultural and Food products

- Valentina Raimondi, Daniele Curzi, Riccardo Lucarno and Alessandro Olper
- 321216: Client satisfaction and product understanding as drivers for insurance renewal – A case study in Mali

- Ella Kirchner and Oliver Musshoff
- 321214: Labor Elasticities, Market Failures, and Misallocation: Evidence from Indian Agriculture

- Joshua D. Merfeld
- 321213: Dynamics of food consumption during political instability: evidence from Kyrgyzstan

- Barchynai Kimsanova, Golib Sanaev and Thomas Herzfeld
- 321212: Animal Welfare, Altruism and Policy Support

- Doris Läpple and Osayanmon Osawe
- 321211: Understanding the Agricultural Land Leasing Market in Ireland: A Transaction Cost Approach

- Laura Onofri, Samuele Trestini, Fateh Mamine and Jason Loughrey
- 321210: Ready or not, here I come: Understanding English farmers perceptions of the changes in UK agricultural and environmental policy

- Iona Y. Huang, Karl Behrendt, Eleanor Parker, Nigel Hill, Amandeep Kaur Purewal, David Swales and Sarah Baker
- 321209: Organic markets: a safe haven from volatility

- Narjiss Araba
- 321208: Precipitation causes quality losses of economic relevance in wheat production
- Janic Bucheli, Margot Visse, Juan Herrera, Lilia Levy Häner, Jesse Tack and Robert Finger
- 321207: Can diet change meet climate targets?

- Alexander Jacobs and Tom Youngman
- 321206: New product development activity during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK

- Cesar Revoredo-Giha and Carlo Russo
- 321205: Have households’ livelihoods and food security rebounded from COVID-19 shocks in Nigeria? Results from a follow-up phone survey

- Bedru B. Balana, Motunrayo Oyeyemi, Adebayo Ogunniyi, Adetunji Fasoranti, Hyacinth Edeh and Kwaw Andam
- 321204: The effect of trade and customs digitalization on agrifood trade: A gravity approach

- André Bueno Rezende de Castro and Lukas Kornher
- 321203: Distance to destination and export price variation within agri-food firms

- Dela-Dem Fiankor
- 321202: How Economic Conditions Changed the Number of U.S. Farms, 1960-88: A Replication and Extension of Gale (1990) to Midsize Farms in the U.S. and Abroad

- Ana Claudia Sant'Anna and Ani Katchova
- 321201: Are German farmers ready for ‘warm restructuring’ of the pig sector?

- Insa Thiermann, Daniel Schroeer and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- 321200: Different shades of green? Differentiation of hill farming in North Wales, what will be the impact of the future Welsh Agricultural policy?

- Theo Lenormand, Janet Dwyer and Sophie Devienne
- 321199: Evaluating environmental effects of the adoption of automatic milking systems in Norway

- Elin Martinsson and Hugo Storm
- 321197: Climate change adaptation and productive efficiency of subsistence farming: A bias-corrected panel data stochastic frontier approach

- Fissha Asmare, Jūratė Jaraitė and Andrius Kazukauskas
- 321196: The (in)stability of farmers’ risk preferences

- Robert Finger, David Wüpper and Chloe McCallum
- 321195: Investigating inconsistencies in complex lotteries: The role of cognitive skills of low-numeracy subjects

- Selina Bruns, Daniel Hermann and Oliver Musshoff
- 321180: The economic impacts of grassland reseeding in Northern Ireland

- Elias Mulugeta and Alastair Greig
- 321179: Contract breaching in agricultural markets: An experiment on double moral hazard

- Diogo Souza Monteiro
- 321178: Using a Technology Acceptance Model to test factors influencing farmers’ intention to perform result-based contract solutions

- Theresa Eichhorn, Jochen Kantelhardt and Lena Luise Schaller
- 321177: Payments for environmental services with provision thresholds: farmers’ preferences for a conditional bonus

- Fanny Le Gloux, Pierre Dupraz, Alice Issanchou and Carole Ropars-Collet
- 321176: Analysis of Marginal Abatement Cost Curve for Ammonia Emissions: Addressing Farm-System Heterogeneity

- Oyinlola Rafiat Ogunpaimo, Cathal Buckley, Stephen Hynes and Stephen O'Neill
- 321175: Motivating Farmer Trainers. Experimental evidence from rural Uganda

- Olivia Bertelli and Fatou Fall
- 321174: Farmers’ behavioral drivers for adopting agroforestry practices – A study of Swedish agriculture using the theory of planned behavior

- Gaëlle Leduc and Helena Hansson
- 321173: Agroforestry Adoption in the Face of Regional Weather Extremes
- Christian Stetter and Johannes Sauer
- 321172: Can weather shocks give rise to a poverty trap? Evidence from Nigeria

- Giulia Malevolti
- 321171: Within Growing Season Weather Variability and Land Allocation Decisions: Evidence from Maize Farmers in Ethiopia

- Ahmed Ahmed, Wondimagegn Mesfin Tesfaye and Franziska Gassmann
- 321170: Impact of Membership of Dairy Participatory Extension Group on Farm Income: An Application of a Difference-in-Differences Coarsened Exact Matching Approach

- Adewale H. Adenuga, Claire Jack, Austen Ashfield and Michael Wallace
- 321169: Retailer Response to Price Gouging Litigation and Consumer Food Prices

- Daniel Scheitrum, K Aleks Schaefer and Tina Saitone
- 321168: Tariffs, Agricultural Subsidies, and the 2020 US Presidential Election

- Jaerim Choi and Sunghun Lim
- 321167: An assessment of analytical options for estimating regional impacts of UK trade agreements on agriculture

- Will Gobey
- 321166: Trends and persistence of farm-gate coffee prices around the world

- Atanu Ghoshray
- 321165: Cyclicality in the Prices of Tropical Crops

- Christopher L. Gilbert
- 321164: Economic and Social Drivers of Farm Succession in Ireland

- Mika W. Shin, Jason Loughrey, Emma Dillon and Cathal Geoghegan
- 321163: Farm innovation and technical efficiency of Dutch arable farms: An innovation index and DEA approach

- Annika Francesca Tensi, Frederic Ang and Ine van der Fels-Klerx
- 321162: Implications of the European Green Deal for agri-food trade with developing countries

- Alan Matthews
- 321161: Implications of Farm Size and Staple Production on Rural and Urban Food Security and Dietary Diversity

- Jessie Lin and Anubhab Gupta
- 321160: Smartphone farming in Ireland

- Emma J. Dillon and Brian Moran
- 321159: State-trading enterprises and productivity: Farm-level evidence from Canadian agriculture

- Ryan Cardwell and Pascal Ghazalian
- 321158: Agribusinesses under siege: Firm-level innovation and productivity in adverse economic environments

- Gabriel Rosero, José Salguero and Bernhard Brümmer
- 321157: Does farmland market regulation generate utility? Discussing arguments and actors within the German land transaction law

- Luise Meissner and Oliver Musshoff
- 321156: Saving on the Phone - Evidence from Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers

- Annkathrin Possner, Gabriel Rosero and Oliver Musshoff
- 321155: The role of savings and credit to cope with shocks in Malawi. Considerations for nutrition

- Shannon McLaughlin, Martina Bozzola and Anna Nugent
- 321154: Socio-spatial information sources influencing farmers’ decision to use mechanical weeding in sugar beets

- Anna Massfeller and Hugo Storm
- 320739: The role of ICT adoption in promoting livelihoods in Eastern Africa: Evidence from Uganda

- Krishnan Subramanian, Martina Bozzola and Anne Nugent
- 320734: Comparative analysis of revenue and land prices between organic and conventional farming

- Emilien Veron