97th Annual Conference, March 27-29, 2023, Warwick University, Coventry, UK
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- 334573: Hydroeconomic Modelling for Irrigated Agriculture Water Use in the Riviersonderend-Berg River Basin, South Africa

- Ifedotun Aina, Djiby Racine Thiam and Ariel Dinar
- 334572: Spatially Coordinated Conservation Auctions: A Framed Field Experiment Focusing on Farmland Wildlife Conservation in China

- Zhaoyang Liu, Simanti Banerjee, Timothy Cason, Nick Hanley, Qi Liu, Jintao Xu and Andreas Kontoleon
- 334571: Towards Sustainable E-Grocery Delivery: Investigating Consumer's Preferences In An Italian Region

- Francesca Di Stradis, Francesco Pilati and Alessandro Rossi
- 334570: Quantifying farmers' preferences for antimicrobial use for livestock diseases in northern Tanzania

- Mary Nthambi, Tiziana Lembo, Alicia Davis, Fortunata Nasuwa, Blandina Theophil Mmbaga, Louise Matthews and Nick Hanley
- 334569: Improving the living and working conditions of migrant seasonal workers - Assessing consumer preferences for hypothetical, domestic, fair trade apples

- Insa Thiermann and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- 334568: How can the design of Decision Support Tools for different agricultural stakeholders be improved?

- Dimitrios Iakovidis, Yiorgos Gadanakis, Julian Park and Jorge Campos Gonzalez
- 334566: Sustainable livestock intensification and well-being in rural Brazil

- Jacqueline Tereza da Silva, Dominic Moran, Luis Gustavo Barioni and Rafael de Oliveira
- 334565: Identification of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) Knowledge Gaps in the Integration of Nutrition into Training by Agricultural Extension Advisory Services (EAS) Providers in India

- Shirisha Junuthula, Veenita Kumari and Chittur Srinivasan
- 334564: Examining the Relationship Between Women, Minority Farmers, and Diversity in the Leadership of Farm Credit Institutions

- Ana Claudia Sant'Anna
- 334563: Cost Benefit Analysis of a Catchment Management Scheme using the Avoided Cost Method

- Catherine A. Glass and Diane E. Burgess
- 334562: Does flexibility of biofuel mandates have the ability to mitigate price spikes? Modelling potential biofuel production reductions in the context of the recent invasion of Ukraine

- Richard Dyer and Grant Davies
- 334561: Development and application of a whole farm bio-economic model for Northern Ireland dairy systems

- A. Ashfield, C.J. Jack and M. Wallace
- 334560: Rurality Forcing the Lights On: Is This Worth It?

- Toyin B. Ajibade, Ezekiel T. Ajibade, Abdulazeez Muhammad-Lawal and Waliyat Oloyede
- 334559: Trade-offs between international migration and agricultural commercialization: evidence frrom Kyrgyzstan

- Barchynai Kimsanova, Golib Sanaev and Thomas Herzfeld
- 334558: Technical Efficiency in Organic and Conventional Wheat Farms: Evidence from a Primary Survey from Two Districts of Ganga River Basin, India

- S.P. Singh, Priya Sajwan and Komal Sajwan
- 334557: German farmers' perceived usefulness of satellite-based index insurance - Insights from a transtheoretical model

- Eike Florenz Nordmeyer
- 334556: Network resilience and risk attitudes: Evidence from Vietnamese Vegetable Farming

- Tuan Luong
- 334555: Assessing the (a)symmetric effect of global climate anomalies on food prices: Evidence from local prices

- Lotanna Ernest Emediegwu
- 334554: Adoption and impact assessment of improved groundnut varieties on poverty using DNA-Fingerprinting data: Evidence frrom smallholder rural farmers in Northern Nigeria

- Geoffrey Muricho, Jourdain Lokossou, Collins Odhiambo and Chris Ojiewo
- 334553: Adoption of Multiple Soil Fertility Management Practices and Its Impact on Farm Performance in Rural China

- Shijia Kang
- 334552: Estimation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agriultural soil management at higher resolution and implications for defining the cost of carbon at farm level

- Carlos Alberto Francisco-Cruz, Cathal Buckley, James Breen and Gary Lanigan
- 334551: Gendered Effects of Crop Diversification and Climate Shocks on Household Food Security Status in Nigeria

- Khadijat Amolegbe, Eugenie Rose Fontep, Bernadin Géraud Comlan Ahodode, Emmanuelle Dorcas Mbanga Pagal and Araar Ardelkrim
- 334550: The Impact of Chinese Rice Support Policies on Rice Acreages

- Yan Jin, Cornelis Gardebroek and Nico Heerink
- 334549: The Effects of Rising Prices on Corn Production in Western African Countries

- Marco Rogna
- 334548: Modelling the economic performance of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) at the farm level

- Jorge Campos-González, Yiorgos Gadanakis, Mattia Mancini and Ian Bateman
- 334547: A typology of Malian farmers and their credit repayment performance - An unsupervised machine learning approach

- Tim Ölkers, Shuang Liu and Oliver Musshoff
- 334546: Better together? The effect of VietGAP and PGS certification on farmers' welfare in Vietnam

- Laura Enthoven
- 334545: Improving the ecological and economic performance of agri-environment schemes: Payment by modelled results versus payment for actions

- Katherine Simpson, Paul Armsworth, Martin Dallimer, Mary Nthambi, Frans de Vries and Nick Hanley
- 334544: Assessing the performance of agglomeration bonus in budget-constrained conservation auctions

- Chi Nguyen and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- 334543: Ostrom Meets the Pandemic: Lessons from Asian Rice Farming Traditions

- Jaerim Choi and Sunghun Lim
- 334542: Economic Effects of Organic Farming in Taiwan: Empirical Evidence from Population-Based Farm Household Data

- Yun-Cih Chang, Yir-Hueih Luh and Ming-Feng Hsieh
- 334541: Farm-Level Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Marginal Abatement Cost Curve Emissions: Understanding the Implications of Interactions and Heterogeneity

- Oyinlola Rafiat Ogunpaimo, Cathal Buckley, Stephen Hynes and Stephen O'Neill
- 334540: Heterogeneity in the effect of GHG mitigation strategies on Irish dairy farms

- Lorraine Balaine, Cathal Buckley, James Breen and Dominika Krol
- 334539: Farmers' Motivations When Adopting Low-Emission Technology

- Chathuranga Daulagala, James Breen, Cathal Buckley and Dominika Krol
- 334538: Macro and oil price shocks on Chinese renewable energy transition

- Guimin Yao
- 334537: Spring frost and drought risk for perennial crops under changing climate conditions

- Anna Schmid and Esther Bravine
- 334536: Consumer demand for potatoes in Scotland during COVID-19 pandemic

- Max Leslie and Cesar Revoredo-Giha
- 334535: Modelling risk and constraints among smallholder farmers in North-East region of Nigeria

- Emmanuel Peter
- 334534: Factors Influencing Adoption of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices Among Maize Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria

- Oluwakemi Oduntan, Adekemi Adebisola Obisesan and Taofeeq Ayodeji Ayo-Bello
- 334533: Empirical Analysis of the Lumber/Wood Products Industry and Forestry in Japan

- Katsushi Mizuno
- 334532: Farmer Willingness to Adopt Mitigation Measures for Water Quality Improvements

- Michele McCormack
- 334531: The Stable Farm Income Distribution in Ireland

- Jason Loughrey
- 334530: Assessing The "Heat Or Eat" Dilemma Across The Non-Linked Outer Isles of Orkney, UK

- Kieran Fowler
- 334529: An resilience analysis of the contraction of the accommodation and food service on the Scottish food industry

- Wisdom Dogbe
- 334528: The Cause and Effect of the Nutrition Transition in Nigeria: Analysis of the Value of Indigenous Knowledge & Traditional Foods in Enugu State, Igboland
- Ellington Chukwu and Wisdom Dogbe
- 334527: Could Foods High in Fat, Sugar and Salt (HFSS) Taxes Improve Climate Health and Nutrition in Scotland?

- Amarachi Nneli, Wisdom Dogbe and Cesar Revoredo-Giha
- 334526: Assessing options for estimating carbon offshoring impacts of UK trade agreements in agriculture

- Will Gobey, George O'Reilly, Marco Franzoi and Francesco Giacomini
- 334525: The impact of the Ukraine conflict on world grains prices

- Christopher L. Gilbert
- 334524: Exploring the drivers of Sustainable Innovation in wine cooperatives: a case-studies analysis

- Anna Uliano, Giuseppe Marotta, Marcello Stanco and Concetta Nazzaro
- 334523: Spatial analysis of influence of urban agriculture on food insecurity and stunting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

- Diogo M. Souza Monteiro, Alexandra Neill, Elisa Lopez-Capel, Catur Sugiyanto, Lilik Sutiarso, Dhiwagaran Thangavelu and Jens Jansen
- 334522: Resource Efficiency Estimation and Digital Recommendation: Sustainable Pathway to Improve Paddy Farmers' Productivity

- Piyush Kumar Singh, Shiladitya Dey and Anirban Pal
- 334521: A Bio-Economic Model of producing silage as a feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion in Ireland

- Maurice J. Deasy and Fiona Thorne
- 334520: CAP reform and GHG emissions: policy assessment using a PMP agent-based model

- Lisa Baldi, Filippo Arfini, Sara Calzolai and Michele Donati
- 334519: A Review of Economic Assessments of Drought Risk Reduction Approaches in Agriculture

- Sam Vermeulen, Jan Cools, Jan Staes and Steven Van Passel
- 334518: Assessing the prospects of the Sustainable Farming Scheme in Wales, fit for success or of limited relevance?

- Théo Lenormand, Dwyer Janet and Sophie Devienne
- 334517: The impact of the US dollar on international agricultural prices

- Grant Davies
- 334516: Policy support for organic farming in the European Union - past achievements and future challenges

- Nicolas Lampkin
- 334515: A comparison of animal and plant-based proteins from an economic, environmental, and nutritional perspective in the Republic of Ireland
- Marie Merlo, Thia Hennessy, Cathal Buckley and James O'Mahony
- 334514: Farmers' perceptions and perspectives in regard to agricultural policy making in Switzerland

- Martina Spörri
- 334513: Payments for agri-environmental schemes and green productivity in Germany: An impact assessment analysis

- Amer Ait Sidhoum, Philipp Mennig and Fabian Frick
- 334512: An empirical analysis of the purchases of soft fruit in Scotland

- Cesar Revoredo-Giha and Wisdom Dogbe
- 334511: The impact of perceived COVID-19 risks, food waste generation and food purchase control on the food security status during the pandemic

- Montserrat Costa-Font and Martina Asquini
- 334510: Potential Impact of Brexit on Fruits and Vegetables Purchases in Scotland

- Wisdom Dogbe
- 334509: The impact of UK food and bioenergy imports on global land use under future socioeconomic scenarios (UK-SSPs)

- Bart Arendarczyk, Peter Alexander, Calum Brown and Mark Rounsevell
- 334508: Farmers’ preferences over alternative AECS designs. Do the ecological conditions influence the willingness to accept result-based contracts?

- Carolin Canessa, Terese Venus, Miriam Wiesmeier, Philipp Mennig and Johannes Sauer
- 334507: Policies to reduce GHG emissions from agriculture, their implications for agricultural activity levels and land use decisions in Ireland

- Zohreh Rafiee, James Breen and Kevin Kilcline
- 334335: Does land tenure security reduce deforestation? Evidence for the Brazilian Amazon

- João Paulo Mastrangelo and Alexandre Gori Maia